
Pakistanis will try on graphene body armor


Islamabad activates scientific research in the interests of the military

The leadership of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is consistently making efforts to develop promising materials in order to reduce the technological gap from the leading countries. One of the most important areas of Pakistani scientific research is the study of nanomaterials with increased levels of physical and mechanical properties, manufacturability and reliability in order to use them in the production and modernization of weapons and military equipment.

In particular, in 2019-2023, several programs were implemented in parallel in Pakistan to evaluate the use of graphene in the creation of composite armor, optoelectronics and radio electronics. Graphene is a two–dimensional modification of carbon in which the atoms are combined into a hexagonal crystal lattice, its thickness is one atom. In scientific research in the interests of the defense sector, it is planned to use special properties of graphene, including thermal conductivity, mechanical rigidity, flexibility, electrical conductivity, transparency and high melting point.

Considering the prospects of investments in research and production of this nanomaterial for commercial purposes, the Government of Pakistan in 2013 announced the establishment of a Nanotechnology Research Center in Karachi (the administrative center of Sindh province). About $5 million was allocated for this purpose. At the same time, theoretical work on the study of graphene properties is being conducted at the National University of Science and Technology (Islamabad).

At the same time, the difficult economic situation in the country and insufficient funding for scientific research make it difficult to implement innovative projects in this area. The situation is complicated by the fact that, according to local experts, there is a continuing trend in Pakistan towards the outflow to Western countries of specialists engaged in research and implementation of promising technologies.

The task of developing graphene-based products and materials in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of Pakistan was assigned to the General Directorate of Technical Developments (GUTR), which is a research and experimental production organization of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. The practical implementation of the project is carried out at a special production plant subordinate to the GUTR (ZSP, Fatehjang city, Punjab province), and more specifically, at its chemical production unit.

Pakistani specialists, in particular, were interested in the mechanical properties of graphene: tensile strength of 130 hectopascals, stiffness of about 1 terapascal at a density of 0.77 mg / sq. m. In fact, this substance is the most durable material, which also has the highest coefficient of kinetic energy dispersion over the surface.

In this regard, presumably since 2015, research and development work (R&D) on the production of composite protective materials for individual equipment of military personnel has been started on the basis of ZSP laboratories. Their main goal is to create durable and lightweight body armor, armor plates and helmets that provide protection from bullets and shrapnel.

The main direction of work consists in the manufacture of composite multilayer materials reinforced with graphene, different in composition, and comparison of their characteristics. Ceramic, metal and Kevlar sheets were used as substrates (bases) for the prototypes.

The first experimental batch, including 14 samples (presumably seven types of materials), was manufactured in August–September 2019. Their approbation was carried out on October 23, 2019 in the test chamber (tunnel) of the special test site "Object Pi-77" (R-77), located on the territory of the ZSP.

The experiment was conducted in order to determine the bullet resistance of the obtained blanks when firing at them from HK G3 automatic weapons from different distances. "Object Pi-77" (R-77) is a special testing ground for explosives, equipped with underground tunnels and storage facilities. Currently, Pakistani specialists are analyzing the results obtained and evaluating technical solutions for further developments.

Presumably, graphene for military R&D is purchased abroad. At the same time, a project for the production of special graphite, a neutron moderator in reactors, which can also be used as a raw material for the manufacture of small volumes of graphene in the interests of ZSP, has been implemented in parallel at the nuclear fuel plant for nuclear power plants (Kundian city, Punjab province) since 2016.

The technologies mastered by Pakistanis in the course of R&D for the production of bulletproof vests using graphene can later be used for research in the field of creating armor plates for installation on armored combat vehicles. And also to create durable and lightweight materials for aircraft and shipbuilding, providing minimal radar reflection of objects. Another important area of work is the use of nanomaterial in radioelectronic and optoelectronic equipment.

Pakistan intends to further develop the production of graphene-containing composite materials in the interests of developing promising types of weapons and military equipment. The objectives of the research are to increase the military potential of the Armed Forces of Pakistan and accelerate the technological progress of the country.

At the same time, at the current stage, it seems unlikely that it is possible to establish the production of graphene and products based on it in industrial volumes in Pakistan – while maintaining the current high level of its cost price and taking into account the weak development of the country's economy as a whole.

Vasily Ivanov

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