
Interview. Alexey Brewharko: we are going to mass production of Angara missiles

Image source: Наталья Бережная

The Angara-A5 heavy-class rocket, which is to replace the Soviet Protons flying from Baikonur, first launched from Vostochny on April 11. This launch was preceded by the tremendous work of the starters and rocket scientists, and the plans include the appearance of new versions of the Angara, including reusable stages. About this, as well as how the payback of the reusable Angara will be calculated, how many Protons Russia has left, and how they will be used, and also about extending the life of the Russian ISS modules made in the same place as the rockets — in the Khrunichev Center, RIA Novosti told in an interview News to Denis Kayyran, General Director of the company Alexey Brewho.

– The Angara space rocket complex on Vostochny is called Amur, and even flight tests of the rocket there take place within the framework of a different ROC than at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Tell us, what is the difference between the launch complex and the rocket itself on the East?

– The launch complex at the Vostochny cosmodrome was originally designed for launches of Angara-A5 launch vehicles and its modifications with increased payload capacity, including with a "hydrogen" stage. Potentially, the launch of Angara-1 launch vehicles is also possible from this launch complex.2" and "Angara-A3". The main facilities of the new launch complex of the Vostochny cosmodrome are a command post, a technological block, a complex of facilities for refueling components, and launch facilities. The facilities are built using modern technologies. Provision is also provided for manned launches, as well as launches of rocket modifications using oxygen-hydrogen blocks, but their implementation will not require drastic improvements. The Angara-A5 rocket is the same for both Vostochny and Plesetsk. The third stage of the Angara-A5V rocket has a different layout, and it uses other fuel components — oxygen plus hydrogen, with a high specific impulse.

– What tasks did you need to solve in order to carry out the first launch of the Angara from the East? What was the adaptation of the rocket to the new spaceport?

– In order to ensure the first launch of Angara-A5 at the Vostochny cosmodrome, the launch complex systems were checked using a special technological layout of the flight rocket — the so-called "NJ" product. Also, in preparation for the launch, of course, electrical tests of the launch vehicle were carried out, and a new flight program was developed that defines the flight of the Angara and takes into account the specifics of its launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome.

– How many launches will still need to be carried out to complete flight tests?

– According to the flight test program within the framework of the Angara ROC, it remains to perform three launches of the Angara-A5 rocket and three launches of the Angara-1.2 rocket. According to the flight test program within the framework of the Amur ROC, one launch of the Angara-A5 rocket is planned at the first stage.

– When is the transition to the Angara-A5M rocket planned? After that, will the production of the "ordinary" Angara-A5 be completed?

– According to the plans of the Khrunichev Center, the Angara-A5M rocket should be created in 2025. It is advisable to use one heavy-class rocket both at the Vostochny cosmodrome and at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The issues of replacing the Angara-A5 rocket with the Angara-A5M rocket require the development of a number of organizational documents. These documents will determine the timing of the transition to the Angara-A5M.

– How many Angara missiles will be launched from Vostochny per year?

– Angara missile launches are determined by the needs of government or commercial customers. At the moment, these are spacecraft designed to be launched into geostationary orbit. The number of Angara rocket launches will be determined by the specific requirements of the customers.

– Will Angara be used in a multiple build-up of the Russian satellite constellation planned in the coming years?

– Angara-A5 can be used not only for the delivery of heavy vehicles to geostationary orbit, but also for the group launch of spacecraft into a sun-synchronous orbit. In addition, the relevant documentation has been prepared for the launches of the Angara-1.2 light-class rocket. During the implementation of this project, it will be possible to launch a light Angara from the same launch complex to form and replenish multi-satellite groupings.

– At what stage of the work on the upper stage of the KVTK and Angara-A5V? When will the first samples of the new upper stage and carrier be available, and when will their flight tests begin?

– The Khrunichev Center is completing the development of working documentation for the RB KVTK Oxygen-hydrogen upper stage and is starting autonomous testing of its components. The planned flight test period is 2030. In addition, the Khrunichev Center has successfully completed the preliminary design of the Angara-A5V rocket in the current program period. This project was adopted by the Roscosmos State Corporation and the Space Forces. The continuation of the work is planned for the next program period, starting in 2026. The planned flight test period is 2035.

– Will the project to create this rocket with reusable boosters of the first and second stages be implemented?

