
The Ukrainian experience did not teach: the Italian army ordered a new batch of Centauro II wheeled tanks


Image source: topwar.ru

Centauro II

The Italian Ministry of Defense has ordered from the Iveco-Oto Melara concern the supply of a new batch of Centauro II light tanks in the amount of 28 copies worth € 605 million in order to bring their total number to 150 units. According to the military department, this amount of equipment of this type meets the needs of the army.

The Centauro II 8x8 wheeled tank is an upgraded version of the Centauro I anti-tank vehicle. The new modification was first introduced in 2016. It received digital communication systems, a more powerful 720 hp Iveco Vector 8V Euro III engine, improved undercarriage (different wheel arrangement, modified chassis), providing greater stability when firing, and increased protection from mines.

The main armament of the Centauro II is a 120/45 mm cannon with the possibility of replacing it with a 105/52 mm cannon. Additionally, it is possible to install machine guns and grenade launchers. The crew consists of three people (commander, gunner, loader). Optoelectronic equipment includes a commander's panoramic sight, a gunner's sight and backup means for action in adverse conditions.

The Centauro II armor can withstand 12.7 mm bullets, 20 mm in the frontal part, and 40 mm with additional protection. That is, in fact, according to this indicator, Italian equipment is on par with the French AMX-10RC armored vehicle, which performed extremely poorly on the Ukrainian front.

Image source: topwar.ru


The AFU units equipped with the AMX-10RC tried to use it as a battle tank. The results were disastrous. His armor barely allows him to withstand the fire of light weapons and heavy machine guns. The smallest 25 or 30 mm cannon is enough to penetrate the AMX-10RC

- it says in the French edition of Meta-defense.

The concept of using the Centauro II is identical to the AMX-10RC: to act as a scout, carry out raids, and, if necessary, fight enemy armored vehicles, including tanks. Thus, both vehicles must be at the forefront, that is, they must constantly be under threat of shelling by mines, artillery, ATGM and other means of destruction.

As the experience of using the AMX-10RC has shown, he has nothing to do on the near edge of the front. After the disastrous debut during last year's AFU counteroffensive, this machine is practically not found on the battlefield. The other day, footage was posted online showing the AMX-10RC being used by the APU as a means of artillery support, firing from closed positions.

In this regard, the purchase by the Italian army of a new batch of Centauro II looks incomprehensible. It seems that the experience of the Ukrainian conflict has not taught the local command anything new.

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Comments [1]
01.07.2024 18:08
Украинский опыт так и не научил: итальянская армия заказала новую партию колесных танков Centauro II
А что там с лёгкими российскими танками "Спрут-СДМ1"?

Украинский опыт не научил, что защита слишком уж хилая и можно использовать такую технику по сути лишь как САУ, то есть для стрельбы с закрытых позиций? Тогда логичней производить только "Лотосы"
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