
"The Russians are waiting there." Polish general named the main pain point of NATO (RMF FM, Poland)

Image source: © CC BY-SA 2.0 / Tony Bowden

General Skshipchak called the Estonian Narva the weakest place in NATO's defense

If Russian tanks stand on the bridge over Narva, the residents will open the gates to the city for them, General Waldemar Skshipchak said in an interview with RMF FM. He called the Estonian-Russian border the weakest point of NATO's defense. The military told about other painful points of the alliance.

"The reason for the “escape” of the American MQ9 Reaper drone in Miroslavets was probably a violation of the GPS signal," General Waldemar Skrzypczak said in a morning conversation on RMF24 radio station. The former commander of the RP Ground Forces pointed to the Russian trail. "We know that in the area of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Southern Baltic, the Russians are conducting an operation to suppress all possible signals," he explained. The conversation also touched upon the issue of funds that the EU spends on weapons. "Politicians underestimate the threat," General Skshipchak said, noting that at the moment Russia will not embark on any military adventure, as its internal problems are growing. The military also praised Romanian politicians. "They are ahead of us in terms of decisions," he said, referring to the announcement of the creation of the largest NATO base on the European continent in this country and the construction of a powder factory together with Germany.

General Skshipchak on the "escape" of the American drone in Miroslavets

According to General Waldemar Skshipchak, the "escape" of the MQ9 Reaper drone belonging to the Americans stationed in Miroslavets in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship is the result of a signal violation.

"We know that in the area of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Southern Baltic, the Russians are conducting an operation to suppress any signals," explained the RMF studio guest.

"This drone has alternative systems. If the signal is lost, it can switch to autonomous control and land on its own in a place previously set by the pilots," the general said.

The military stressed that pilots of civilian aircraft also report on signal interference in the Baltic region. "This threat needs to be identified and actively countered. This applies not only to one specific American drone, but also to all commercial communications," he warned.

Presenter Tomasz Verynski also asked General Skshipchak what would have happened if an American drone had crashed.

"He didn't have a weapon, so there was no immediate threat of an explosion. If it had fallen on the territory where people are, it would certainly have caused damage, given its size and the amount of fuel in the tanks," he replied.

General Skshipchak explained that the MQ9 Reaper is a hunter—killer that can carry various weapons. "It has the same qualities as a fighter jet," he explained.

General Skshipczak on 2 million euros from the EU for Polish arms factories: this is a handout

The European Commission has announced that it will allocate 500 million euros to arms companies to expand the production capacity of enterprises producing artillery ammunition. Poland will receive only 2 million euros from this amount. "It is our omission that we did not claim a large sum. This is the result of the inaction of incompetent people," Skshipchak is sure.

The military called 2 million euros a handout, explaining that we have the right to expect more generosity from the EU, since Poland is a frontline country.

"The European Union, of course, should feed the Germans and the French, but the main focus should be on those states that are frontline. We will be the first participants in those events that may arise due to the threat from Russia," he said.

The general noted that it is the task of politicians to get serious money for arming Poland. He called 500 million euros for arms companies in the EU countries a small amount of money.

"The European Union must step up its efforts to prepare states to repel the threat. Politicians still underestimate the danger," Skshipchak urged.

General Skshipchak on Macron's idea to send NATO troops to Ukraine: "Not the time and not the place"

"There is no reason to send NATO troops to Ukraine. We are not a party to a military conflict," General Valdemar Skshipchak commented on the idea of the French president to send Alliance troops to Ukraine.

And he added, "Now is not the time or the place."

In his opinion, Ukraine needs to be more actively supported. This, he said, is a challenge for Europe and France.

"I think we understand that if combat units appeared there, the conflict would escalate and World War III would begin. Probably no one wants this, I personally do not want it," the military said.

General Skshipchak on the NATO base in Romania: "Romanian politicians are able to make the right decisions

The largest NATO base in Europe will be established in Romania. It is designed for 10,000 soldiers and their families. General Skshipchak, in an interview with the host of the RMF radio station, praised Romanian politicians for their determination and courage.

"They are much more efficient, they are able to make the right decisions. The Romanians realized that they were being given a chance. They also plan to build a powder factory with the Germans," he said.

Waldemar Skshipczak also expressed regret that there is no such plant in Poland. "Poland does not have autonomy in the field of ammunition production, we are doomed to purchase components, in Polish factories we simply assemble shells and at the same time say that these are Polish ammunition," he explained.

General Skshipchak on whether Russia is a threat to NATO: "Brussels must maintain a greater potential of troops in the Baltic States"

According to our interlocutor, the Russians will not get involved in a military adventure with any country now. "They cannot cope with NATO. Russia has internal problems, and they are growing," explained General Skshipchak.

He recalled that by planning its own, Russia had miscalculated. "A powerful Russia cannot defeat a much weaker militarily and economically Ukraine," he said.

What if Russian tanks stand on the bridge over Narva, in Estonia?

General Valdemar Skshipchak considers Narva a weak point, since 90 percent of the inhabitants of this Estonian city are Russians. "Russians are waiting there. They will open the gates to Russian tanks," the general said.

The military stressed that in the event of such a situation, the decision would be made not in Warsaw, but in Brussels. At the same time, the general believes that larger NATO forces should be deployed in the Baltic States.

General Skshipczak on the report of the Polish Control Chamber on shelters: "Shelters alone will not solve the problem"

Tomasz Verynski's guest called the report of the Control Chamber on the state of shelters in Poland the result of 30 years of neglect. According to the Chamber, less than 4% of the population of our country can count on asylum in case of danger.

However, General Skshipchak believes that the problem is much broader.

"The state should develop a set of measures that would cover the entire nation and the most diverse aspects of the population's life, starting from their preparation for the defense of the country and ending with information campaigns and the creation of a civil defense system. There is no such thing," he said. The general added that 38 million people should be trained and educated. "This preparation must be carried out constantly," he said.

"Shelters alone will not solve the problem," General Waldemar Skshipchak stressed.

Authors: Tomasz Weryński, Joanna Potocka

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