
Ready to enter new frontiers

Image source: redstar.ru

The steady development of the Ground Forces is determined by the analysis of the course of the special operation.


The most important role in ensuring the defense capability of our country throughout its history has been played by the Ground Forces. And now the servicemen of the most numerous type of the Armed Forces of Russia continue to eradicate neo-Nazism during a special military operation, showing remarkable fortitude and courage. The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Army General Oleg SALYUKOV tells about the peculiarities of their work in the combat zone, the effectiveness of the use of modern and modernized types of weapons and equipment at the forefront, and much more on the eve of the professional holiday "Red Star".

– For the second time, the servicemen of the Ground Forces meet their memorable date by performing combat tasks in the zone of a special military operation.

Oleg Leonidovich, can we say that the combat capability of the Ground Forces has increased significantly this year?

– In order to fully and correctly answer your question, I consider it necessary to explain that the Ground Forces perform various tasks during a special military operation, including repelling enemy aggression with the retention of occupied areas and covering the land part of the state border. The nature and methods of conducting modern armed struggle, tactics of actions of Ukrainian armed formations, undoubtedly influenced the development and use of Ground Forces.

During the special military operation, the officers of the Ground Forces gained invaluable experience in managing subordinate units in combat conditions, and the personnel gained confident skills in conducting combat operations in various conditions.

After conducting a detailed analysis of the progress of the tasks of the special operation, three priority areas were identified that influenced the increase of our combat capabilities. These are the improvement of the combat strength of the Ground Forces, the development of weapons and military equipment with the subsequent equipping of our units with them and the improvement of techniques and methods of using troops.

Last year, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation decided to increase the number of Armed Forces. In order to implement this decision in the part of the Ground Forces, all assigned tasks are carried out clearly on time.

Serious work has been carried out in the interests of improving the combat strength of the Ground Forces. Taking into account the re-formation of a number of brigades in the division, the issue of covering the most threatened strategic directions was resolved, and the combat capabilities of the troops in the western and south-western strategic directions increased by a multiple.

The next important direction is the development of weapons and military equipment, equipping troops with them in order to increase their combat capabilities. The massive use by the enemy of high-precision weapons, electronic warfare and various complexes with the use of UAVs, including in shock execution, led to the need to adapt to the new realities of intelligence, control and communications, domestic unmanned aircraft, and in general, the entire range of weapons and military equipment.

The special operation shows that our modern combat and special military equipment has generally confirmed its characteristics and is able to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Ground Forces. The use of advanced models and types of military equipment, new tactical techniques of combat, acquired unique combat experience allow you to quickly adapt to changes in the situation, which undoubtedly increases the potential and combat capability of the Ground Forces.

Image source: redstar.ru

– What new tactical techniques have been mastered by motorized infantry, tankers, artillery units?

– Units of the Ground Forces operate on a wide front in conditions of constant use by the enemy of UAV strike means of electronic warfare.

The special operation showed us that the situation is changing rapidly, taking into account the production of new means of armed struggle. One example is the increasing use by us of unmanned aerial vehicles of aircraft and copter types, including shock ones, for conducting reconnaissance, correcting artillery fire, motorized rifle and tank units, which allows us to destroy the enemy in real time.

Groups of tank destroyers began to be widely used. These groups operate in the supposed tank-accessible areas from ambushes.

In addition, assault units created on a regular basis in military units and formations are actively used. These units perform tasks in the most difficult areas during the offensive.

Artillery began to operate on a wide front, dispersed, with a mandatory change of firing positions. Such terms as "waiting area", "artillery combat maneuvering area" have become fixed.

The defeat of the enemy is conducted in real time, while using information obtained primarily from UAVs, technical means of reconnaissance, modern means of information exchange and data transmission are used. It is worth noting that due to this, less ammunition is consumed to destroy the enemy.

As part of the counter-battery struggle, which showed its significance during the special operation, the actions of nomadic guns, MLRS and mortars, the use of high-precision and barrage ammunition were widely used.

– Oleg Leonidovich, what can you say about the new and modernized models of weapons and equipment that have recently entered service with the Ground Forces? How did they prove themselves in a combat situation?

– All available samples in service with the Ground Forces, including those adopted recently, are now actively and successfully used during a special military operation, having repeatedly confirmed the tactical and technical characteristics inherent in them.

Currently, tank troops are equipped with three types of main battle tanks: T-72, T-80 and T-90. Most of them have already undergone a deep comprehensive modernization. In particular, all upgraded T-72B3 (T-72B3M), T-80BVM and T-90M tanks are equipped with thermal imaging sights with automatic target tracking, which allows them to be used at night and in difficult weather conditions, fire control systems that allow firing modern types of ammunition, as well as guided missiles launched from the channel barrels for a range of up to five kilometers. They are also equipped with modern dynamic protection and noise-resistant means of communication.

