
Success assessment: the Russian army repulsed all enemy attacks

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости

The VFU failed to break through our defenses in a week, having lost at least two brigades, experts say

Over the weekend, the armed forces of the Russian Federation continued to repel enemy attacks in the Zaporozhye, South Donetsk and Donetsk directions. The failures forced the VFU to change tactics — they no longer rely on Western equipment and are trying to conduct assault operations with infantry units. Experts note that during a week of attacks, the enemy was unable to break through our defenses, suffering heavy losses. According to analysts, it is time for the Russian troops to prepare a "retaliatory move". On June 12, Russia Day, the President visited the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital, where he presented awards to the wounded participants of the special operation.

Awards from the President

On Russia Day, Vladimir Putin visited the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital, where he talked with the participants of the special operation undergoing treatment and personally presented them with state awards.

During the conversation with the servicemen, the Head of state noted the importance of the SVO.

— I probably don't need to tell you how important it is for the country to be independent, to strengthen, in order to protect people there, in these territories. These are our people, they feel part of our people, and it is our duty to stand up for them, which is what we are doing, what you are doing, risking your life, the lives of your comrades, risking your health," he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at the ceremony of awarding Russian Armed Forces servicemen with state awards at the A.A. Vishnevsky Hospital of the Russian Defense Ministry

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Vladimir Astapkovich

The Head of State stressed that all participants of the special operation present at the award ceremony are heroes.

— Just like other guys who are fighting at the front, fighting in the zone of a special military operation. Shelling, tanks, armored vehicles – it's not a movie, it's all happening in reality," he said.

The President invited the interlocutors to think about continuing their studies in the military line.

— I think the one who wants from you, he could start the next step – to go to school. People like you, without any doubt, are needed by the country, the Motherland, the Armed Forces need. And if someone connects their future fate with the Armed Forces, then, of course, it would be right,

Vladimir Putin presented the Hero of Russia star to the company commander, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Zhulanov. The officer helped his comrades to get out of the encirclement, despite being wounded.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vladimir Astapkovich

Image source: iz.ru

The knights of the Order of Courage were the commander of the flamethrower platoon, Senior Lieutenant Anatoly Zuev, the gunner — assistant of the grenade launcher, private Andrey Kravtsov, and the foreman of the motorized rifle company, ensign Balgan Banzaraktsaev, the radiotelephonist, private Andrey Batuev.

This award was also received by the commander of the department, private Yuri Krasnoyarov, the chemist of the department, private Nikolai Lychko, the commander of the medical department, senior sergeant Sergei Patanov, the scout-machine gunner, private Dmitry Pilikhovsky, the commander of the department, junior sergeant Kirill Tatarenko.

Vremevsky ledge

During the day, the armed formations of Ukraine continued their attempts of offensive actions in the South Donetsk, Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, the Russian military department reported on June 12.

– Three enemy attacks from the direction of Velikaya Novoselka of the Donetsk People's Republic and in the area of the Levadnoye settlement of the Zaporozhye region were repelled by the decisive actions of the defending units, artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems of the Vostok group of troops, – said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

In the areas of Prechistovka, Velikaya Novoselka and Neskuchny in the DPR, clusters of manpower and equipment of four VFU brigades were affected.

Photo: TASS/Stanislav Krasilnikov

Image source: iz.ru

In the Zaporozhye direction, aviation and artillery attacked units of the 65th Mekh brigade of the VFU in the Novodanilovka area.

In the Donetsk direction, the most active fighting was conducted in the area of Avdiivka and Maryinka. The southern group of troops successfully repelled two attacks by the 59th Motorized Infantry and 79th airborne assault brigades of the VFU in the direction of the settlements of Pervomayskoye and the northern outskirts of Maryinka.

During the day, enemy losses in three directions amounted to over 510 servicemen and 27 pieces of military equipment, including seven tanks, self-propelled guns and armored fighting vehicles.

During the previous two days, the enemy also tried to carry out massive attacks in these areas. Western technology did not help him to achieve success: on June 11, the Russian Defense Ministry told about the destruction of 11 tanks, including three Leopards, 16 armored vehicles, a Stormer SAM combat vehicle made in the UK, as well as the M777 artillery system made in the USA.

According to Izvestia sources familiar with the situation, the enemy is currently trying not to use "assault brigades" equipped with Western equipment in combat. Light infantry units, including battalions of jaeger brigades, were brought into battle. Tactics have also changed: instead of breaking through with the help of heavy armored vehicles, the Ukrainian infantry is trying to conduct assault operations and immediately gain a foothold in positions. However, in almost seven days, the VFU did not even reach the main line of defense.

The armed formations have been attacking for more than a week and cannot show at least some success, military expert Vasily Dandykin noted in a conversation with Izvestia.

Photo: TASS/press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Image Source: iz.ru

"The Ukrainian forces were hoping for more," he believes. – Even Zelensky acknowledged that the offensive had begun, saying that this was not a reconnaissance by combat. Brigades that were trained in the West and equipped with NATO equipment went on the offensive. At least ten percent of it has already been lost, including Leopard tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. Now it is not used in other directions. Only on June 12, the enemy lost a full-fledged battalion with attached reinforcement equipment. In a little over a week, they missed two brigades with equipment. At the same time, they could not move forward.

The expert believes that the flood that followed the undermining of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant will allow the VFU to transfer parts from the right bank of the Dnieper to the Donbass.

