
A remote-controlled infantry fighting vehicle, a Coalition howitzer and kamikaze drones. What is known about Russia's new weapons in the area of its defense?

Image source: Лев Федосеев/ ТАСС

Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation, spoke about the new equipment that will appear in the zone of a special military operation (SVO). Among the new weapons are kamikaze drones, howitzers, a remotely operated infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) and radar stations (radars) to protect against drone raids from Ukraine.

Earlier, the head of the state corporation stated that Russia will create the latest bi-caliber multiple launch rocket system "Vozrozhdenie", it will be used both as a remote mining installation and as a MLRS due to launches of two types of projectiles.

Russia will improve protection against drones

Chemezov said that Russia has now created and is actively using new small-sized radars to protect against drone raids from Ukraine. They are already being installed in the most dangerous areas, including to protect Russian cities. According to the head of Rostec, the radar detects enemy drones for several tens of kilometers, after which they transmit information about the target to defeat it.

Training of FPV (First Person View) drone operators at the training ground based on the P.A. Sudoplatov Volunteer Battalion in the Zaporozhye region

A soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation controls an FPV drone.
Source: Pavel Lisitsyn / RIA Novosti

In December, Russia developed a small-sized Antidron complex designed to detect unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It includes a radar consisting of four phased array antennas. Such a station is capable of detecting, recognizing and identifying drones flying at speeds up to 250 kilometers per hour, at a range of up to ten kilometers.

At the same time, Chemezov announced, Russia will acquire new kamikaze drones. Russia has created a new Superkam barrage munition with a high degree of protection against electronic warfare (EW) systems.

Howitzers superior to NATO equipment will be sent to the SVO

The newest Russian howitzer, the Coalition, should soon appear in the area of its own defense in order to provide a significant advantage over NATO howitzers in range, Chemezov said. According to him, in order to provide an advantage over Western artillery models in terms of firing range, howitzers of this class are needed in the combat zone. "The Coalition has such an advantage, and it is significant," he stressed.

Self-propelled howitzer "Coalition-SV" of the mechanized column of the Moscow garrison during training for the military parade on Red Square on May 9, 2017

Self-propelled howitzers "Coalition-SV".
Source: © RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev

The Coalition-SV is designed to destroy artillery batteries, armored vehicles and enemy manpower. It is assumed that the firing range is 70 kilometers, which surpasses almost all Western analogues.

They are also going to test the BMP remotely in the SVO zone in Ukraine. Chemezov said that such a technique is promising, as it "will eliminate the risk of hitting the crew in the most dangerous directions." He noted that the car is currently being tested. After their completion, the BMP should be tested directly in combat conditions.

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