
The fiery "Belgrade" has been upgraded


Lukashenka's army has acquired updated multiple rocket launchersThe creation in the USSR of the 122-mm multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) BM-21 "Grad" revolutionized the world artillery and made it possible to organize a real fireball on the battlefield, capable of sweeping away the masses of infantry and equipment from the face of the earth.

Volleys of Grads, which have several types of ammunition in their arsenal – rockets, inflicted serious damage not only to open and sheltered manpower and military equipment, but also to command posts, as well as various fortifications, not allowing the enemy to feel safe anywhere. Except in a buried bunker.

"The Grad field jet system was adopted by the Soviet Army by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 28, 1963. The high combat capabilities of the Grad are recognized by numerous experts, including foreign ones. The MLRS has entered the armed forces of more than fifty states and is still in operation and takes part in real combat operations.

"Grad" became the basis for the creation of similar MLRS in a number of other countries of the world – a known number of such "descendants" is more than a dozen. Moreover, in some cases we are talking about a significant degree of borrowing of technical solutions.

Such longevity of the Grad MLRS is largely explained by the huge modernization potential that was put into this system by its developers. Grad has become the most massive MLRS in the world, and hardly anyone will be able to approach its record in the foreseeable future.

But in the entire history, no weapon has yet been able to gain the status of "absolute", capable of meeting the constantly changing conditions of warfare without changes. Even nuclear weapons, which, at first glance, have such a status, have been constantly improved and modernized. Its power grew, and its size fell – up to the so-called "nuclear satchels", which the commandos had to lay in the areas of the most important enemy facilities. Artillery weapons systems, both barrel and jet, did not stand aside either.

The need to bring a new generation into line with the requirements of the war touched the "Grads" at the turn of the millennium. Modernization of these systems has gone in several directions, affecting both combat vehicles – launchers and rockets, which have become more long–range and accurate, and some are also controllable.

One of the countries that were armed with MLRS of the Grad family and decided to modernize them was the Republic of Belarus (RB). As a result of the work carried out, its Ground Forces (SV) received at their disposal an updated MLRS, called "Belgrade". But this name has nothing to do with the city of Belgrade, since it is an abbreviated version of the full name – "Belarusian City".

THE FIRST STAGE OF MODERNIZATIONThe Armed Forces of Belarus inherited from the Soviet Army, or rather, from the Red Banner Belarusian Military District, a large number of 122-mm MLRS of the BM-21 "Grad" type – more than 300 combat vehicles.

But by the end of the 1990s, the command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus faced the question of the need to do something with the basic Grad chassis. By that time, the Ural-375D chassis, which were used in the original MLRS, had significant wear, and there was a threat of their failure.

As a result, it was decided to completely replace the chassis of all Grad combat vehicles. The choice fell on the wheeled chassis of the MAZ-6317 army all-wheel drive truck with a 6x6 wheel formula developed and manufactured by the Minsk Automobile Plant. The basic model MAZ-6317 has been in serial production since 1993, and specifically for the modernization of the Grad, the variant MAZ-6317–05 was taken.

The choice fell on this car model, not least for the reason that the MAZ-6317, according to the Belarusian automakers themselves, corresponds to the best world models of cars of this class in terms of its capabilities, technical level and equipment. In particular, the diesel engine allows the car to reach a speed of 85 km / h on the highway, and on rough terrain it is able to overcome climbs up to 30 degrees. Taking into account the control fuel consumption of 45 liters per 100 km at a speed of 60 km / h, the fuel tank capacity of 550 liters provides the car with a power reserve of up to 1200 km. For self-pulling there is a winch with a pulling force of 12,000 kgf, the length of the cable is 60 m.

Work on the modernization of the Grad-type MLRS was started in 1997. The entire complex of development work required to link the artillery unit to the new wheeled chassis, as well as all tests of new combat vehicles were carried out by specialists of the Minsk Automobile Plant, the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus (established in 1995 on the basis of the Minsk Higher Military Engineering and Minsk Higher Military Command Schools). As well as the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus (and its successor since 1997 - the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus). As well as the missile and artillery armament services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus (during the reform initiated in 2001, this service was initially reorganized into the Missile and Artillery Armament Department of the Armed Forces, and later into the Missile and Artillery Armament Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus).

According to the information on the official website of the company "Beltechexport", on the website of JSC "2566 plant for the repair of electronic weapons" (the city of Borisov, Republic of Belarus) and on the website of the "Automobile Industry of Belarus", the main work carried out as part of the modernization of the MLRS "Grad" consisted of the following activities:

– replacement of the Ural-375 chassis with the MAZ-6317–05 chassis;

– installation of two racks on a combat vehicle – 20 (type of rack 9F37) or 30 (type of rack 9F37M) rockets for each rack;

– installation of the folding platform of the gunner of the combat vehicle;

– re-installation of the manual drive housing (U-turn up by 1200) to ensure the transfer of the modified bracket to the combat position;

– installation of an additional switching panel to ensure a 180-degree turn of the artillery unit to perform loading from racks located on the combat vehicle;

– ensuring the operation of the artillery unit from the battery when the generator of the power station fails;

– installation of hydraulic jacks to ensure the alignment of the combat vehicle during the execution of combat firing;

– installation of copiers with stops to increase the cab bypass angle to 58 degrees instead of 37 degrees, with the replacement of cams in the horizontal guidance angle limiter;

– resetting the buffers limiting the turn of the artillery unit at angles of 67 degrees to the right and 180 degrees to the left of the longitudinal axis of the chassis (the previous turn is 67 degrees to the right and 99 degrees to the left of the longitudinal axis);

– delivery of an individual set of spare parts;

– replacement of the R-108M radio station with a radio station with improved characteristics of Barrett 2082+;

– modification of the BM-12A-9248108Sb sight bracket.

