
A meeting of the Board of the Russian Defense Ministry was held in Moscow under the leadership of the head of the military department

Image source: РИА Новости/Министерство обороны РФ

TSAMTO on November 30. On November 30, a meeting of the Board of the Russian Defense Ministry was held at the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the head of the military Department, Army General Sergei Shoigu.

Below, the main theses of Sergei Shoigu's speech at the meeting are given in the presentation of the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Starting work, the Minister of Defense proposed to review the implementation of the plan to create military training centers at federal state universities.

Sergei Shoigu recalled that the Ministry of Defense started solving this task in 2021 jointly with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. During this time, eight new centers were formed, in which 1,000 students have already completed military training.

"It is proposed to create 16 more similar formations that will expand the geography of military training from 52 to 68 subjects of the country. As a result, the number of military training centers will increase to 120. This will allow military training to be carried out within the walls of higher educational institutions in the areas of activity of the Armed Forces in demand," the Defense Minister said.

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The second issue on the agenda of the meeting was the formation of the state defense order for 2023 and for the planning period of 2024 and 2025.

As the head of the military department noted, as a result of a special military operation and partial mobilization, the requirements for state orders at all levels of control and execution have increased. This year, the implementation of existing and concluded new state contracts has been optimized. At the same time, their advance payment is fully provided.

"On the basis of the National Defense Control Center, control over the supply of particularly demanded weapons has been organized. The measures taken will ensure the fulfillment of the state defense order at the level of at least 99%," Sergei Shoigu said. – Next year, taking into account the additional budget funds allocated, the volume of financing of the state defense order increases almost 1.5 times. This will make it possible to provide formations and military units of constant readiness with weapons and equipment at the level of 97%."

The Defense Minister also added that today it is important to maintain the maximum possible volume of production, organize advanced deliveries to the troops. In addition, it is necessary to continue the modernization and creation of promising systems with their subsequent use during a special military operation.

In continuation of the topic, the head of the military department raised a question concerning the development of missile troops and artillery, taking into account the experience of a special military operation.

According to Sergei Shoigu, effective fire defeat of the enemy is an important component of the success of combat operations. Missile troops and artillery play a significant role in this.

"During the special operation, new ways of their combat use are being tested. First of all, this concerns the use of reconnaissance and shock firing systems, including unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as modern and promising weapons," the Defense Minister said.

Army General Sergei Shoigu also added that counter-battery fighting is also being improved as one of the main tasks of the enemy's fire defeat. Long-range rocket artillery systems "Tornado-S" and high-power artillery systems "Malka" are involved in its implementation. This makes it possible to effectively hit foreign rocket and artillery systems.

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Further, the head of the military department invited the meeting participants to discuss the main directions for improving the system of training the reserve of the Armed Forces.

"I would like to note that within the framework of partial mobilization, training of citizens who arrived from the reserve, formation and combat coordination of military units and divisions is carried out. About 3 thousand instructors have been involved in the combat training of new military formations, more than 100 training grounds on the territory of our country and the Republic of Belarus are involved," the Defense Minister said.

According to Sergei Shoigu, over 300 thousand reservists, including volunteers, have been trained in two months. The training centers have trained about 8 thousand crews of combat vehicles and tanks, calculations of artillery systems, air defense systems, unmanned aircraft and electronic warfare systems, communications hardware.

The servicemen received the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful performance of combat and special tasks both independently and as part of units.

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At the end of the meeting, the draft List of capital Construction projects for the next year was considered.

The head of the Military department said that at the moment, the construction of infrastructure facilities for the deployment of new missile systems has been provided in five formations of Strategic Missile Forces.

Through the space forces, work continues on the creation of an interspecific test site in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The Navy commissioned the facilities of the coastal energy infrastructure in the village of Gadzhievo and the facilities of the main base in Kaspiysk.

Ahead of schedule, all the tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to restore infrastructure in new regions of the Russian Federation are being carried out.

When preparing the List of Capital Construction Projects for 2023, special attention will be paid to construction in the interests of strategic nuclear forces.

"It is important to maintain a balanced approach to construction planning within the allocated budget funds. It is necessary to ensure the commissioning of infrastructure facilities synchronously with the supply of modern weapons and military equipment to the troops," the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation quotes Sergei Shoigu.

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Comments [1]
01.12.2022 16:26
после  начала АТО  рейтинг  этого  чиновника в  моем  представлении упал до  нуля!
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