
The global market for new self-propelled artillery guns in 2019-2026.

Image source: вооруженные силы Эстонии

TSAMTO, November 20. By the Day of Missile Troops and Artillery, which is celebrated in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on November 19, the Central Committee publishes a brief summary of the situation on the world market of new self-propelled artillery guns in 2019-2026.

According to TSAMTO, in the upcoming 4-year period (2023-2026), the volume of export sales of new self-propelled artillery guns (CAO) will amount to 969 units in the amount of $ 8,178 billion if the delivery schedules are fulfilled under current contracts, stated intentions and ongoing tenders.

In the past 4-year period (2019-2022), at least 496 new guns worth $2.426 billion were exported or produced under license.

In total, 877 CAO worth $2.515 billion were exported during this period. At the same time, the volume of sales of new guns amounted to 56.56% of the total number or 96.46% of the value of global supplies.

In percentage terms, the growth in the supply of new ACS in this segment in 2023-2026 compared to 2019-2022 will be 95.36% in quantitative terms and 237.09% in value terms. The growth trend of this market segment has been observed in recent years after a long period of decline and is associated with the successful use of the CAO in the conflict in Ukraine.

In 2019-2022, the average demand for modern ACS on the world market was 124 units per year. In 2023-2026, the annual demand is currently estimated at 242 units.

According to the CAMTO methodology, the "new" category includes the supply of new guns, licensed programs, as well as the supply of artillery systems from the armed Forces of exporting countries upgraded to the level of practically new ACS with extended service life, the price of which at the time of delivery is more than 50% of the cost of a new system of the same type for the same period of time.

In the rating below, exporting countries are ranked by the number of self-propelled guns delivered and planned for delivery. A number of countries have orders with deadlines beyond the period under review (2027 and beyond). This analysis takes into account only those deliveries (including those under long-term contracts) that are planned for the period up to and including 2026.

The first place in the ranking of suppliers of new self-propelled guns with a fast-growing package of orders for 155-mm CAO K-9 "Thunder" is occupied by the Republic of Korea (614 units worth $ 5,990 billion). In the first four-year period, 171 guns worth $ 1.249 billion were exported, and an estimated portfolio of orders for the export of 443 guns worth $4.742 billion was formed for 2023-2026.

The second place with deliveries of 105-mm CAO SH5, 122-mm CS/SH1/SH2 and 155-mm SH-15 is occupied by China (395 units worth $ 922.0 million). In the first four-year period, 159 guns worth $377.2 million were exported, and an estimated portfolio of orders for the export of 236 guns worth $ 544.9 million was formed for 2023-2026.

The third place in the ranking of suppliers of new ACS with 155-mm wheeled self-propelled gun "Caesar" is occupied by France (131 units worth $ 1.021 billion). In 2019-2022, 73 guns worth $ 305.7 million were exported, for the period 2023-2026, the order portfolio is 58 guns worth $ 715.2 million.

The fourth place with 155-mm CAO ATMOS and SIGMA is occupied by Israel (91 units worth $ 486.5 million). In 2019-2022, 42 guns worth $ 159.8 million were exported, for the period 2023-2026, the order portfolio is 49 guns worth $ 326.7 million.

The fifth place with the delivery to Ukraine (commercial contract) of 155-mm CAO "Crab" is occupied by Poland (54 units in the amount of 700.0 million dollars). In 2019-2022, 18 guns were exported from the presence of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus worth 233.3 million dollars, for the period 2023-2026, the order portfolio is 36 guns in the amount of 466.7 millions of dollars.

India ranks sixth with the planned delivery of 36 units of 155-mm MArG guns to Armenia in 2026 in the amount of 77.8 million dollars.

Germany ranks seventh with Hungary's deliveries in 2022-2024 of 155-mm CAO PzH-2000 (24 units worth $ 150.0 million).

Slovakia occupies the eighth place with deliveries to Ukraine (commercial contract) of 155-mm SAO "Zuzana-2" in 2022-2023 with funding from the Ministries of Defense of Norway, Germany and Denmark (24 units in the amount of $ 132.0 million).

Ninth place with delivery in 2019-2020 . Serbia occupies the United Arab Emirates 155-mm NORA B-52 guns (24 units worth $ 54.8 million).

The tenth place with the planned delivery in 2025-2026 to Malaysia of 18 units of 155-mm Yavuz guns worth about $ 180.0 million is occupied by Turkey.

The eleventh place with a possible delivery in 2026 to Taiwan of 18 units of 155-mm DITA guns worth about 125.0 million dollars is occupied by the Czech Republic.

According to the "tender" category, the results of which have not yet been announced, in the period under review (2023-2026), it is planned to supply 36 new ACS in the amount of $ 764.3 million.

Note: the calculation for Ukraine includes deliveries only under commercial contracts, deliveries within the framework of military assistance are not taken into account, since they are not included in the category of "arms trade".

More detailed information with tables is given in the magazine "World Arms Trade" No. 12 for 2023.

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