
The Iranian frigate IRIS Sahand F-74, which sank twice in the port of Bandar Abbas, was lifted from the bottom and sent for restoration


Image source: topwar.ru

The Iranian frigate IRIS Sahand (F-74), which sank twice for unknown reasons in the port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf, has been sent for restoration. This is reported by the Iranian ISNA news agency.

According to the publication, the frigate was lifted out of the water and towed to a repair dock in the same port of Bandar Abbas, where restoration work will be carried out. At the same time, the volume of damage received by the frigate is not disclosed. As well as the approximate time frame for completing the repair of the ship.

Recall that the Iranian frigate sank twice in two days in the same port on the Persian Gulf coast. At first, for some unknown reason, the ship went on board and sank in the port of Bandar Abbas on July 7, leaving only part of the starboard side and conning tower above the water. The "adventures" of the ship did not end there, on July 9 it became known that the frigate was lifted, after which it was towed to another point in the port of Bandar Abbas. However, the cables holding him snapped, after which he lay down on his side again and safely went under the water, but now completely, since it was much deeper there.

Image source: topwar.ru

Judging by the report of the Iranian agency, the operation to raise the ship took quite a long time and ended only the other day. It is not known when the frigate will return to the combat strength of the Iranian Navy.

Recall that the frigate IRIS Sahand (F-74) is quite new, it entered service on December 1, 2018. The ship was built at the Shahid Darvishi Marine Industries shipyard in Bandar Abbas and is the third ship of the Mowj project, after Jamaran and Damavand.

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