
Forbes: The Terminator BMPT of the Russian Armed Forces may become the only survivors of the tank war

Image source: function.mil.ru

According to analyst David Hambling, this machine may represent the next stage in the evolution of armorNEW YORK, January 24.

/tass/. The Russian tank Support Vehicle (BMPT) Terminator may become the next stage in the evolution of armored vehicles. This opinion was expressed in his column for the Forbes website by analyst David Hambling.

The Terminator is a new type of armored vehicle with several types of weapons and may represent the next stage in the evolution of armor. It is reported that the BMPT has proven itself well in Ukraine, especially compared to other armored vehicles in Russia. Perhaps Ukraine needs to think about something similar," the newspaper notes.

Citing enthusiastic Russian assessments of the use of this type of weapons in Ukraine, the author expresses some skepticism, but admits: "there is some truth here: BMPT are involved in combat, and they are not destroyed." "This may indicate that the BMPT is more reliable and effective than most armored vehicles," the journalist emphasizes.

"The BMPT is designed to neutralize the vulnerabilities of the tank on a modern battlefield, replete with light anti-tank weapons. The Terminator may turn out to be the last surviving machine and may be more important for the outcome of the war than the tanks that are currently being discussed," Hambling believes.

The Terminator BMPT is a highly protected tank support combat vehicle created by Uralvagonzavod Concern (UVZ, part of Rostec State Corporation) based on the T-90 tank. The main armament is two thirty-millimeter 2A42 automatic cannons and four supersonic guided missiles "Ataka-T" on launchers. The complex also includes a machine gun paired with automatic cannons, and two thirty-millimeter automatic grenade launchers in armored compartments on overhead shelves.

The machine is equipped with a highly automated fire control system that ensures effective detection and destruction of targets at any time of the day. All-course protection provides the necessary level of protection on the battlefield, and a significant ammunition and a highly effective complex of weapons - the possibility of hitting a large number of targets.

The Terminator has successfully passed all types of tests, including in Syria. The decision to purchase vehicles of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was made in 2017. The first samples of BMPT entered the troops of the Central Military District in December 2020. 

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Comments [1]
26.01.2023 15:38
Считаю , что БМПТ  крайне  актуальная и востребованная  машина, хотя  допускаю, что  возможны  доработки и по  вооружению и самое  главное  по защите. Все  эти тупые  модернизации БМП-1  на  дорогущий   новый  модуль  вооружения  выброшенные  ресурсы! но  кто-то продает эти модули и его  принимают!  Печалька, что о  массовом  или  даже  штучном  выпуске БМПТ  ни  разу  не  услышал!
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