
Norwegian warships intend to join the British Navy in the Indo-Pacific region

Sections: Sea, Global safety

Image source: topwar.ru

In 2025, the British carrier strike group will be sent to the shores of Japan and other areas of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Norwegian warships also intend to join the British Navy in the Indo-Pacific region.

This was announced by British Defense Minister John Healy during a meeting in London with his Norwegian counterpart Bjorn Arild Gram.

The Norwegian Defense Minister said during the conversation that the deployment of the fleets would be an "exciting demonstration of the strength of partnership" between the two countries.

Image source: topwar.ru

Two ships of the Norwegian Navy, including one frigate, will join the British Royal Navy during its deployment in the Pacific Ocean. This squadron will be led by the British aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales.

During their deployment, the navies of the two countries will maintain cooperation with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and other regional partners. The carrier strike group will head to the Indo-Pacific region for seven months.

London calls Norway a key ally of Britain in NATO.

At the end of last year, it was announced that these two states would lead a coalition to support the Kiev regime on the Black Sea. In particular, as part of this project, London promised to transfer two of its warships to Kiev. The release, compiled on the occasion of the creation of the coalition, mentioned the fact that Britain and Norway have already jointly trained several hundred Ukrainian marines.

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