
Broken parts: VFU offensive attempts choke for the third day in a row

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости

The enemy's attacks will continue, but the Russian army has enough forces to contain them, experts are sure

On June 6, Ukrainian formations continued to attempt a massive offensive. However, the enemy had no success on any part of the line of contact. Over the past three days, the VFU has lost up to 3,715 servicemen, 52 tanks, 207 armored vehicles, five aircraft, two helicopters and other military equipment. This was told by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The head of the military department also noted the heroism of soldiers and officers who stopped the enemy. President Vladimir Putin spoke with one of them, Junior Lieutenant Yuri Zhelanov. Experts believe that the enemy's attacks will continue, but we have enough forces to contain them. Most importantly, we have an advantage in artillery and aviation.

The offensive has been stopped

On June 6, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that over the past three days, the VFU had launched a "long-promised offensive" on several sections of the line of contact. For this purpose, a large amount of equipment and manpower was concentrated.

According to him, on June 4, the forces of the 23rd and 31st mechanized brigades of the VFU attempted an offensive in five directions.

Photo: REUTERS/Anna Kudriavtseva

Image source: iz.ru

— The enemy did not achieve success on any of them, suffered significant losses: 300 soldiers, 16 tanks, 26 armored combat vehicles, 14 cars, — said the head of the military department.

As sources familiar with the situation told Izvestia, the 23rd and 31st Ukrainian brigades not only suffered heavy losses, but also partially lost their combat capability. Currently, the enemy is urgently regrouping, as well as trying to replenish losses in personnel and equipment. Meanwhile, the VFU continues to attempt to attack the Russian defense in the area of the Vremyevsky salient. Two company tactical groups supported by armored vehicles were stopped by the fire of Russian troops

Sergei Shoigu also said that on June 5, the VFU attempted an offensive in seven directions by the forces of five brigades. The enemy was stopped, suffered even more tangible losses: more than 1.6 thousand servicemen, 28 tanks, including eight Leopards and three AMX-10 wheeled tanks, 136 units of other military equipment, including 79 foreign ones.

— The offensive attempts were thwarted, the enemy was stopped, Russian soldiers and officers showed courage and heroism in the battles. I repeat, the enemy did not achieve its goals, suffered significant and incomparable losses," the head of the military department said.

Sergei Shoigu emphasized the skillful actions of operational-tactical, assault and army aviation in repelling the offensive. They used 50 anti-tank guided missiles.

—As a result, five tanks and 29 other armored fighting vehicles were destroyed," he said.

According to the Minister of Defense, during the three days of active hostilities in all directions, the losses of the armed formations of Ukraine amounted to 3,715 servicemen, 52 tanks, 207 armored vehicles, 134 cars, five planes, two helicopters, 48 field artillery guns and 53 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Sergei Shoigu said that, unfortunately, it was not without losses on our part.


Image source: iz.ru

— In total, 71 servicemen were killed and 210 were injured during the repulse of the enemy's offensive in the Combined Group of Troops. 15 tanks, nine infantry fighting vehicles, two cars and nine guns were shot down," the minister said.

Sergei Shoigu also said that the demolition of the Kakhovskaya HPP facilities on the night of June 6 was carried out by the Ukrainian side in order to transfer part of the forces from Kherson to other directions.

The fighting has been going on for three days, the VFU is suffering losses, military expert Vasily Dandykin told Izvestia.

— The way the enemy tried to distract our forces in the Belgorod direction and morally suppress the population and how he organized a terrorist attack on the dam, suggests that now they are going all out, — he said. — They are doing everything in order to at least partially fulfill the tasks assigned to the notorious counteroffensive. I'm sure we have enough strength to hold on. Most importantly, we have an advantage in artillery and aviation.

The expert noted that we have obvious superiority in the air, especially since, advancing, the APU come out from under the "umbrella" of their air defense.

— The remnants of their aircraft are still trying to act, but we see them being shot down almost every day. There will be serious fighting going on for at least the next week," he said.

The President talked to the hero

Sergei Shoigu said that units of the 433rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 127th Motorized Rifle Division, the 37th and 60th motorized rifle brigades distinguished themselves in the battles, showing perseverance and fortitude.

— The 3rd company of the 37th Motorized Rifle Brigade under the command of Junior Lieutenant Yuri Zhelanov and the commander of the 1st battalion of the same brigade, Major Vladimir Polozhentsev, showed special heroism, - the minister said.

