
New weapons, Ukrainian drones and a victory condition. Putin met with his commanders

Image source: © Рамиль Ситдиков/ POOL/ ТАСС

Russia is capable of setting up production of ground-based robotic complexes for their use during combat operations, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with military personnel held after the inauguration ceremony of the head of state on May 7. According to the president, the country already has its own developments of such platforms.

Putin also spoke about the use of FPV drones on the battlefield, noted the high speed of development of modern weapons and called the heroism of people one of the key conditions for Russia's victory.

TASS has compiled the main statements of the president.

About the goals of the West and the development of weapons

  • The goal of Western countries is to make sure that "Russia in its current form no longer exists." "Apparently, they believe that in the system of confrontation that they create for themselves, Russia should be a weak point, a weak link. I'm sure they've found out that this is far from the case."
  • Modern weapons are changing at a very high rate. To be more successful than the enemy, you need to go "one step ahead in high technology." To do this, Russian designers, scientists and engineers "work day and night."
  • Russia has learned to solve military tasks "with small means, but with great effect." "This concerns reconnaissance, this concerns shock weapons, this concerns many other tasks, there are a lot of them: both in the rear they can be solved with the help of drones, and on the line of contact."

About solving military tasks

  • Russia can set up production of ground-based robotic systems. "If we create air, water, and underwater vehicles of this kind, and at the level of the highest modern achievements and technologies, we will do it, we will definitely do it."
  • When creating these platforms, Russia can use both its own and foreign developments. "Until recently, we adapted similar devices and developed them ourselves, so we have the best practices. We will take what to hide, what we see on the international market."
  • For more than a year, the Russian military has been using FPV drones on the battlefield. Their use "often negates all attempts by the enemy to actively act on one or another sector of the front." It is necessary to consider the introduction of an "aviamatka" - an airplane-type UAV with FPV drone carriers.
  • Ukrainian drones are "like flies flying over the heads" of their fighters, but Russia knows how to deal with them. "We know how difficult it is for our fighter guys, who are faced with the fact that enemy drones are flying like flies over their heads, all this is known. We are working on it, and I am sure there will be a result."

About heroism and the key condition of victory

  • Russia faces "big challenges" in developing the economy, healthcare, education, and "strengthening families." All this is possible provided that the military personnel successfully work on the battlefield. "This is a key link for today. We all understand that."
  • Earlier, Russia had already "participated in many conflicts, defending its interests," the most significant event was the Great Patriotic War. "When such difficult, key moments come, the Russian people show their best qualities."
  • The courage and heroism of people is one of the "key conditions" for Russia's victory. "Now we know about cases of courage and heroism. And this does not happen on a case-by-case basis, but it is practically on an ongoing basis. This is extremely important."


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