
Small with forces: what the new high-speed armored boats are capable of

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости/Александр Подгорчук

"Raptor 2.0" and "Katran-hunter" are designed taking into account the experience of their

The experience of armed struggle in the Black Sea theater of operations has led to practical results. St. Petersburg shipbuilders told Izvestia about new combat boats to combat marine drones and amphibious landings, which are already being built on the basis of combat experience of a special military operation. Experts suggest that the new boats will be sent to the Dnieper flotilla.

Ready for mass production

The modernization of the surface forces of the Russian Navy, taking into account the experience of a special operation, was recently announced by the commander-in-chief of the Navy, Admiral Alexander Moiseev. According to him, "today it is not necessary to talk about new types of ships. The issue of introducing new technologies into existing projects." First of all, today the Navy is interested in new ships designed for operations in the near sea zone and on large rivers.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Konstantin Mikhalchevsky

Image source: iz.ru

The trend towards upgrading existing types of ships, taking into account the experience of SVO Izvestia, was confirmed by Yuri Danekin, head of the design department of the St. Petersburg shipbuilding plant Pella.

― We are now presenting two new projects, taking into account the experience of our military, taking into account direct communication with operators, with those who solve combat tasks on them. Their wishes and our experience and knowledge allowed us to implement two projects ― Raptor 2.0 and Katran-Hunter.

According to the designer, the Raptor 2.0 project has increased engine power, increased hull length, and changed the weapons system. During the modernization, special attention was paid to import substitution, production is now fully localized at domestic enterprises.

Instead of the Kord combat module, the Narwhal 12.7 mm caliber module is installed with increased range, accuracy and accuracy of fire. While maintaining a maximum speed of 50 knots, the cruising range increased to 400 miles, and the landing capacity increased to 20 people.

In addition, at the request of the customer, the new Raptor, in addition to the standard combat module, can be equipped with a multi-caliber rocket launcher. We are talking about a combat module in a container design for performing various fire missions. That is, it is possible to install containers with guided missile weapons or containers with a multiple launch rocket system on board. If necessary, Raptor 2.0 can be equipped with a vertical takeoff and landing spotter UAV.

Guided combat module of the BM Narwhal

Image source: Photo: TASS/Karpov Ladislav

― To date, Raptor 2.0 is fully ready for mass production, we are waiting for the customer's decision on the number of units, ― said Yuri Danekin.

The basis of river fleets

Another development of the Pella will allow the river flotillas, which are currently being formed as part of the Russian Navy, to be saturated with powerful combat units. The Katran Hunter is designed based on the Raptor hull, but completely redesigned inside. The boat has a cabin for 10 people, a cabin for crew rest, a latrine and a place for eating, the quality of the crew's habitability has been improved.

― It will carry a 30-millimeter AK-306 artillery installation and a complex of attack UAVs. His task is to protect the near sea zone, combat unmanned boats, and support the disembarkation of personnel from the amphibious Raptors. The first boat is already under construction, at the end of this year we expect to start its sea trials, ― said Yuri Danekin.

Jet propulsion and a draft of one meter allows the Katran Hunter to operate not only in the open sea, but also in river waters. Yuri Danekin stressed that the artillery installation of the new combat boat allows firing not only at sea and land, but also at air targets.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Alexander Polegenko

Image source: iz.ru

Like Raptor 2.0, the Katran strike in the basic version is equipped with an Octopus passive jamming system and a new electronic warfare system, the characteristics of which have not been disclosed to date. According to the designer, these complexes will allow the new boats to successfully withstand fire damage from enemy aerial drones.

Suitable for the Dnieper

— Small speedboats can be used. A special military operation is continuing, and fighting is taking place in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, which is still controlled by the Kiev regime," military expert Dmitry Boltenkov told Izvestia. — Sooner or later it will be necessary to force the Dnieper, and possibly liberate Odessa. Apparently, both the Raptor 2.0 and the Katran strike will be ordered for these actions.

"Raptor 2.0"

Image Source: Photo: Sudostroenie.info

The expert added that such boats will be needed both for operations on the Dnieper and for operations in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, and they are likely to go to the Dnieper flotilla.

— Future formations need such boats, for example, the Dnieper Flotilla. And in fleets, for example in the Baltic, they are not needed, there will be no suitable tasks for them there," a high—ranking Navy veteran told Izvestia. He also noted that the industry now needs to focus on countering unmanned systems.

The creation of the Dnieper River flotilla was announced on March 20 by the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu. In addition, an army corps, a motorized rifle division and a riverboat brigade will also be formed.

Active hostilities on the Dnieper began in the summer of 2023, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched their failed counteroffensive. In the Kherson direction, militants on motorboats and boats crossed to the Russian coast in an attempt to seize and hold a bridgehead. In the village of Krynki, Kherson region, they managed to do this. The militants suffered huge losses from the fire of Russian troops and from Russian attack drones, nevertheless they regularly transferred reinforcements there. On February 20 of this year, the head of the Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, reported to the president that the village was under full control of Russian troops.

Andrey Krasnobaev

Roman Kretsul

Vladimir Matveev

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Comments [2]
28.06.2024 01:41
Надолго ли АК-306 будет использоваться?
29.06.2024 03:19
Прикрыть все проекты  катеров пользу КВП "Минога" для перехода на любой флот, включая ТОФ зимой.
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