
Naval rapid-firing guns have long served on land vehicles


Image Source: Photo: Bravery2004

After the Second World War, naval anti-aircraft artillery systems were successfully used at various times on land mobile platforms, such as cars, wheeled and tracked armored personnel carriers, etc. As the project "RG: Russian weapons" notes, they were actively involved in military conflicts in various parts of the world.Now there is a lot of talk about the use of double-barreled 25-mm automatic installations 2M-3M on tracked light armored tractors MT-LB, but back in the days of the National People's Army of the GDR, such guns were mounted on IFA W50 all-terrain vehicles in the 4x4 version.

Image Source: Photo: Bravery2004

Later, in the course of repelling the aggression of terrorists in Syria, specialists of the government naval forces began to transplant such weapons from old boats or minesweepers into the bodies of ZIL-131. Similar gantraks supported the actions of the marines in the mountains of Latakia with fire.

The weight of the 2M-3M tower is about one and a half tons. The firing range is 3000 m. The initial velocity of the 672-gram projectile is up to 900 m/s. Rate of fire: 300 - 450 rounds per minute. The calculation is two people.

During the civil war in Libya, soldiers subordinate to Field Marshal Haftar "decommissioned" another double-barreled shotgun - the Soviet AK-230. It could be seen on old American M35 trucks, armored mainline tractors and KamAZ-5350.

Image Source: Photo: Bravery2004

As you can understand from the name, the caliber of such guns is 30 mm. The weight of the installation is 1974 kg. The maximum firing range is 6800 m. The rate of fire is 1050 rounds per minute per barrel. Ammunition - 1000 shells.

In the Soviet Union, back in the first half of the 60s, the AK-630 six-barrel 30 mm automatic cannon was created with unique characteristics for hitting various targets. She can hit at 8,100 m. The rate of fire is 5000 rounds per minute.

It was reported that such an installation was even considered for the Shilka anti-aircraft self-propelled gun, but these plans were never implemented.

Image Source: Photo: Bravery2004

However, recently in India from the "six hundred and thirtieth" decided to create a ground system under the designation AD MGS. Made on the TATRA T815 (6x6) chassis, it serves to defeat various types of missiles, drones, as well as aircraft and helicopters.

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