
Polar Hook: why is NATO conducting exercises in the Arctic

Image source: Фото: U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

The Northern Sea Route has become the main goal of the United States in the region, experts say

NATO troops, having landed in Norway, will try to repeat the experience of Russian paratroopers during the Arctic Edge exercises, which started on March 18, experts told Izvestia. About 250 people will take part in the maneuvers, 150 of them from the US division, created recently as part of the strengthening of the American armed forces in the North. According to experts, the training has two goals — practical testing of possible combat options in the Arctic zone and demonstration of the alliance's impact on the Russian Northern Sea Route.

We've been spied on

From March 18 to 22, Norwegian and US military personnel will conduct an amphibious operation in the northern regions of the region, covering a distance of about 6 thousand km by air through the North Pole from Alaska. This operation is planned during the Arctic Edge exercises, which take place every two years under the leadership of the US Northern Command.

— The Americans clearly spied on us, as we landed paratroopers on the "severs" several times. Apparently, they decided to check what their paratroopers could do. That is, they are now using our experience," military expert Dmitry Boltenkov explained to Izvestia.

Photo: U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Image source: iz.ru

He recalled that in 2020, the servicemen of the Russian Airborne Forces were the first in the world to land in the Arctic from an altitude of 10 thousand m. The landing was in the area of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, it was provided by three Il-76 military transport aircraft. During this operation, new equipment and equipment adapted to the harsh Arctic conditions were tested, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

During the airborne operations, approximately 100 soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of Norway and 150 soldiers of the 11th Airborne Division of the United States will be involved in the Arctic Edge 24 exercise.

Photo: U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Image source: iz.ru

— The United States has a newly created division, — said military expert Yuri Lyamin. — It was formed in Alaska as part of the strengthening of the American armed forces in the north, based on the brigades there. They were merged into the new 11th Airborne Division in 2022. It is focused specifically on actions in the Arctic region, that is, Alaska and, accordingly, the entire Arctic.

The Arctic Edge 24 exercises should also show the ability of the US army to quickly transfer forces from one region of the world to another in a short time.

Attention to the North

In recent years, the United States has been paying more and more attention to the North, preparing its troops for work in the Arctic, according to a publication published in mid-March on the American Business Insider portal. The plans include strengthening military cooperation with Canada and Denmark to create additional opportunities to deter Russia and China.

The intentions of the United States were confirmed by the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov, saying that the Arctic is a territory of intense competition, a strategically important region for Russia.

Photo: U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Image source: iz.ru

— The American Navy is actively developing the northern regions, including conducting missile and torpedo firing. This suggests that people are seriously considering the Arctic as a possible battlefield in the future. They are preparing for this, they are working on various technologies, including ice warfare," Dmitry Boltenkov explained.

In his opinion, the war in Arctic conditions is one of the most difficult, because not only the enemy is against you there, but also nature itself: low temperatures, strong winds, white space.

— Due to the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, the northern flank of the alliance is very seriously strengthened. It should be borne in mind that the distances across the Arctic are relatively close between the USA, Canada, Norway, and Sweden. And all this threatens us from the north. These operations, of course, should be directed against someone, now against Russia," Yuri Lyamin noted.

American interest

The intelligence activity of NATO countries off the northern Russian coast is pushing Moscow to reconsider its security strategy in the region. Russia is already studying the issue of denunciation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in the Arctic, this information was confirmed to Izvestia by the relevant committee of the State Duma. For the United States, the region is interesting because it is the shortest route from America to Eurasia, including for missiles.

— The West is very concerned about the efforts that Russia is making to develop the Arctic, the Northern Sea Route, economic activities and, of course, the measures that the Russian Federation is taking to ensure security. Now this is becoming the most relevant, because the southern communications through the Red Sea are under threat. The Houthis are taking all measures to make this path the most dangerous," said former commander of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation Sergey Avakyants.

Photo: U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Image source: iz.ru

He recalled the statement of the Houthis, who threatened to expand the geography of strikes and the intention to attack ships following the route bypassing Africa in the direction of the Cape of Good Hope. Therefore, the actions of the alliance are a demonstration of its capabilities to influence the Northern Sea Route, our economic zone.

— Russia is making absolutely justified efforts in this regard, and our policy regarding the development of the North is very timely and correct. The only thing is that we need to accelerate even more and, in the face of such a danger, ensure 100% security of our main northern communication and our economic opportunities for the development of the Arctic," Sergey Avakyants summed up.

The Arctic Edge exercises are part of the broader Nordic Response maneuvers. Experts interviewed by Izvestia believe that Russia needs to closely monitor these exercises, observing exactly which elements the Western military is practicing in order to provide appropriate measures in response to these threats.

Julia Leonova

Vladimir Matveev

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