
Rosoboronexport promotes the development of high technologies in the defense industry of Russian regions

Image source: © Пресс-служба АО "Рособоронэкспорт"

TSAMTO, September 15. Alexander Mikheev, CEO of Rosoboronexport JSC, Deputy Chairman of Soyuzmash of Russia, took part in a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Institute named after P.A. Solovyov and the Yaroslavl regional branch of Soyuzmash, which he oversees.

During the meeting, measures were discussed to preserve and develop the Rybinsk engineering school, issues of personnel training for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Yaroslavl region, as well as the general situation in the region's industry.

"All 15 enterprises of the Yaroslavl region, members of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, are focused, first of all, on the implementation of the State Defense Order. Soyuzmash ensured that the salaries of their employees were at least 10 percent higher than the regional average, which significantly increased the attractiveness of vacancies. The main goal today for all of us is to increase Russia's defense capability, preserve and develop the engineering school, and provide the industry with highly qualified personnel," A. Mikheev said, speaking at a videoconference meeting.

The enterprises of the Yaroslavl region, including those belonging to the Rostec State Corporation, develop and produce gas turbine engines for aviation, power generating and gas pumping plants, ships, marine and coastal industrial facilities. The region produces large missile, patrol, rocket and artillery boats, unique special purpose speedboats, combat, transport and amphibious boats, assault boats, built by order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The region is known for the production of high-quality civil, military and dual-use aircraft. The region also produces on-board telemetry systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, optical devices, communication systems and other products.

Yaroslavl Region is well known for its engineering and design school, which has united unique universities and experimental design bureaus. They have preserved the best traditions of the past years and developed system algorithms for the development of scientific potential. One of the striking examples is the Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Institute named after P.A.Solovyov.

The Yaroslavl regional branch of Soyuzmash of Russia on an ongoing basis conducts a broad program of career guidance for children and youth, and has also fine-tuned the system of advanced training of employees of machine-building enterprises. There is a system of motivation of future engineering and technical personnel at the enterprises of the region.

"Yaroslavl industry is actively involved in the execution of export contracts, which bring foreign exchange earnings to the regional budget and technologically develop production. At the moment, enterprises in the region are fulfilling Rosoboronexport contracts with foreign customers in the amount of more than 32.5 billion rubles, and the company is working on supplies estimated at over 37 billion rubles. Such volumes speak about the long–term demand for highly qualified specialists and their job security after the tasks of providing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are fully completed," A. Mikheev noted.

The message is publicly available on the website of Rosoboronexport JSC.

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