The manufacturer of the Turkish MBT Altay is again experiencing problems with engines for the first batch of tanks


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Turkish main battle tank Altay again encountered difficulties, the delivery of the first production tanks may not take place due to the lack of engines and transmissions. It is reported by the American edition of Defense News, citing a source.

Turkish-Qatari BMC company received a contract to produce the tank Altay, promises to deliver the first two series of tanks in 2023, and then go out on the construction schedule up to eight military vehicles in the month as part of the construction of the initial batch of 100 units of MBT. All first party needs to get the engine and transmission Korean production, but there were some immediate difficulties.

According to a source from South Korea, the software implementation of the preliminary contract for the supply of power units standing still and not moving. At the same time, in Turkey say about the ongoing negotiations with the two South Korean companies to supply the party engines and transmissions for 50 - 100 tanks of the first batch. In October last year it was reported that the representatives of Turkey held talks with South Korean companies Doosan Infracore Co. S&T Dynamics Co. for the supply of the engine and transmission and it seems to be an agreement was signed.

Further Altay needs to obtain a domestic power plant, the development of which is. Initially, the tank was planned to equip the German diesel engine MTU MT883, but Germany banned due to imposed against Turkey embargo.

Agreement on the design of the tank Altay was signed in 2007, the first sample of the tank Altay was presented in may 2011 at the exhibition of arms IDEF-2011 in Istanbul in 2018, we have completed development and testing of the tank, after which it was announced the beginning of its production.

The mass of the tank is 60 tons, while it can reach the speed of 70 km/h. the machine is equipped with booking system from the company Roketsan, as well as active protection system and fire control is developed by Aselsan. In addition, Altay tanks will be equipped with detection systems, radiation and chemical threats. The 120 mm smoothbore gun is a copy of the development of Rheinmetall, a hydropneumatic suspension Korean.

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