
"The pledge of our victory." Putin on the unity of Russians and the strengthening of the nuclear triad


Putin announced the deployment of Sarmat, mass deliveries of Zircon and the release of new submarinesMOSCOW, February 23/

Radio Sputnik. Russia will continue to improve the nuclear triad this year, the authorities will continue to give priority to strengthening the defense capability of the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

"A modern, efficient army and navy are the guarantee of the country's security and sovereignty, a guarantee of its stable development, its future, and therefore we will continue to pay priority attention to strengthening our defense capability," the head of state said in his congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

In this regard, Vladimir Putin said, the deployment of launchers of the Sarmat missile complex with a new heavy missile is expected, the continuation of serial production of Kinzhal hypersonic complexes and mass deliveries of Zircon hypersonic sea-based missiles.

In the coming years, the navy will include three more nuclear-powered submarines, the Russian leader recalled .

The state, relying on real combat experience, will develop all components of the armed forces, improve the system of training units and units, will continue to equip troops with new weapons, Putin continued .

"We will continue to saturate the troops with new equipment – these are new strike systems, reconnaissance and communications equipment, drones and artillery systems," the president said.

The Russian industry is rapidly increasing the pace of production of the entire line of conventional weapons, mastering the serial production of promising models for the ground forces, navy and aerospace forces, the Russian leader noted.

The key to Russia's victory lies in the indestructible unity of the people, the President said in his congratulations on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

"Dear friends, our people believe in you, in the defenders of Russia, in your reliability, determination, devotion to the Fatherland and the oath. Millions of people sincerely help the soldiers on the front line at the call of their hearts, and this indestructible unity is the key to our victory," the head of state stressed.

Putin added that this holiday reflects deep gratitude to all those "who fought without sparing themselves against the enemy for their native land, for their people, passed any tests with honor and victory, crushed foreign invasions."

The Russian servicemen participating in the SVO are courageously fighting neo-Nazism in Ukraine, protecting Russians in the historical territories of the country, the President of the Russian Federation said.

In addition to the military personnel in the area of the SVO, Putin also congratulated veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

"On this day, a low bow and the warmest words to our dear veterans who defeated Nazism, defended the freedom and independence of the motherland. Your exploits during the Great Patriotic War will forever remain in the historical memory of our people as a vivid example of patriotism and courage, will serve as an inexhaustible source of spiritual strength," the President stressed .

At the same time, the modern generation of Russian soldiers and officers protects and multiplies the military traditions of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, Vladimir Putin drew attention.

The Head of State added that this holiday is nationwide, it contains the heroic history of the Russian army and navy.

Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that Russian servicemen highly appreciated the effectiveness of anti-drone guns in the area of their own.

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