It should be noted that the T-90M "Breakthrough-3" tanks are by far the most advanced of the production vehicles, which is confirmed by the results of their use during the special operation and the feedback of the crews. The tank has a panoramic commander's sight, combined with a remote machine gun (with a 12.7 mm machine gun). This allows the commander to assess the situation on the battlefield at the same level with the gunner-operator and fire from the workplace at enemy manpower both from the spot and in motion. To increase the effectiveness of the fight against enemy manpower in T-90M tanks, new high-explosive shells "Telnik" with ready-made striking elements and air detonation at a given point of the trajectory are used.

Infantry fighting vehicles of three types are in service with motorized rifle troops – these are BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMP-3, as well as armored personnel carriers BTR-80 and BTR-82A (M).

Since last year, all new and upgraded BMP (BMP-1AM, BMP-2M with a combat compartment "Berezhok", BMP-3) and BTR (BTR-82A and BTR-82AM) are supplied with mounted sets of additional protection, which increase the level of resistance of vehicles to the most massive anti-tank weapons such as RPG-7, as well as large-caliber machine guns.

In addition to security, the firing capabilities of infantry fighting vehicles have been increased. In particular, after installing the Berezhok combat compartment with Kornet guided missiles on the BMP-2, this combat vehicle was able to destroy similar IFVs and enemy tanks at a range of up to 10 kilometers without entering the range of their weapons.

Also, during a special military operation, tank support combat vehicles are successfully used, which, being directly in the battle formations of tanks, ensure their actions. Their effectiveness is achieved due to the same high level of protection and mobility with tanks, as well as powerful multifunctional weapons, which include two paired

30 mm automatic cannons, an anti-tank complex with four supersonic missiles "Attack" and two automatic grenade launchers.

In addition, the protected Typhoon-K, Typhoon-U, Ural-MIC, Akhmat vehicles and samples of weapons and military equipment created on their chassis show high efficiency in combat conditions.

– What is your assessment of the reconnaissance-firing and reconnaissance-strike complexes used in the special operation zone?

– During the special operation, the role of reconnaissance and strike complexes in the general system of fire destruction of the enemy has significantly increased. Reconnaissance-fire and reconnaissance-strike complexes allow real-time to ensure the opening and defeat of important targets, including highly maneuverable ones.

The complexes created in the Ground Forces have shown high efficiency primarily due to the use of various types of modern complexes with UAVs for reconnaissance, as well as high-precision weapons of destruction, such as ATGM "Kornet", barrage ammunition "Lancet", guided 152-mm ammunition "Krasnopol-2", cruise missile to the Iskander missile complex-M" and others. Now it is absolutely clear that in the future the role of such complexes on the battlefield will only increase.

– In recent years, much attention has been paid to sniping in the Russian Armed Forces. Sniper units have been formed, new sniper weapons (microwave, T-5000 and others) are being supplied to the troops. To what extent were snipers in demand in the special operation zone?

– Despite equipping the Ground Forces with new weapons, sniper fire, as before, plays an important role in all types of combat. Snipers in the combat zone perform tasks for their intended purpose. First of all, this is the cover with sniper fire of combined-arms units defending in strong points and advancing as part of assault groups (detachments), ATGM and MANPADS calculations, reconnaissance groups, their mine-explosive barriers, joints and flanks of units. In addition, they participate in the counter-sniper struggle, conduct surveillance, adjust artillery fire and target aircraft.

At the same time, they are most effectively used centrally according to a single plan as part of mobile sniper groups, as well as in the fight against enemy snipers in conditions of prolonged presence of the opposing sides on the line of contact.

Each sniper shot helps cover groups or attack units. Therefore, snipers still make an important contribution to the common cause and are in demand on the battlefield.

The nature and methods of conducting modern armed struggle, tactics of actions of Ukrainian and other foreign armed formations undoubtedly influenced the development and use of Ground Forces

Image source: redstar.ru

– Last year, mobilized citizens joined the ranks of units and formations of the Ground Forces. How was their preparation carried out?

– The main part of the mobilized servicemen passed a three-week training course in training centers, which provided for the restoration of the necessary skills and abilities in the military accounting specialty and combat coordination of units.

In addition, training was conducted not only in the skills of shooting and driving combat vehicles, but also in the rules of warfare in the city. To this end, the necessary conditions were created at the training grounds, in which the mobilized servicemen learned the techniques of army tactical shooting, control of quadrocopters, and, most importantly, the method of first aid.

Also, the experience of the special operation clearly showed the need to train mobilized servicemen in the basics of engineering, which include skills in handling explosive devices and constructing various fortifications in the field.

Some of the conscripted servicemen who, shortly before mobilization, completed their contract service and had combat experience, were immediately sent directly to military units by the decision of the command. They passed combat coordination as part of the units on the ground, at the points of temporary deployment of military units.

