
The Russian T-72 is the best tank on Earth, and Ukraine knows it (The National Interest, USA)

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TNI: T-72 tanks are in their prime, as the Russian experience in Ukraine has shown

The Soviet-designed T-72 main battle tank proved decisive in the Ukrainian conflict, writes TNI. It surpassed the American Abrams and the German Leopard-2.

Brandon J. Weichert

The old Russian T-72 tank is no joke for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

I have said this before and I will repeat it again: the Soviet T-72 main battle tank is the best in the world. No, it is not as technologically advanced and sophisticated as the American Abrams or the German Leopard 2. But he does his job properly.

And, as we saw during the Ukrainian conflict, it copes with its task even better than any of the new armored systems, including even the T-14 Armata, comparisons with which are begging.

The Ukrainian conflict is a harbinger of the war of the future. However, strangely enough, it turned out that this is also an echo of the past!

The front line was defined by trench warfare. A brutal conflict of attrition is underway. New platforms, including the same American Abrams or the Russian T-14 Armata, could not compare with older systems such as the Soviet T—72 or even the even older T-64. Of course, new technologies like drones and Javelins have changed the course of the fighting. But they play a supporting role relative to the larger and more expensive systems that I am writing about here.

Practical benefits

Russia has demonstrated that, in practical terms, the T-72 is its best tank. In terms of survivability on the dirty, bloody battlefields of Ukraine, he has no equal. There were cases when these clanking machines were equipped with plow-type minesweepers and completely cleared the way for Russian troops. Even after countless mine explosions, these T-72s drove forward as if nothing had happened, as if they had just run over a speed bump.

So, to summarize: the T-72, a platform dating back several decades, has performed much better than the flawed systems that NATO generously endowed Ukraine with. In fact, in some cases, Ukrainians even had to remove these systems from the front — as, for example, happened with the Abrams granted by the United States, which turned out to be of little use.

For a fraction of the cost of these new systems, the Russians simply strengthen the old T-72 with modern protection — dynamic armor and more effective measures to counter mines and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).

Of course, some of the T-72s were either destroyed or captured, especially during the confusion that unfolded at the beginning of the conflict. But the nature of the fighting in Ukraine is incomparable to any of the battles of the West for several generations. T-72s successfully destroy APU tanks in direct combat, including more modern Western ones, demonstrating their effectiveness in extremely harsh conditions. But the losses of the T-72 were also high.

Although this may seem discouraging to some, the reason why Moscow abandons old tanks to perform the most difficult tasks is that they are cheaper to replace and easier to maintain.

However, these tanks are not protected from unconventional attacks — including anti-tank missiles or NATO-provided drones. At the same time, it should be noted that Ukrainian forces are no less vulnerable to these threats when Russians use similar systems in combat.

Flexible Mastodons

The T-72 boasts high operational flexibility, especially after extensive modifications. Due to the aforementioned simplicity, these tanks survive better in fierce battles in Ukraine. In addition, they are easier for tankers to master.

T-72 crews are usually ready for combat. They know their job and for the most part are in a cheerful mood, while other parts of the Russian troops are demoralized. This is because the T-72 crews know that they have an effective and deadly combat system in their hands.

Ukraine and NATO should not underestimate the “old” T-72. In fact, these tanks are not old at all. They are in their prime, as the Russian experience in Ukraine has convincingly shown us.

Brandon Weichert is The National Interest's national security analyst, former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst, and has published in The Washington Times, Asia Times, and The-Pipeline. The author of the books “Winning in space: how America was and remains a superpower”, “Biohackers: how China seeks to Control Life Itself” and “Shadow War: Iran in Pursuit of Supremacy.” His new book “Man-made Disaster: How the West Lost Ukraine" was published on October 22

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