
Published footage of the whole and unharmed frigate "Admiral Makarov", allegedly destroyed by the APU during the attack of drones

Sections: Air, Sea, Global safety
Image source: topwar.ru

Image source: topwar.ru

The black sea fleet frigate "Admiral Makarov", allegedly almost destroyed the Ukrainian naval drones during the attack on Sevastopol on Saturday morning, it was quite a unharmed and stands calmly at their Parking place. Footage intact ship the next day after the loud statements of Kiev.

Held on Saturday the attack on the Ukrainian drones on the black sea fleet, as we know, ended almost the same, minor damage received minesweeper "Ivan golubets", was also damaged bonuslive boom in the South Bay. However, Kiev is necessary to report to their masters about the "good" side, so it was announced "significant injuries," the flagship of the black sea fleet "Admiral Makarov". According to the Ukrainian side, the attack of the Ukrainian drone was allegedly damaged both the superstructure of the ship, decommissioned radar equipment, fire control system and communication system.

The Russian defense Ministry confirmed damage to minesweeper, but denied all allegations of allegedly caused damage to the frigate, stating that the ship is intact and is situated at the place of their permanent Parking. Confirmation of this came the day when the "Admiral Makarov" was filmed in Sevastopol. Judging by the pictures, no damage on it, renovations are not.

Note that standard Parking frigate is not a secret, the ship can be clearly seen from many points in the city. Room on the ship is solid, from the beginning of the RAID it is made for all those involved in the fighting vehicles previously "Admiral Makarov" was repeatedly caught on photo and video without numbers. The ship is the flagship of the black sea fleet after the death of the cruiser "Moscow".

The frigate "Admiral Makarov" was founded on 29 February 2012, and launched on 2 September 2015, joined the Navy on 27 December 2017. Named after Russian scientist and naval commander, Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov, the serial is the second ship in a series of patrol ships of project 11356 after brain "Admiral Grigorovich" and the first series - "Admiral Essen".

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