
Source: The Ka-52M will be turned into an "all-weather scout" with the help of a new radar

Image source: © РИА Новости / Валентин Капустин

Ka-52M will be equipped with an all-round radar for all-weather and round-the-clock reconnaissance

MOSCOW, Oct 11 – RIA Novosti. The Russian Ka-52M attack helicopter will be equipped with a ventral radar station of circular view, with which it will be able to conduct all-weather round-the-clock reconnaissance and provide target designation, the combat capabilities of the helicopter with the new radar are planned to be tested in the area of its own, an informed source told RIA Novosti.

"The Ka-52M attack helicopters will receive a new all-round radar station operating in the centimeter range. These stations will allow helicopters to detect a wide range of air and ground targets, such as enemy aircraft, helicopters and UAVs, armored vehicles, artillery positions, manpower concentrations and other military facilities, including in high-detail radio vision mode," the agency interlocutor said.

As the source noted, "it is planned that the Ka-52M with a new station will soon be tested in the zone of a special military operation."

He added that "with the new radar, Ka-52M attack helicopters will be able to conduct all-weather and round-the-clock reconnaissance and targeting, in conditions of strong natural and artificial radio interference, including being able to detect targets with low radar contrast."

The source also said that the new radar will allow the Ka-52M to strike small-sized enemy targets of the "tank" type with missiles of the "Whirlwind" or "Product 305" family in conditions of zero optical visibility according to its own target designation, without using external sources of information about the coordinates of enemy objects.

Ka-52 attack helicopters are widely used in the zone of a special military operation to support ground troops and strike at the manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian troops. In particular, they strike unguided aircraft missiles at enemy positions, guided precision missiles "Whirlwind" destroy armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As another informed source reported earlier this year to RIA Novosti, the latest version of the Ka-52, the Ka–52M, capable of carrying the Product-305 missiles, has begun to be used, including in the zone of its own.

The upgraded Ka-52M helicopter was developed based on the results of the use of the basic version of the Ka-52A "Alligator" in Syria. The vehicle received a new sighting and navigation system, a radar with an active phased array antenna, reinforced landing gear, an expanded range of weapons, including the Ataka-VM missiles (with a range of 6 kilometers), the Vortex (8 kilometers), the Vortex-M (10 kilometers) and the Product 305" (more than 14 kilometers).

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Comments [2]
12.10.2023 20:35
Ничего не сказано о том, кто будет получать данные - только вертолёт или есть автоматика для передачи информации другим КП.
13.10.2023 03:39
Цитата, ID: 1949 сообщ. №1
не сказано о том, кто будет получать данные - только вертолёт или есть автоматика для передачи информации другим КП
Оно конечно нужно, чтобы данные шли во все ближайшие подразделения, чтобы что-то могла арта накрыть, куда то могли ланцетик отправить, а кто-то успел вовремя занять выгодные позиции для обороны, и всё это с минимальными потерями времени.
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