– The Khrunichev Center has proposed a reusable option for a bundle of the first and second stages of the Angara-A5M rocket or the Angara-A5B rocket. All theoretical calculations have been confirmed within the framework of the protected draft design for the creation of the hydrogen Angara-A5V, and we plan to continue these works in the next program period.

– How will the payload and other characteristics of the "returned" Angara-A5V change compared to a conventional rocket?

– The payload capacity of the Angara-A5VM reusable rocket, according to calculations carried out as part of the work performed, is estimated at the level of the Angara-A5M rocket, that is, 27 tons into low Earth orbit.

– How much more cost-effective will it be and with how many launches per year?

– To date, it is planned to provide at least 10 re-launches, which should confirm the economic feasibility of this technical solution.

– Will the launches of Angara-1.2 missiles continue?

– The Angara-1 launch vehicle.2" is the "lightest" modification of the Angara rocket family, and currently it is in demand to solve the tasks of ensuring launches from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The decision on the date of the next launch of this carrier will be made by the state customer — the Ministry of Defense. We believe that this rocket has good prospects, and in the future there will also be orders for Angara-1.2, including for the creation of multi-satellite groupings of spacecraft.

– Will Angara-A3 be created?

– The Angara-A3 rocket occupies an intermediate position in terms of the mass of the output payload in the family of unified modular launch vehicles Angara and has a number of potential tasks corresponding to its payload capacity. The design stage for this rocket has been completed, while its launches are possible from the launch complex of both the Vostochny cosmodrome and the Plesetsk cosmodrome. With the appropriate decision of the state customer for the creation of the Angara-A3 launch vehicle, the Khrunichev Center can quickly perform this work.

– When is it planned to reach the previously announced production volumes of eight Angara-A5 missiles per year?

– Currently, work is underway to retrofit the production facilities of our Omsk branch of PO Polet in order to ensure the annual production of launch vehicles in the planned volume. With adequate funding, we believe that the declared productivity can be achieved in 2027-2028.

– How many Proton missiles are left today?

– To date, ten Proton-M launch vehicles are in varying degrees of readiness. Some of these launch vehicles will be used to fulfill the Federal Space Program of Russia, some of the launch vehicles will be used to fulfill obligations for commercial launches. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that due to the current geopolitical situation and the refusal of some potential customers from further use of launch services on Proton-M, some of the launch vehicles planned for commercial launches of Western vehicles remained. In this regard, the Khrunichev Center, together with Roscosmos, is working on payload options for free launch vehicles, both on the domestic and foreign markets.

– How many rockets will be launched before the end of 2025?

– To date, we plan to carry out at least four federal and commercial launches of Proton-M launch vehicles by the end of 2025.

– How will Proton launches be organized in cooperation with Kazakhstan after 2025?

– The proposals from the Khrunichev Center and the Roscosmos State Corporation have been worked out and sent to our Kazakh colleagues. Currently, the process of finding ways to implement this issue is underway, including within the framework of the intergovernmental commission on the Baikonur complex.

– Earlier it was reported that your company reached an agreement with Boeing on the purchase of spare parts and replacement units for the Zarya FGB module in 2021-2024. Has this work been completed? What has been replaced in the "Dawn"?

– Yes, there is such an agreement. Purchases of consumable materials and regularly replaced equipment for FSB Zarya were envisaged. In the period from 2021 to 2024, several dozen more units of so-called spare parts were ordered, manufactured and delivered to previously manufactured and supplied replacement equipment under a new contract with Boeing. To date, these purchases have been completed. During this time, equipment was supplied for the following systems: radio telemetry, power supply, on-board complex control, thermal control, fire detection and extinguishing equipment, which have repeatedly worked out the specified service life. Work was also carried out to replace ventilation and noise absorption equipment that had used up their working life over 25 years of operation of the Zarya FGB module.

– Are there plans to continue this agreement, given the extension of the service life of the Russian segment of the station until 2028?

– The distribution of responsibility for maintaining the Zarya FGB module in working order is valid for the subsequent period of the flight. Therefore, work with Boeing in this direction will continue. I would like to note that a lot of work has been done to ensure the extension of the service life until 2028 in terms of equipment that cannot be replaced in orbit: a sealed hull, propulsion system, part of the thermal control system, docking nodes, solar panels of the Zarya FGB module. A number of on-board systems of ground-based bench equipment are being upgraded, diagnostics of the condition of the design of the sealed hull and non-replaceable equipment of the power supply system, the control system of the on-board complex are being carried out.

