
A promising German self-propelled short-range anti-aircraft missile system


The German consortium Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (ARGE NNBs), created by Rheinmetall Electronics (as part of the Rheinmetall Group), Diehl Defense (as part of the Diehl Group) and Hensoldt Sensors, on August 24, 2023 announced the conclusion of a contract with the German defense procurement agency Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) about the development for the German army under the Luftverteidigung durch das Luftverteidigungssystem Nah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (LVS NNBs) program of a promising short-range self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system, as well as an anti-aircraft self-propelled installation with a 30-mm artillery complex. All of them should be made on the basis of the chassis of GTK Boxer wheeled armored personnel carriers (8x8).

Flugabwehrraketenpanzer (FlaRakPz) combat vehicle of a promising German self-propelled short-range anti-aircraft missile system based on the GTK Boxer wheeled armored personnel carrier of the Luftverteidigung durch das Luftverteidigungssystem Nah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (LVS NNBs) (c) Rheinmetall

These complexes should be created as part of the so-called first stage (Teilprojekt 1) of the creation of the German advanced military air defense system LVS NNBs. As an "urgent part" of this stage, a contract has already been signed with the ARGE NNBs consortium for the supply to the Bundeswehr from 2024 to 2027 of six IRIS-T SLM medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems (similar to those supplied to Egypt and Ukraine) using a specially developed anti-aircraft guided missile with a range of up to 40 km and an altitude reach of up to 20 km, and using TRML-4D radar.

The LVS NNBs program has been implemented by the German Ministry of Defense since 2017, and the main proposals for it were submitted by a specially created consortium ARGE NNBs in March 2021.

For the main part of Teilprojekt 1, this SAM will be supplemented with a promising short-range SAM, which will use the original IRIS-T missiles with a firing range of up to 15 km. The Flugabwehrraketenpanzer (FlaRakPz) combat vehicle of this SAM will be made on the basis of the Boxer APC and will have a turret combat module with four IRIS-T missile launchers and six fixed antennas from the AFAR of the Hensoldt Spexer radar system for detecting and tracking aerial targets. Round-the-clock electron-optical systems (presumably Rheinmetall FIRST and TREO) should also be used to detect and track targets in passive mode. A state recognition system (with an upper antenna) is also being installed. In addition, a 40-mm automatic anti-personnel grenade launcher will be installed in the combat module for self-defense.

As part of the SAM, for every three FlaRakPz combat vehicles, there should be one Feuerleitpanzer (FltPz) control vehicle, also made on the Boxer APC chassis. The control machine must exchange information with other elements of the LVS NNBs system using the Airbus IBMS control system and Link 16 equipment. All machines of the complex must be equipped with a passive counteraction system MUSS ((Multifunktionales Selbstschutzsystem).

It is tentatively planned to purchase two divisions of the new SAM, although the composition of the divisional kit is still unclear. Prototypes of the SAM should be presented in 2026-2027. Although earlier plans provided for the start of its deliveries from 2028, however, this deadline is unlikely to be sustained.

The anti-aircraft self-propelled gun (Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer) based on the Boxer APC is designed primarily to combat small UAVs and should use the Skyranger 30 combat module developed by Rheinmetall Air Defense (formerly Oerlikon) with an Oerlikon KCE 30 mm revolver cannon with programmable ammunition installed in an uninhabited turret. Additionally, it is planned to install a launcher for two to four short-range anti-aircraft guided missiles (with infrared or laser beam guidance). not yet named type. Target detection and tracking systems, apparently, should be similar to those on FlaRakPz. The prototype of the ZSU should be delivered in 2025, after which 18 serial samples (including two training ones) should be delivered by mid-2027.

The Flugabwehrraketenpanzer (FlaRakPz) combat vehicle and the Feuerleitpanzer (FltPz) control vehicle of the promising German self-propelled short-range anti-aircraft missile system based on the GTK Boxer wheeled armored personnel carrier of the Luftverteidigung durch das Luftverteidigungssystem Nah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (LVS NNBs) (c ) Rheinmetall

jpg" title="Demonstrator of the Rheinmetall Skyranger 30 30 mm anti-aircraft self-propelled gun based on the GTK Boxer wheeled armored personnel carrier at the Eurosatory 2022 exhibition. Le Bourget, June 2022">

A demonstrator of the Rheinmetall Skyranger 30 30 mm anti-aircraft self-propelled gun based on the GTK Boxer wheeled armored personnel carrier at the Eurosatory 2022 exhibition. Le Bourget, June 2022 (c) Rheinmetall

Scheme of the promising German military air defense system Luftverteidigung durch das Luftverteidigungssystem Nah- und Nächstbereichsschutz (LVS NNBs) (c) ARGE NNBs

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