
Unmanned evolution: which drones are being tested in battles in Ukraine

Image source: Фото: Global Look Press/Ashley Chan

The new devices can carry a variety of weapons systems

Drones are evolving. Disposable FPV drones are being replaced by devices that, like airplanes and helicopters, can carry various weapons systems. And Ukraine is becoming a testing ground for many global manufacturers of such high-tech products. About foreign drones — carriers of weapons systems on the battlefield, which are already used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine or are planned for "combat tests" in Ukraine, — in the Izvestia material.

The famous "Baba Yaga"

The most famous Ukrainian helicopter—type reusable drone is the heavy hexacopter Baba Yaga. This common name hides several similar models of heavy agricultural drones with six propellers with a sufficiently large payload capacity. They have a relatively long range and a satellite navigation system. They can move both under operator control and autonomously along a programmed route — this flight mode of the Baba Yaga makes jamming useless. But when used in combat with the dumping of specially prepared ammunition — small bombs — such a drone needs operator control.

A Russian soldier carries a captured Ukrainian drone

Image source: Photo: AP/Russian Defense Ministry Press Service

The heavy Baba Yaga can carry more than 20 kg of load. This is not a high-speed and very large drone, which in principle can be shot down with automatic weapons, but this is not always possible. Drones of this type can also be used in the dark due to the powerful LED backlight. The duration of the strike vehicle's flight is at least 20 minutes, which makes it possible to strike at the front edge of opposing units or fire at positions within a radius of several kilometers.

For Baba Yaga, in artisanal and not only conditions, ammunition based on VOG grenades for under-barrel grenade launchers is created, and bombs based on 82 mm mortars are also produced. The unusual situation with such drones is that they are available today for Ukraine on the world market, and they can be modified into combat vehicles for dropping ammunition, conditionally, in garage workshops. In general, this is quite a dangerous and relatively inexpensive drone bomber, which, in principle, can be fought if you have the appropriate skills to shoot at moving objects and detect it in advance.

An unmanned startup

Unlike the Baba Yaga converted for military use, there are completely different drones that were originally created as a weapons system and, apparently, it is in Ukraine that they will be tested in combat. We are talking about the family of American drones of the startup Feloni — Felon 1.0 and Felon X.

Photo: defence-industry.eu

Image source: iz.ru

These are two similar and relatively powerful quadrocopters, which for some reason failed to pass a full-fledged test program in their homeland, but which found a place in Ukraine. The Felon 1.0 has a replaceable armament module, which by default is represented by a 5.56 mm automatic rifle with a magazine with cartridges. The machine has several degrees of freedom, and, of course, the drone itself can change its position in space in any way.

The second, Felon X, carries a Spike anti-tank missile with laser guidance, which in its combat effectiveness is similar to missiles used by Bayraktar-type drones and is comparable in impact to the guided FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile. The mass of the warhead of the Felon X 450 g missile is perhaps a little bit for hitting a well—armored tank, but they can confidently hit lightly armored vehicles, and they can also create certain problems for tanks.

Both variants of the drone are based on a quadcopter with a relatively long flight duration (up to 42 minutes), which is equipped with a satellite navigation system combined with the ability to control the operator. The range of application is up to 20 km, it is at this distance that communication with the device is provided.

The drone is equipped with several types of video cameras, including an infrared camera, which allows you to monitor day and night, identify live or heated objects, and provide targeted fire. The device also carries a laser rangefinder, which can illuminate the target for a guided missile of the second Felon X variant. The dimensions are 56x65 cm, i.e. it is a fairly large device. Powerful engines allow it to maintain stability in wind speeds of up to 27 m/s.

Photo: Global Look Press/Mykhaylo Palinchak

Image source: iz.ru

Of course, the main feature of drones of this type is the multiplicity and versatility of their use. The organization of flying fire support directly from the trench with the control of an advanced infantry unit looks like a fairly promising method of conducting combat operations. Armed with automatic small arms, the vehicles can carry out reconnaissance or security missions to defend the perimeter. They can help infantry in conditions of multi-level urban combat. Again, the developer company declares the "smart" automated interaction of several such drones, which will allow joint operations by a group of drones.

Of course, there is no "miracle weapon" and some of the claimed amazing functions may turn out to be completely unclaimed features for booklets and exhibitions after verification in real conditions. But the fact remains that technological progress in the field of drones is developing rapidly, and it is likely that soon we will see even more exotic and bizarre products on the battlefield. It is unlikely that they will change anything for the APU.

Dmitry Kornev

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