Upgraded Grad systems at the military parade in Minsk. Photos from the website www.mil.by The upgraded version of the MLRS thus received the designation "Belgrade", and its combat vehicle – the designation BM-21A.

Tests of the first prototype were conducted on December 23, 1997, and in August-September 2001, as part of the large-scale complex operational and tactical military exercises "Neman-2001", the modernized MLRS was presented to the military and political leadership of Belarus and a wide range of specialists who attended the exercises.

In the same year, a modernized MLRS of the Belgrade type with a BM-21A combat vehicle was adopted by the Belarusian military units and began to enter combat units. Already, according to the results of the first stage of its operation, very high ratings of specialists were received in the troops, which allowed military experts to state that the result of the modernization of the Grad-type MLRS exceeded expectations and the upgraded combat vehicle "acquired qualities that the original system did not possess."

DESIGN FEATURESFirst of all, it should be noted that the decision to use the MA3–6317–05 all-terrain vehicle as a chassis for the upgraded MLRS provided developers with a unique opportunity to change the layout of the entire installation.

Since the MA3–6317–05 car, in comparison with the Ural-375D car, has almost twice the length of the cargo platform – 6250 mm versus 3900 mm, it became possible, while maintaining the basic layout scheme, which provides for the placement of the artillery part of the combat vehicle in the rear of the latter, to ensure the placement of two racks between the cabin and the artillery part for transportation of additional ammunition – up to 60 rockets, that is, for one full salvo and another half of that. It was even either developed or pre-worked out the option of placing racks designed for two additional ammunition, that is, for 80 shells.

The introduction of such a constructive solution provided the combat crew of the upgraded MLRS "Belgrade" with the ability to reload the launcher without using a transport-charging machine. This led to a significant reduction in the time required to reload the launcher and prepare the combat vehicle for the next salvo.

Due to the lack of a spring release mechanism in the MA3–6317 vehicle, two supports with hydraulic jacks were installed in the aft part of the new BM-21A combat vehicle, which are designed to increase the stability of the launcher during firing.

The artillery part of the combat vehicle of the Belarusian MLRS "Belgrade" as a whole remained the same as that used on the classic BM-21 artillery weapon system "Grad". Structurally, it includes: a package of 40 guides – barrels of 122.4 mm caliber, arranged in four rows of ten barrels each; a cradle; a rotary base; launcher guidance mechanisms; sighting devices; as well as appropriate pneumatic and electrical equipment.

The difference between the new, upgraded BM-21A combat vehicle of the Belgrade system and the BM-21 classic Grad combat vehicle, which is clearly visible externally, is the presence of a special folding platform for the gunner in the aft part.

The developers had to take such a step because due to the greater height of the MA3-6317 body compared to the base Ural–375D, the artillery part of the combat vehicle was also raised above ground level. And this made it impossible for the operator to work with the launcher systems when he was directly on the Earth's surface.

The BM-21A provides the ability to fire single shots or a volley. The firing and its modes are controlled by the MLRS combat crew using a current distributor located in the cockpit of a combat vehicle, or using a special remote control that can be used at a distance of up to 60 m from the "mother" combat vehicle.

At one time, there was information in the media that in the future the onboard equipment of the BM-21A combat vehicle will be brought to the level of a modernized combat vehicle of the Russian Grad system, including the installation of a ground navigation and topography system, as well as the latest noise-proof communications equipment and a laptop computer. The author could not find official information about whether these or other measures to modernize the onboard equipment of the MLRS Belgrade were carried out. Although it can be rightfully assumed that over the years since the adoption of the Belgrade system, such measures have been implemented.

The BM-21A combat vehicle of the upgraded MLRS Belgrade has the ability to fire all types and types of rockets developed for the basic Grad and for its upgraded variants in Russia. In addition, in 2017 it became known that the Republican Production Unitary Enterprise (RPUP) located in Minsk The Precision Electromechanics Plant (ZTE) has developed a line of new unguided rockets for the upgraded MLRS of the Belgrade type.

The table was prepared by the author on the basis of data from open sources. "The new ammunition is not only more powerful than the previous ones, but also has an increased firing range," the online resource Warspot quoted the words of the deputy director of the enterprise Yuri Anikeev.

– For example, a rocket projectile under the index 9M521MB has a range of 40 km and twice as much power. When using a radio fuse that provides an air gap, the effectiveness of the action increases four to seven times." According to Anikeev, the power of another rocket projectile – 9M522MB – is five to seven times greater than that of standard 9M22U ammunition. At the same time, the missile 's flight range is 34 km .