– Continuing the topic of personnel training, I would especially like to highlight the officers – graduates of military universities of the Ground Forces. How many of them came to serve in the past and this year, how do they manifest themselves? Have significant changes been made to the training process taking into account the experience of a special military operation?

– In 2022-2023, about four thousand officers graduated from the walls of military universities of the Land Forces. The analysis of feedback from the troops confirmed the high level of their training. In a combat situation, in the most difficult situations, our graduates show courage, self-control and successfully perform all the tasks assigned to them.

At the same time, military science does not stand still, and the experience of conducting a special military operation requires constant study and prompt clarification of officer training programs. Introduction of combat experience into the educational activities of Land universities

the troops are conducted according to a single plan and plan. On the basis of analytical materials coming from military administration bodies and research organizations, changes in training programs are continuously being made at universities.

A set of additional practical exercises and trainings is conducted with students and cadets, which allows them to adapt as quickly as possible to the tasks in the zone of a special military operation, in other words, everything that will be useful to the commander in real combat conditions.

The teaching staff of universities is constantly improving professional qualities, being directly involved in performing various tasks in combat conditions. The experience they gained is successfully passed on to students and cadets.

– How is the training and retraining of Ground Forces personnel organized so that they can competently operate new equipment and effectively perform tasks for their intended purpose?

– The training of specialists of the Ground Forces is organized in the district training centers and in the training centers of missile troops and artillery. During the training, military personnel fulfill the standards for military equipment, which will subsequently perform combat and special tasks. The training of personnel takes place on modern samples of weapons, military and special equipment.

The training of officers for the Ground Forces is carried out according to a three-level system of higher education programs based on the modernized federal state educational standards of the third generation.

At all levels, a system of retraining and advanced training of officers according to programs of additional professional education is organized at least once every three years and before appointment to the highest military position.

In addition, military schools and academies train specialists with secondary military special training in secondary vocational education programs with a training period of two years and 10 months.

Image source: redstar.ru

– What would you like to wish your subordinates on the eve of a professional holiday?

– On the eve of the Day of the Ground Forces, I would like to congratulate, first of all, those who celebrate this memorable date on the front line, selflessly liberating the world from fascism, just as our fathers and grandfathers did during the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War.

I would especially like to note that they rightfully include our comrades-in-arms who were called up as part of the mobilization, as well as volunteers who made a truly responsible decision to protect their country, relatives and friends from the enemy.

I would like to congratulate the teaching staff of military educational institutions and military training centers on the holiday, thanks to which a new generation of literate and loyal soldiers of the Ground Forces is being formed.

On this day, it is impossible not to note the work of the collectives of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex. The advanced models of weapons and military equipment created by our renowned master gunsmiths allow the Ground Forces to confidently perform the tasks assigned to them.

I express my special gratitude to the veterans of the Land Forces

troops who, in this difficult time, do not stand aside and continue selfless service to the Motherland, being an example for the current generation of servicemen.

I congratulate everyone on the holiday, thank you for your impeccable service and selfless work. I wish you good health and further success for the benefit of Russia! All the best!

Anton ALEKSEEV, "Red Star"

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Comments [2]
04.10.2023 00:19
Цитата, q
всё более широкое применение нами беспилотных летательных аппаратов самолётного и коптерного типов, в том числе ударных, для ведения разведки, корректирования огня артиллерии, мотострелковых и танковых подразделений, что позволяет уничтожать врага в режиме реального времени.

А где соответствующие потребностям времени изменения в штатной структуре полков, бригад и дивизий?
Где штатные роты и батальоны БПЛА?
Где  организованные МО учебные центры БПЛА?
Почему снабжение войск беспилотниками  до сих пор в огромной степени зависит не от программы закупок МО, а от сборов денег с населения различными фондами и частной инициативы граждан?
04.10.2023 00:36
Цитата, q
Стали широко применяться группы истребителей танков. Данные группы действуют на предполагаемых танкодоступных направлениях из засад.

Так-же действовали противотанковые подразделения во время ВОВ, что тут нового?
мобильные группы с  переносными ПТРК это вынужденная мера по той причине, что в войсках нет нужного количества  современных мобильных ПТРК "Корнет-"  на базе БМП-3, Тигров и роботизированных платформ "УРАН".
На всю  российскую армию лишь около сотни ПТРК Хризантема-С"
МО не удосужились даже модернизировать стоящие на складах советские  ПТРК "Штурм-С".
Кроме выстовочных и парадных образцов на вооружении армии по факту к началу СВО оказалось одно старьё производства СССР,
Все эти заявления про 70% новой техники  в войсках оказались не более чем пустой болтовнёй.
Не смогли даже достойно вооружить и экипировать 300 тыс. мобилизованных,  оказалось что с военных складов всё разворовано и распродано, а мобилизованных собирали "всем миром" закупая по военторгам аммуницию по резко выросшей в несколько раз цене.

Нет никаких достижений, бардак, воровство и очковтирательство.....
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