
The crews of the T-90M "Breakthrough" tanks told about the advantages of the new equipment

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ

On January 6, the Russian Defense Ministry published footage of combat coordination of crews of modernized T-90M "Breakthrough" tanks that entered service with the Central Military District (CVO) in the zone of a special operation to protect Donbass.

"Compared to the T-72, the fire control system has become better, I would say even much better. As you can see, an updated machine gun has appeared, called the "Court", to replace the old NSVT. The caliber is 97 mm. Added a new sight, thermal imager and target capture. This allows you to fire more accurately. That is, you do not need to look closely, it takes less time for all the processes, and the enemy is much better visible. The tank is visible on the screen, cameras are installed on four sides of it. In particular, the driver's rear-view camera was added," said the tank commander with the call sign "Svetly".

As noted in the military department, the crews of modern T-90M "Breakthrough" tank formations of the Central Military District continue combat coordination in the rear areas of the special operation. Military personnel improve the skills of fire training and combat vehicle control.

"Before that, there were T-72s of the first modification, compared to this tank, this is a different level. Everything is electronic, everything is very, very good. There is a voice assistant, if the car is warming up, it warns. The undercarriage is smoother, despite the fact that it is heavier, easier to control, and gaining speed faster. There is more confidence in him than in the T-72. Active protection is very, very good. On the T-72, both the mechanic and the commander had to look in all directions at once, and here at once — only forward," said the driver—mechanic with the call sign "Armor".

Tankers practice shooting at targets from the standard armament of the vehicle using a modern fire control system both from closed positions and from open ones — direct fire.

It is clarified that the correction of fire is carried out with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

In addition, the crews are driving new cars in difficult terrain. After the completion of the combat coordination, tank crews will begin performing combat missions in the area of the special operation, the Defense Ministry added.

Earlier, on January 4, Izvestia correspondent Stanislav Grigoriev visited the zone of a special military operation and saw the tactics of conducting tank combat of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in urban conditions. It is noted that the tank can strike both from a closed position, as conventional artillery, and direct fire.

On December 29, it became known that Russian T-80BV tanks had arrived at the Zaporozhye direction. This is a gas turbine tank, it is distinguished by the Contact-1 mounted dynamic protection, the upgraded 2A46M-1 cannon and the new 1A33-1 fire control system.

Before that, on December 15, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation told about the training of crews of T-80 tanks in the rear of its own. During the training, tankers work out the coherence of the actions of the crews of combat vehicles and the use of tank weapons. Gunners practice tactics of firing on the move at targets at a distance of up to 2 km. Driver mechanics perform tank driving over natural obstacles.

The special operation to protect Donbass, which Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on February 24, continues. The decision was made against the background of the aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

For more relevant videos and details about the situation in Donbass, watch the Izvestia TV channel.

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