
Rocket-gun FK-3000 from China optimized to fight drones


Image source: Photo: Navigator blog

At the 13th International Aviation and Space Salon Airshow China-2022 held in Zhuhai, the newest anti-aircraft missile and cannon complex FK-3000 is presented for the first time. This is reported by " RG: Russian weapons ".

Its creation was carried out by specialists of CASIC - China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (China Aerospace Scientific and Industrial Corporation).

A 30-mm automatic cannon, anti-aircraft missiles and equipment that allows them to be used at any time of the day are installed on a three-axle four-wheel drive car chassis with a protected cabin.

Image source: Photo: Navigator blog

According to military expert Yuri Lyamin, two blocks are installed on the demonstrated sample at once - one with six large missiles, the other has forty-eight more miniature means of destruction.

It is claimed that this arsenal is capable of hitting various objects located at a distance of 300 to 12,000 m.

The complex is designed primarily for the air defense of important facilities, and, as you can understand, the developers have paid great attention to the fight against small drones.

"Such UAVs are currently actively used for reconnaissance, targeting, striking with small-caliber bombs, there are samples made in the form of kamikaze drones. It is for their destruction that small-sized missiles will be used.

Image source: Photo: Navigator blog

It is also envisaged that anti-aircraft robotic platforms will operate together with this ZRPC, " Lyamin noted.

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