– How is the operation of the Zvezda service module extended, taking into account the detection of leaks in it?

– The work of the service module will be extended, including based on the results of earlier resource tests of mock-up copies of the module, based on the results of an analysis of the degree of consumption of the design resource in flight and the conclusions of structural materials specialists on the possibility of extension. Measures have been taken for the intermediate chamber of the module to eliminate the detected leak, they have had some success. Periodic isolation of the chamber from the rest of the habitable compartment of the module allows to reduce air loss from the chamber. The crew enters the chamber for the duration of the work in it. In general, this malfunction does not significantly affect the operation of the station, but experts continue to search for the causes of the leak and ways to eliminate it. Currently, the extension of the service life of the Zvezda service module until 2028, taking into account the ongoing activities, is confirmed.

– The main developer of the new ROS station is RSC Energia. Will the GKNPC take part in the creation of modules for this station, taking into account your experience on the ISS? In what context?

– The draft draft of the ROS has now been adopted. There is a lot of work to be done on the creation of the station. Of course, the Khrunichev Center could not stay away. The project will be implemented with the participation of the Khrunichev Center in terms of providing means of launching station modules and manned ships. As we stated earlier, we are ready to share our many years of accumulated experience in the successful implementation of the Salyut, Mir and ISS projects.

– Earlier it was reported that the "financial hole" of the Khrunichev Center will be completely closed in 2024. Have you managed to make a net profit?

– The Khrunichev Center is doing a lot of work on this issue in accordance with the financial recovery program. This program has been coordinated with the Roscosmos State Corporation, and we hope for its successful implementation.

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Comments [1]
24.04.2024 09:32
– Будет ли реализован проект по созданию этой ракеты с многоразовыми ускорителями первой и второй ступеней?

– Центром Хруничева предложен вариант многоразового использования связки первой и второй ступеней ракеты «Ангара-А5М» или ракеты «Ангара-А5В». Все теоретические расчеты подтверждены в рамках защищенного эскизного проекта по созданию водородной «Ангары-А5В», и мы планируем в следующем программном периоде данные работы продолжить.
Хрень. В такой связке дофига лишней сухой массы, лишнего металла, по сравнению с крупногабаритной моноблочной ступенью.
– Будет ли создана «Ангара-А3»?

– Ракета «Ангара-А3» занимает промежуточное по массе выводимой полезной нагрузки положение в семействе унифицированных модульных ракет-носителей «Ангара» и имеет соответствующий своей грузоподъемности ряд потенциальных задач. Для этой ракеты завершена стадия проектных работ, при этом проведение ее пусков возможно со стартового комплекса как космодрома Восточный, так и космодрома Плесецк. При соответствующем решении государственного заказчика на создание ракеты-носителя «Ангара-А3», Центр Хруничева может оперативно выполнить эту работу.
К "Ангаре-А3", от которой на данный момент отказались в пользу РН аналогичного класса "Иртыш"(Союз-5), тем самым снизив и без того невысокую рентабельность всего проекта "Ангары", было бы весьма желательно вернуться на данном этапе. Ибо А3 – это также А5, без двух боковых блоков. Она реализуема с минимальными затратами средств и времени. "Иртыш" мешает не только "Ангаре", но и более перспективному "Амур-СПГ", того же РКЦ "Прогресс", с многоразовой первой ступень. Ибо для того чтобы оные не толькались локтями, "Амур-СПГ" искусственно опустили в более лёгкую категорию, по сравнению "Иртышом". Тогда как многоразовые РН раскрыват свой потенциал именно в более тяжёлых классах. Кроме того, за счёт более низкой стоимости пуска, многоразовые позволяют варьировать массы ПН в более широком диапазоне. "Амур-СПГ", в габаритах "Иртыша", а желательно ещё крупнее, заменит и "Иртыш", и "Амур-СПГ" в текущем виде, и "Ангару-А3", как минимум. Будет больше, заменит и А5. До появления же "Амур-СПГ" и других многоразовых, пока бы полетала вся неусеченная линейка "Ангары". А то и "Протон", который явно дешевле 6 - 7 блочной (в зависимости от наличия/отсутствия РБ) "Ангары-А5".
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