Image source: Photo: PJSC Kurgan Machine-Building Plant
The Manul infantry fighting vehicle created in Kurgan can carry a variety of weapons. For example, there is an option with a 57-mm automatic cannon installed in an uninhabited module of the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute "Burevestnik".As the project "RG: Russian weapons" notes, this development has been repeatedly demonstrated at various exhibitions, including at the international military-technical forums "Army" held in the Moscow region.
Specialists and guests of these large-scale events could appreciate the high firepower - an artillery installation can destroy ground armored vehicles, hit a variety of sea objects, as well as air targets: aircraft, including attack aircraft, helicopters of all types and unmanned aerial vehicles.
The maximum firing range is 14,500 meters. The rate of fire is 80 rounds per minute. Ammunition - 80 shells. There is also a 7.62 mm machine gun with a reserve of 2,000 rounds. Long-range guided missiles with tandem warheads are used to combat the main battle tanks.
A modern fire control system with multi-channel sights helps to accurately hit the enemy.
As for the tracked platform itself, the Manul is a further development of the well-proven long-term service of the BMP-3. The most significant difference lies in the front arrangement of the engine - 660 hp UTD-32.
The speed on the highway can reach 70 km/h. On dirt roads - 55 km/h. Afloat - 9.5 km/h. In addition to the crew, eight more paratroopers are being transported.
Earlier, this version of the BMP was demonstrated with a promising uninhabited TKB-945 combat module: a 30-mm automatic cannon, a 7.62-mm machine gun, as well as a Cornet ATGM.