
Footage of American Oshkosh tankers in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been published


Image source: topwar.ru

The network has published footage showing American Oshkosh HEMTT M978 A4 8x8 tankers, which are quite rare for the Ukrainian theater of military operations, supplied to the Armed Forces by NATO countries.

At least three units of this technique were in the frame. However, it is worth noting that American tankers are not equipped with even the simplest anti-drone arrays, which makes them vulnerable not only to artillery strikes, but also to attacks by conventional FPV drones.

Image source: topwar.ru

Image source: topwar.ru

The Oshkosh HEMTT M978 A4 is a version of the Oshkosh HEMTT A4 heavy trucks designed for refueling vehicles. The tactical truck is designed taking into account the possibility of use in the field. Tankers of this type are capable of transporting more than ten thousand liters of fuel. In addition, this tanker has an improved suspension, a powerful transmission and an armored cabin.

Meanwhile, it is possible that in the near future the Armed Forces of Ukraine may face an acute shortage of fuel. Due to the lack of energy capacity created as a result of the destruction of a significant part of power plants, a partial transition of the country's energy system to the use of petroleum products is possible, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of logistics and a shortage of fuel, which will affect the already rapidly declining combat capability of the Ukrainian army.

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