"The 9M522MB and 9M521MB shells are already in mass production and have been adopted by the Belarusian army. Thus, having received new ammunition, the MLRS "Belgrade" has become twice as "long–range" and several times more powerful," it was indicated in the note "Belarusians"pumped" Grads" on the Warspot resource.

However, after almost two decades of intensive operation of the upgraded MLRS "Belgrade" with the BM-21A combat vehicle, Belarusian military experts have come to the conclusion that the wars of the new generation require a new modernization of this system. As a result, a new modification of this MLRS was created.

THE NEW LIFE OF "BELGRADE"On December 21, 2020, the news "Preliminary tests of the BM-21B prototype confirmed the characteristics laid down in the tactical and technical task" was published on the official website of the State Military-Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus (GVPK RB).

It was reported there that on December 17, 2020, the first live firing from the upgraded BM-21B MLRS Belgrade–2 combat vehicle was carried out at the Osipovichi military training ground as part of preliminary tests. Moreover, the tests, judging by the posted video, were carried out at night, with the performance of volley firing.

"The modernization was carried out by Borisov JSC "2566 Plant for the repair of electronic weapons" as part of the development work. The tests carried out showed the compliance of the characteristics of the prototype with the requirements of modern combat, confirmed the reliability of the components and mechanisms," the message said. It was also noted that development work on the modernization of the MLRS "Belgrade" with the BM-21A combat vehicle into the Belgrade-2 variant with the BM–21B combat vehicle was started in May 2020.

The work included the development and installation of a leveling and stabilization mechanism on the combat vehicle, which allows "to bring the equipment into a state of readiness for firing in the shortest possible time on any terrain." Simply put, a soldier of the MLRS combat crew can use the roll sensor to adjust the position of the combat vehicle relative to the horizon line, and without leaving the cab of the vehicle. In addition, a compact modern complex of communication and data transmission facilities of national design was installed on the new combat vehicle. It allows for the exchange of speech information in analog and digital forms, data transmission and information exchange with computing devices using Ethernet technology with IP protocol support.

"The modernization carried out makes it possible to significantly increase mobility, concealment of movement, efficiency of deployment for striking and rapid change of positions," the website of the GVPC of the Republic of Belarus emphasized.

As indicated by Belarusian experts, the upgraded BM-21B combat vehicle can fire without preparing a firing position, single shots or a volley, using rockets of "all types developed for the BM-21 MLRS, including new projectiles with a cluster and detachable head with a firing range of up to 35-40 km."

Fire control in the BM-21B is carried out, as in the case of the modification of the BM-21A, either from the cockpit of the combat vehicle itself, or using a remote control, which can be located at a distance of up to 60 m from the combat vehicle.

"According to the customer's requirements, the useful volumes for the transported property and spare parts – separate for the chassis, the complex of communications and maintenance of the artillery unit – have been increased and become more functional," the message on the website of the GVPK RB emphasized. "The BM–21B has sufficient potential for further modernization, the introduction of the most advanced developments that will increase its combat capabilities."

It should be noted that the combat crew of the updated combat vehicle has been reduced to four people and can now be fully accommodated in a spacious, comfortable cabin.

In July 2021, a video presentation "The Belarusian version of the modernization of the Belgrade-2 MLRS" was posted on the website of the GVPK RB and on its official Youtube account, where the main tactical and technical characteristics of the updated MLRS were given:

the chassis is MAZ-6317, the number of guides is 40, the time of a full volley is 20 seconds, the maximum elevation angle of the package is 55 degrees, the minimum elevation angle of the package is 0 degrees, the calculation is 4 people, the presence of additional ammunition and a mechanism for leveling and stabilization.

The video presentation also reports that the modern complex of communication and automation equipment installed on the improved BM-21B combat vehicle "makes it possible to increase control efficiency, receive target designation and coordinates about targets from all sources of information – both from ground reconnaissance points and from unmanned aerial vehicles, which accordingly increases the accuracy of shooting." It was also noted that the firing range of the Belgrade-2 MLRS is "up to 20 km and with special projectiles – up to 45 km."

The upgraded BM-21B MLRS "Belgrade-2" combat vehicle was demonstrated for the first time at an exhibition held within the framework of the Board of the GVPC of the Committee of the Republic of Belarus on the results of work for 2020.

Preliminary tests of the BM-21B were completed in March 2021, and the state tests were conducted on June 1-18 of the same year. In the course of the latter, the new development of Belarusian gunsmiths successfully passed the test and confirmed the compliance of the combat, technical and operational characteristics declared by the developer with the requirements set out by the customer in the tactical and technical task.

In the same month, the BM-21B was presented at the exposition of the 10th International Exhibition of Weapons and Military Equipment MILEX-2021 (June 23-26, 2021, Minsk), where it aroused high interest from military specialists and journalists.

Vladimir Shcherbakov

Deputy Executive Editor of HBOVladimir Leonidovich Shcherbakov is a military expert, historian, and writer.

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