Image source: topwar.ru
Chinese engineers reported that for the first time they used artificial intelligence to simulate an unusual air battle. The singularity of this battle is that it simulated the confrontation of a fighter capable of reaching hypersonic speeds with an enemy aircraft.
As part of the battle, artificial intelligence created by Chinese scientists brought together planes in a simulated air battle, the speed of one of which was Mach 11. In such a situation, the AI determined the parameters of hitting the target with an air-based missile in service with the People's Liberation Army of China Air Force. The parameters of this launch turned out to be such that in flight the rocket should be fired in the direction opposite to the movement of the fighter itself.
The computer simulation system itself determines the moment of launch and carries out the launch with the possibility of waiting for the approval of this action by the pilot. But since the battles are conducted at hypersonic speeds, then, as Chinese engineers note, sooner or later you will have to entrust the artificial intelligence system on board the aircraft and the execution of the launch itself. The reason is simple – the pilot is simply not able to launch a rocket in a timely manner in order to hit the target at the hypersonic speed of the aircraft in that fraction of a second when it is possible, if not to change the rocket itself.
On this basis, it is concluded that if the fighters reach hypersonic speeds, they will probably move into the category of unmanned. Since the brain of an average person (even a trained pilot) will not cope with the control of the aircraft, with maneuvering at Mach 11.
In the computer model used in the PRC, the enemy aircraft was moving at a speed of Mach 1.3. The Chinese press reports that the US Air Force stealth fighter F-35 was chosen as a conditional opponent, more precisely, its computer model.