
A new deposit of rare earth elements has been discovered in the USA


Image source: topwar.ru

New deposits of rare earth elements have been discovered on the territory of the USA, in the state of Wyoming. This is reported by the American press, referring to the information received from one of the American companies working in the mining industry.

Now the company has submitted applications for the lease of land plots on which the deposits are located. The company received information about the discovery of deposits after the relevant field studies were carried out. XRF samples show the content of very valuable elements, including neodymium, praseodymium and yttrium.

It should be noted that the United States has been trying to reduce dependence on China in the field of rare earth elements for a long time. One of Washington's main fears in the confrontation with China is that Beijing will block access to Chinese rare earth elements that are used in American industry. If this happens, the US economy will be dealt a severe blow.

Therefore, American companies, with the support of the state, are working on the discovery and start of exploitation of deposits of rare earth elements on the American territory proper. In addition to the state of Wyoming, deposits of such elements may also be located in Alaska and Texas.

The only operating rare earth element mine so far is located in Mountain Pass, California. However, the elements extracted there are clearly not enough to cover the needs of the American industry in them, which forces American companies to seek new opportunities in the field of rare earth elements extraction.

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