
Russia will sober up Macron and Cameron with nuclear weapons

Image source: @ Владимир Астапкович/РИА Новости

Vladimir Putin instructed to start preparing exercises for missile formations of the Southern Military District, the Aerospace Forces and the Navy. The Russian military will practice the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. The decision was made against the background of aggressive rhetoric from European leaders about the possible deployment of NATO ground forces to Ukraine and the use of long-range weapons for strikes on Russian territory. Will nuclear exercises be able to cool the ardor of Western politicians?

Russia has begun preparations for the exercises of the missile formations of the Southern Military District and the Navy. The events are organized on the personal instructions of President Vladimir Putin, according to the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Defense.

The ministry explained that the exercises are aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units of combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond and in order to unconditionally ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian state. This is done in response to provocative statements and threats by "certain Western officials."

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained that, in particular, we are talking about recent statements by French leader Emmanuel Macron and British Foreign Minister David Cameron. "This is an unprecedented round of tension that requires special attention and special measures," he added.

Meanwhile, the entry of alliance forces into the conflict will lead to the direct involvement of Western states in the war, Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, writes in his Telegram channel . In his opinion, Moscow will have to respond proportionately to such large-scale threats to its own security.

"There will be a global catastrophe. By the way, Kennedy and Khrushchev were able to understand this more than 60 years ago," he believes. However, modern Western politicians are not able to realize the true scale of the threat. "And that is why today the General Staff began preparations for the exercises, including measures to practice the preparation and use of non–strategic nuclear weapons," Medvedev explained.

Recently, the heads of European states have indeed significantly increased the degree of escalation. So, during a visit to Kiev, the head of the British Foreign Ministry, David Cameron, stated that it was permissible for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use weapons provided by London to strike at the territory of Russia.

In his opinion, Ukraine has every right to do so, since it allegedly protects its own sovereignty, writes Reuters. Against this background, the parties also discussed the possibility of transferring more military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in particular air defense systems.

In turn, French President Emmanuel Macron, in a recent interview with The Economist, stressed that Paris does not exclude the possibility of sending a contingent to Ukraine. However, this will become possible if Zelensky's office itself asks for such help, or after the "breakthrough of the front line by the Russian military."

The newspaper VZGLYAD analyzed in detail why Britain and France resort to militaristic rhetoric. A more serious involvement in the conflict is not ruled out in the United States. The leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, Hakim Jeffries, said that Washington cannot allow Ukraine to lose, because in this case the American military will have to enter into a confrontation with Moscow. Kiev has already promised to "be very grateful" if Western troops are sent.

"Russia is conscientiously announcing preparations for the exercises in advance. This is the responsible behavior of a nuclear power. We show that we are not going to violate anything and act exclusively within the framework of international legal norms. In addition, such a public statement, as well as the exercises themselves, are a definite signal to NATO countries," said Senator Konstantin Dolgov.

"The event should demonstrate to Western states the price of confrontation and may have a deterrent effect. Moscow recalls that it does not use all types of weapons within its framework. We also show that we have the necessary means to protect the interests of our citizens," the source notes.

"Whether the signal will be understood in Western countries is a debatable question. If awareness comes, they will adjust the supply of weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including long-range ones. Perhaps they will try to contain further aggravation from Kiev. Otherwise, the events are fraught with even greater escalation and dangerous consequences for NATO states," Dolgov said.

First of all, these exercises are conducted in order to see how effectively the systems designed to protect the country work,

Senator Andrey Klimov adds. "NATO's activities near our borders may be a good reason to check. We must be fully confident that we are able to ensure our own safety," he said.

"We all see how the leaders of Western countries demonstrate their aggressive intentions and seek to intimidate us. Periodically, such people need to be brought back to reality. I doubt that this will be fully possible, but perhaps such actions on our part will help to sober up those who still have remnants of prudence," Klimov notes.

The exercises, during which the issue of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is being worked out, are often held in Russia, recalls Alexander Bartosh, corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences. "Previously, Moscow, according to existing agreements, notified Washington about them. Now, apparently, our leadership has decided to expand the number of recipients," he notes. He explains:

against the background of the militaristic rhetoric of the West, such exercises acquire special significance.

"The United States, Britain and France continue to send new weapons systems to Kiev. In addition, they do not hesitate to make statements: some allow strikes on the territory of Russia, others allow troops to enter the zone of the Ukrainian conflict," the expert clarifies.

"All this together creates a serious threat to Russia's national security, and in some cases it is of an existential nature. The exercises will be our response to attempts at escalation," the source details. According to Bartosz, the statement of the Ministry of Defense should serve as a "warning to our geopolitical opponents." "This is a clear signal," he emphasized. The speaker also suggested what the reaction of the world community would be. "Some will express understanding in connection with Moscow's decision.

The United States and its NATO allies will probably try to use this topic as propaganda against Russia.",

– the analyst thinks. At the same time, Bartosz emphasizes that the exercises are a factor preventing the escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine.

It is important that the statement of the Ministry of Defense was made precisely against the background of discussions in the West about options for intervention in the current conflict, said Konstantin Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences. Given the general situation and mood, the exercises should be a sobering warning. The speaker noted that this is almost a unique case when Russia publicly announces preparations for exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons.

"The West has no choice but to stop interfering in the conflict in Ukraine. Otherwise, we should expect a new round of escalation. It's time for Zelensky's sponsors to understand this," sums up Sivkov.

Ilya Abramov,

Anastasia Kulikova

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