These units, being in the direction of the main strike, steadfastly defended their positions and inflicted significant losses on the superior forces of the 37th Marine Brigade of the enemy.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Vadim Savitsky

— Under the threat of encirclement, Junior Lieutenant Zhelanov, being wounded, took his company to pre—equipped defensive positions, where he successfully stopped the advancing enemy units, - the minister noted.

Later it became known that President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone with Yuri Zhelanov. The officer himself told about the conversation with the head of state.

— They connected us and talked. <...> He was interested in how and what happened, he was interested in my condition and medical care, — said the serviceman, who received the title of Hero of Russia.

He admitted that he was very pleased to talk to the president.

— He praised me. It was very pleasant. He said that he would introduce me to the highest award and to the assignment of a military rank," Yuri added.

Berkhovka is in our hands

The attacks of the VFU were repulsed in other directions as well. On June 6, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation said that in the area of Artemovsk, the active actions of the Southern Group successfully repelled four attempts of the 5th Mountain assault brigade of the VFU in the direction of Kleshcheyevka and the 77th airmobile brigade in the Berkhovka area. Bypassing and wedging into our defense of the units of the VFU is not allowed.

Photo: RIA Novosti

Image source: iz.ru

The military department emphasized that Berkhovka is completely under the control of Russian troops.

— The report of individual sources about the alleged abandonment of Berkhovka by Russian troops does not correspond to reality, — stressed the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

During the fighting, more than 260 militants, five tanks, four armored fighting vehicles, four pickups, two Grad MLRS installations, three Gvozdika self-propelled guns, one Cezar made in France and the M777 artillery system made in the USA, as well as D-30 and Msta-B howitzers were destroyed during the day.

Tanks clear the way

The Russian military in the southern direction destroyed an enemy stronghold with D-30 howitzers and cleared the way for a tank platoon from Buryatia. The fighting in the southern direction was observed by the military correspondent of Izvestia, Daniil Levin.

According to the military commander, the power of the D-30 howitzer is amazing. The projectile weighs more than 20 kg, so there are four people in the calculation. The gun is loaded quickly and smoothly.

— The calculation of the ATGM prevented our tanks from passing on. And the command to destroy it was received. We received the data, corrected us by fire. The target was hit, the tanks are moving on," said the commander of the D-30 howitzer with the call sign Gray.

D-30 howitzers

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Epanchintsev

The unit can move on immediately after the road is cleared.

In camouflage nets and a canopy from a UAV, the T-80 became unrecognizable. In this battalion, the appearance of the equipment is a real work of military art. The crew improved the protection of the tank. Now logs are attached to its sides, a net is stretched over the hatch.

— The drone falls on the net, the grenade will explode here too, and does not fall into the tank, for example, into the hatch, — the acting commander of the tank company with the call sign Delika explained.

Tankers, gunners — every unit is now in maximum combat readiness. Our servicemen repel the attacks of the VFU and successfully prevent offensive attempts.

Planes and helicopters were shot down

On the night of June 6, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a group strike with high-precision long-range air-based weapons at one of the decision-making centers of the VFU. The object was hit, the purpose of the strike was achieved, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported.

According to the ministry, on June 6, at least 385 people and 44 pieces of military equipment, including tanks, howitzers, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, were lost in the special operation zone of the VFU.

In addition, the activities of four sabotage and reconnaissance groups were crossed in the Kupyansk direction, as well as the units of the VFU in the areas of the settlements of Novomlynsk, Kislovka, Kharkiv region and Rozovka of the Luhansk People's Republic were hit. In the Krasnolimansky direction, enemy units were defeated in the areas of the settlements of Kuzmino in the LPR and Torskoye in the DPR.

Photo: RIA Novosti/press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Image source: iz.ru

Ammunition depots of the 57th, 72nd mechanized brigades of the VFU and the 108th Territorial Defense Brigade were destroyed in the areas of the village of Bogdanovka and Dobrovolye in the DPR, and Shcherbaki in the Zaporozhye region.

Three Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft and two Mi-8 helicopters were shot down. The Storm Shadow cruise missile and the HARM anti-radar missile were intercepted, as well as 12 rockets of the HIMARS and Hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. In addition, 19 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

Alexey Ramm, Bogdan Stepovoy, Yulia Leonova, Roman Kretsul worked on the material


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