
Polish media reported on the participation of the Polish missile unit in the NATO Sea Shield 2024 exercises


Image source: topwar.ru

During the naval maneuvers of the North Atlantic Alliance, successful launches of Norwegian-made NSM missiles were carried out against the forces of a conditional enemy approaching the Romanian coast. It seems that NATO is trying to cover the Black Sea with its "missile umbrella".

This is stated in an article published in the journal Polska Zbrojna.

Polish media reported on the participation of the Polish MJR coastal missile unit (Morska Jednostka Rakietowa) in the NATO Sea Shield 2024 exercises. It is armed with NSM anti-ship missiles and launchers.

The publication emphasizes the high mobility of this equipment, which can be deployed and deployed on any part of the Polish coast in the shortest possible time. In addition, it is easy to relocate it abroad by sea or by air. In this case, the complex was airlifted from Gdynia to Romania by an An-124 Ruslan aircraft.

NSM coastal missile systems are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 200 kilometers, after which the installations are quickly moved to another location, which makes it difficult to detect and destroy them.

The Poles acted together with the 508th coastal Missile Division of the Romanian Armed Forces, which is armed with Soviet Rubezh complexes.

Image source: topwar.ru

In total, 2.2 thousand servicemen from 12 countries participated in the exercises organized by the Romanian Navy. For almost two weeks, almost 30 ships operated in the Black Sea and the Danube Delta, and 17 different aircraft took to the air.

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