
Mikhail Mishustin visited Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov

Image source: © Фото : ПАО "Туполев

TSAMTO, June 22. Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P.Gorbunov – one of the largest enterprises of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation – was founded in 1932.

Currently, the plant is a branch of PJSC "Tupolev" and is part of PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation" of the state corporation "Rostec". The main products are military and civilian aircraft, as well as consumer goods. The company is engaged in the design, production and testing of aircraft for various purposes, the creation and implementation of new technologies for their production, maintenance and after-sales service of aircraft, crew training.

Over the years of its existence, the plant has produced 22 types of aircraft with a total number of more than 20 thousand units, including ANT-3, Pe-2, Tu-16, Tu-104B, Il-62M, Tu-22MZ, Tu-160 aircraft.

Currently, the Kazan Aircraft Factory produces Tu-160 strategic missile carriers, Tu-214 passenger aircraft, repairs and further improvement of Tu-160, Tu-22M3.

The Tu-160 strategic missile carrier is the largest supersonic aircraft and aircraft with variable wing geometry in the history of military aviation, as well as one of the most powerful combat aircraft in the world. The Tu-160 has 44 official world records.

The program for the reproduction of Tu-160 aircraft in the upgraded appearance of the Tu-160M was launched by the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In January 2022, the upgraded Tu-160M strategic missile carrier began a flight test program.

The Tu-214 is a medium–haul narrow-body twin-engine passenger aircraft. The Tu-214 can carry up to 210 passengers. The aircraft is equipped with domestic systems, it is distinguished by high aerodynamic quality, modern aerodynamic layout and flight navigation system, high flight performance. Tu-214 meets international requirements for noise and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

The company employs about 8.5 thousand people. In connection with the increase in the production of aviation equipment, a program is being implemented to attract qualified personnel to production, as well as vocational guidance activities for students and schoolchildren. In particular, in May 2023, an agreement was signed on the establishment of the basic Department of Aircraft Engineering between the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev and PJSC Tupolev. Students will be trained in specialized specialties: "Aircraft construction", "Aircraft and helicopter construction", "Design and technological support of machine-building industries".

The message is publicly available on the website of PJSC UAC.

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