
Footage of tunnel warfare exercises using special MTGR drones is shown


Image source: topwar.ru

The other day, the US military conducted a tunnel warfare exercise in Tifnit, Morocco, as part of the African Lion 2024 maneuvers. Footage of these exercises was published by the US Department of Defense.

Tunnel warfare involves the use of underground passages for military operations, both offensive and defensive. This includes the creation of underground structures and communications or the use of existing ones, including natural ones, for attack or defense. Tunnels can be used to undermine fortifications, conduct surprise attacks, organize ambushes, covert troop movements and other tactical actions.

So, during the battle for Avdiivka, Russian fighters cleared a sewer pipe and used it as a way to penetrate the enemy's rear. This successful operation became one of the key moments of the battle for the powerful fortified area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which ended with the victory of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

However, tunnels are most used in the Middle East, for example, during the Syrian war by all parties to the conflict or by Hamas in its confrontation with the Israeli army.

When conducting tunnel warfare, the United States began to rely on MTGR drones specialized for it – a "micro-tactical ground robot", the footage of which was shown by the Pentagon.

Image source: topwar.ru

The MTGR produced in Israel has a length of 45.5 cm, a width of 36.8 cm and a height of 14.5 cm. The weight is 7.3-8.6 kg depending on the chassis, the maximum payload is 10 kg. The drone can operate in the temperature range from -20 to +60 °C. The drone can climb ladders at an angle of 45° and a height of 20 cm. The maximum height of the obstacles to be overcome is 35 cm. The working time is 2-4 hours (with a double set of batteries).

Eight x10 cameras and night vision mode view the surrounding environment at 360°.

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