
Expert: MILEX exhibition has become a significant contribution to the integration of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Belarus into the peak of NATO

Image source: Роман Азанов/ ТАСС

According to the head of the Bureau of Military-Political Analysis Alexander Mikhailov, Minsk has further cemented itself with military-technical ties with MoscowMINSK, May 21.

/tass/. The MILEX-2023 international arms exhibition held in Minsk has become a significant contribution to the integration of the armed forces of Russia and Belarus into a single alliance as opposed to NATO. This opinion was expressed by the head of the Bureau of Military-Political Analysis Alexander Mikhailov at the end of the event.

The expert noted that the MILEX exhibition in 2023 attracted a lot of attention, since Minsk has further cemented itself with military-technical ties with Moscow. "Unlike Russia, whose military-industrial complex is already completely under Western sanctions, Belarus has only recently embarked on this path and has become a new object for the sanctions pressure of the collective West. Therefore, the interest of states that are not its participants in MILEX has become even greater," he said.

According to Mikhailov, a special place in the Russian exposition was given to air defense equipment. Thus, at the stand of the Almaz-Antey concern of East Kazakhstan Region, in one video or another, almost the entire line of complexes used during a special military operation (SVO) was presented: Buk, S-350 anti-aircraft missile systems, all modifications of S-300V, S-300V4 and S-400, as well as those complexes that are manufactured for the Armed Forces of Belarus.

"We have the 70th anniversary of the FSVTS [Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation] superimposed on this forum. Our military-technical relations with Belarus have reached a new level and, in my opinion, require increasing integration of our armed forces. According to the NATO principle, when there is a collective training of troops, the collective use of the same types of weapons, the use of new unit control systems that are already being tested and are working in Russia together with Belarusian colleagues. I think this exhibition is another good groundwork for our joint military-technical integration," the expert continued.

The interlocutor of the agency pointed out that the products of the Kalashnikov concern were widely presented at the Belarusian exhibition for the first time. "He [the concern] showed a new sniper rifle and the entire range of small arms, attracted huge attention from a foreign audience. This weapon is legendary, it is still fighting today, is being modernized and is selling well in foreign arms markets," the expert stressed. In addition, Mikhailov noted the target training complex "Adjutant" presented for the first time in Minsk by Almaz-Antey. He called the development one of the best in the world in terms of capabilities and tactical and technical characteristics of targets, and also pointed to its ability to simulate an attack by a swarm of drones.

Mikhailov also noted the participation of Iranian and Chinese companies in the exhibition. "Iran is another of our allies, which has gained additional importance for us, because this state, with its experience in fighting the collective West and sanctions pressure, shows very convincingly that with the necessary efforts of the state and science, it is possible to maintain its security level at the highest level," he added.

Manufacturers from Russia demonstrated more than 150 samples of weapons and equipment in Minsk. As the TASS correspondent was informed during the event, for the first time at MILEX, Roselectronics (part of Rostec State Corporation) presented an automated control system for formations in the tactical link of the automated control system as part of a mobile control center, a mobile radio station and a wearable kit that allows vertical command control and horizontal interaction of vehicles and military, as well as a radio station The fifth generation R-176-1AE is one of the systems of the latest mobile long-distance radio center for the highest levels of the army management.

Rosoboronexport presented an updated version of the Scorpion mobile technical surveillance system based on an all-terrain vehicle, which allows protecting large open spaces and extended perimeters. Shvabe Holding showed a mirror made of superhard silicon carbide and optical sitall - a material for mirrors of optoelectronic complexes of remote sensing of the Earth.

During the exhibition, the High-Precision Complexes holding told TASS about the completion of the use of a number of weapons during the special operation. Thus, the Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and cannon complex is being improved based on the presence of modern missile weapons, such as HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, and also increase the effectiveness of the use of guided shells Krasnopol, Kitolov and Gran mines. The holding also called the timing of the start of deliveries to the Russian troops of the modernized 2S25M self-propelled anti-tank gun - this could happen in 2024. Among other things, the CEO of Uralvagonzavod concern, Alexander Potapov, in a conversation with TASS, shared information about the successful completion of state tests with the new 2C43 Mallow wheeled self-propelled artillery gun.

Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, Deputy General Director of Almaz-Antey, spoke in Minsk about the active work on the creation of means to combat unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of all types. The concern also reported on the modernization and improvement of the characteristics of the range of the ship's radar station (radar) "Furke", about changes in the design of the radar "Podlet-K1KE", increasing the range of the station.

Belarusian manufacturers have presented a number of developments designed to combat UAVs. At the open site of the state-owned Belspetsvneshtechnika, the newest mobile electronic warfare complex against drones called "T" was demonstrated, capable of detecting drones using radar and radio reconnaissance, accompanying them with an optical module and suppressing control and data transmission channels at a distance of up to 30 km.

Another Belarusian novelty - the combat module "Krechet" developed by the 2566th plant for the repair of electronic weapons - is installed on the Belarusian armored car "Cayman" and can detect small-sized UAVs and destroy them with machine gun fire. The Scientific and Technical Center "Lemt" for the first time showed a prototype of a laser module with a power of 30 kW for the destruction of drones at a distance of up to 1.5 km.

The Republican Unitary Enterprise "NPC of Multifunctional Unmanned Complexes" of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus presented for the first time at the MILEX-2023 exhibition the MB-30 barrage munition for the Burevestnik unmanned aviation complex. It is equipped with a pusher propeller engine and has a launch range of 80 km.

The MILEX International Exhibition of Weapons and Military Equipment is held in Belarus every two years. The organizers of the exhibition are the State Military-Industrial Committee and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, the organizer is the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Exhibition Center "Belexpo" of the Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus. In 2023, the event was held on May 17-20 in Minsk at the multidisciplinary cultural and sports complex "Minsk-Arena". 

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