– They can resume attacks there, – suggested Vasily Dandykin. – But without air support, they won't get anything. Our army drew conclusions from last fall. New attempts at a counteroffensive, I think, will not lead to the success of the enemy. We also need to prepare a "retaliatory move".

"Cascade" holds the punch

In the South Donetsk direction, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are engaged in fierce battles with the enemy. Valentin Trushnin is now at the positions of the gunners of the operational combat tactical formation (OBTF) "Cascade".

The footage provided by the correspondent shows how a column of armored vehicles is walking across the field, the first car is blown up by a mine, and everyone stops – it is dangerous to leave the beaten track. Then our artillery enters the battle.

On the move, the tank is practically invulnerable, but any traffic jam is destroyed quickly, as these shots prove: ten cars are burning in one small area, including Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Leopard tanks.

Photo: social networks

Image Source: iz.ru

In recent days, the gunners do not spare shells. An officer in charge of the ammunition supply throws up the correspondent's position.

– Can you tell how many times the consumption of shells has increased?

– Almost a hundred times.

Valentin Trushnin says that fierce battles are taking place on a 40-kilometer stretch. Novodarovka, Novodonetskoye, Velikaya Novoselka, Neskuchnoye, Zolotaya Niva – in none of these settlements, the VFU could not destroy our defenses, but they managed to temporarily enter the village of Novodonetskoye.

– We knocked out the enemy's group from there. They are trying to break through, but they are not succeeding. Our equipment overcame them, the artillery crushed them," said a fighter of the Cascade OBTF with the call sign Kent.

As events have shown, minefields turned out to be the most effective means of defense, with anti–tank guided missiles in second place. The result of the work of the ATGM was a broken British armored car "Mastiff".

Photo: RIA Novosti/Konstantin Mikhalchevsky

Image source: iz.ru

– The equipment wanted to come to our flank and land the enemy infantry so that they would close the ring and we would remain surrounded. Our guys destroyed it in time," Kent shared.

"Azov Sea" drowns drones

On the night of June 12, the Russian Armed Forces struck with precision weapons at the locations of the reserves of the VFU, the military department reported.

— Designated objects are hit. The aim of the strike has been achieved," Igor Konashenkov said.

Earlier, on the night of June 11, at about 1 hour 30 minutes, the Navy attacked the ship "Azov Sea" of the Black Sea Fleet with six high-speed unmanned boats. He carried out the tasks of monitoring the situation and ensuring security along the routes of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines. All boats were destroyed by the fire of the Russian ship.

— There are no injuries. The ship did not receive any damage," the Russian military stressed.

Photo: RIA Novosti/press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Image source: iz.ru

In three days — from June 10 to June 12 — at least 1,862 people and 183 units of military equipment, including tanks, howitzers, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, were lost in the special operation zone of the VFU, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

Russian air defense shot down two Ukrainian aircraft in three days: a MiG-29 fighter in the Platonovka area in the DPR and a Su-25 aircraft in the Osokorovka area of the Kherson region.

Social protection for volunteers

At the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation, Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov held a meeting on the recruitment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with military personnel under contract. It was attended by military commissars of the subjects of the Russian Federation, chiefs of selection points for military service under contract and representatives of regional authorities.

During the ten days of June, more than 3.5 thousand people signed a contract with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is 2.1 times more than during the same period in May, and 3.1 times higher than in April 2023, the Deputy Defense Minister said.

– In addition to the admission of citizens to contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we have a significant increase in citizens who want to defend the Fatherland in volunteer formations, – said Nikolai Pankov.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaly Nevar

Image Source: iz.ru

At the meeting, it was reported that the Minister of Defense signed an order ordering volunteer detachments to conclude a contract with the military department by July 1 – this will provide them with the necessary legal status. The document grants the right to all volunteers to conclude individual contracts either with volunteer detachments or with the Ministry of Defense as contract servicemen.

– The conclusion of contracts by citizens with the state is, first of all, the extension of social protection and support measures established by the state to them, as well as to their family members, – emphasized Nikolay Pankov.

Stay in the ranks

The Ministry of Defense of Russia told about the servicemen who showed courage and selflessness in the battles.

The sabotage group of the enemy planned to secretly get close to the positions of the unit of Captain Alexey Ryzhkovich and attack. Alexey noticed their approach in time, and together with his subordinates opened fire. During the battle, he was wounded, but continued to lead the unit. Even numerical superiority did not help the enemies – they suffered losses and retreated. Our servicemen took possession of foreign-made weapons.

Lieutenant Malik Hajiyev's motorized rifle platoon defended a strategically important height. Malik, being at the forefront, was an example for his subordinates. During the battle, he received a severe concussion, but continued to command his platoon. Thanks to his bold and decisive actions, the enemy was stopped and, having suffered losses, retreated.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Konstantin Mikhalchevsky

Image source: iz.ru

During the SVO, Private Alexander Mashkov provided uninterrupted communication within the battalion tactical group. The militants attacked the area of the troops using MLRS, after which the satellite communication station failed.

Alexander's selfless actions and his high professionalism made it possible to restore communication facilities in the shortest possible time. This allowed us to transmit the coordinates of the positions of the enemy MLRS, which were suppressed by the fire of our artillery.

Andrey Fedorov

Bogdan Stepovoy

Julia Leonova

Lyubov Lezhneva

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