
The Manul BMP, created taking into account its own, will become a very dangerous "beast"


The new Russian infantry fighting vehicle "Manul", depending on the combat missions performed, can receive various combat modules.

Image source: Photo: Bulletin of Mordovia, PJSC Kurganmashzavod / vk.com/paokmz

So, at the Army-2022 forum, a version with an uninhabited TKB-947 combat module was demonstrated. He is armed with a 30 mm cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun and four Kornet ATGM missiles.

There were also reports that the Epoch combat module with a 57-mm cannon and two types of guided missiles may be tested on the BMP.

Image source: Photo: Bulletin of Mordovia, PJSC Kurganmashzavod / vk.com/paokmz

There is another variant of combat equipment - the AU220M Baikal module with another 57 mm cannon and a 7.62mm machine gun.

The three listed options have their advantages, but they have one thing in common - isolation of ammunition from the crew and paratroopers, which increases survivability. Unlike the BMP-3, on the basis of which the Manul is created, the engine and transmission compartment is located in front, and the hatch for entry and exit is at the rear.

Image source: Photo: Bulletin of Mordovia, PJSC Kurganmashzavod / vk.com/paokmz

A new multi-fuel engine UTD-32 with increased power is installed on the novelty. The maximum speed on the highway is 70 km/h, on a country road - 55 km/h. The crew consists of 3 people. The landing party consists of 8 people.

It is expected that in addition to the IFV, the new platform will serve as the basis for other models of military equipment.

Lev Romanov

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Comments [2]
25.09.2024 21:46
Цитата, q
У трех перечисленных вариантов есть свои преимущества, но объединяет их одно -

отсутствие этих новых БМП  на линии боевого соприкосновения, где в течении 2-3 месяцев активной эксплуатации можно было бы получить ответы на большинство стоящих сейчас перед конструкторами вопросов...
02.10.2024 09:11
Объединяет их одно, нет хотя бы одной опытной партии объектов. А то что почему это мы видим  только на "Армиях" ,а не на ЛБС уже вызывает не только вопросы,но и начинает негативно сказываться на мнении людей.
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