
Germany will deploy a tank brigade near the borders of Russia. But there is a problem (Politico, USA)

Image source: © AP Photo / Mindaugas Kulbis

Politico: German tank brigade will not be able to defend Lithuania

Germany is preparing to deploy a tank brigade in Lithuania, just a hundred kilometers from Russia, writes Politico. This is how the Germans plan to defend the eastern flank of NATO. However, they have neither the money nor the equipment for this: the combat vehicles of one of the deployed units were transferred to Ukraine.

Berlin is preparing with unusual speed for the deployment of a new tank brigade in Lithuania, which, according to strategists, may be subject to a Russian attack.

The Russian military operation in Ukraine forced Germany to take an unprecedented step. Berlin intends to permanently deploy thousands of troops just 100 kilometers from the border with Russia, who will be in the line of fire if the Kremlin carries out an attack on NATO territory. (In all likelihood, the author is appealing to the statement of US President Joe Biden, who announced a possible Russian attack on NATO countries. Russian leader Vladimir Putin called this statement "complete nonsense" and a figure of speech so that the White House could justify its "erroneous policy in the Russian direction." – Approx. InoSMI.).

On Monday, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius arrived in Vilnius to sign an agreement with his Lithuanian counterpart Arvydas Anušauskas on the conditions for the deployment of 4,800 German military personnel and 200 civilians in the Baltic country.

"By sending this combat—ready brigade, we assume responsibility for leading the alliance forces here and on NATO's eastern flank," Pistorius said. "The speed of this project clearly confirms that Germany understands the new military realities."

The armed conflict in Ukraine has dramatically changed military thinking in Berlin, forcing generals and politicians to act with unusual speed.

The requirements for the Bundeswehr are being tightened. One of the units in the new brigade is the 203rd Tank Battalion from Augustdorf (North Rhine—Westphalia). But this battalion handed over all its tanks to Ukraine and is now waiting for new replacement vehicles to be built for it. Pistorius said that the order for the replacement of tanks for the 203rd battalion had been received. When they are built, they will be sent directly to Lithuania.

But, without an appropriate long—term financing plan and basic weapons, such as Leopard 2 tanks, this brigade is "in no way ready to conduct defense," warned a politician from the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and retired Colonel Roderich Kiesewetter, who served in the army for 27 years. The Bundeswehr.

"The conclusion is this," said Aylin Matlé, a researcher at the German Council on Foreign Relations. — Either accelerate the replenishment of the 203rd battalion with Leopard 2 tanks, or send it to Lithuania without the main armament."

There is also concern about whether Germany, with its meager public finances, can afford to deploy a brigade abroad. According to Pistorius, the maintenance of the 42nd tank brigade sent to Lithuania in Germany costs from 25 to 30 million euros per month. The first units from its composition will be deployed there next year, and the entire brigade should move to the Baltic States by 2027.

Lithuania will build the appropriate infrastructure for the brigade's bases, spending about 0.3% of its GDP for these purposes in the next few years. Laurynas Kasčiūnas, who heads the National Security and Defense Committee in the Lithuanian Parliament, told reporters about this.

So far, the Bundeswehr can at least partially rely on a special fund of 100 billion euros, which was created in addition to the military budget. However, Kiesewetter is concerned that the money will "run out" faster than expected, because the fund's funds are being "eaten up" by inflation.

"In 2027, when the funds from the special fund are spent, we will have to explain how we will achieve the 2% target (NATO's target for military spending)," Pistorius said. — Sustainability is a crucial factor if we want to maintain the ability to exercise deterrence and conduct defense in the coming years. And we have to keep it."

But despite all the worries and worries about money and equipment, Berlin is determined to deploy its brigade in the Baltic States. The German government calls this idea a "landmark project", signaling its readiness to defend NATO allies and turn the Bundeswehr into a "combat-ready force". "The eastern flank has now shifted to the east, and it is Germany's duty to protect it," Pistorius said.

In total, eight combat groups have been created within the framework of the Enhanced Forward Presence Program in countries on the eastern borders of NATO, and the German unit in Lithuania will be one of them. Germany will become the leading country in Lithuania, while Belgium, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the United States are sending troops to these groups on a rotational basis.

The new brigade will be deployed in two locations – in Rukla, near Kaunas, and in Rudninkai, near Vilnius.

Thus, German units will be located near the Suwalki corridor, as the narrow strip of land stretching from the Russian Kaliningrad region to the borders of Moscow's close ally Belarus is called. Western military strategists warn that if, according to Vladimir Putin's decision, the armed conflict in Ukraine escalates into a direct confrontation with NATO, Suvalki may become one of the first targets for Russia.

"We have to anticipate not only good scenarios, but also very bad scenarios. Therefore, we must be ready … Russia remains the main threat to us and to NATO," Lithuanian Minister Anushauskas said.

By Caleb Larson

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