
"They don't know how to make metal in Europe": The captured tank of the APU of Western production turned out to be of poor quality


Image source: topwar.ru

Trophy tank APU Western production, captured Russian tank crew, were of poor quality. At least, so say the men who dragged himself to his tank.

About it in the Telegram-channel of the said war correspondent Alexander Garmaev.

Tore wing flaps. It turned out, the metal in Europe do not know how, rumpled, as clay

- complain fighters, showing the status of the machine.

Garmaev believes that the APU often fighting on "useless scrap metal," not in combat vehicles. This is confirmed by the soldiers of well proven in battle crew T-72Б3М. Kherson on the direction of the tank crew known as "berserk".

Blocks of dynamic protection of captured tank, which Kiev recently put Poland, was empty. Instead of four batteries in the car had only two.

Economical, that is to say, aid from the West

- commented on the quality of the APU foreign technology Garmaev.

In the battle against the Russian tanks machine defeated the Ukrainian crew were killed all at once. The technique has received considerable damage.

As for what specific tank got our military, the report does not say.

Like, 72nd, and like or not. The radio was also not our

- discuss fighters inherited them in the car.

Image source: topwar.ru

According to their words, we can assume that the tank was made in Poland. Poles passed APU upgraded Soviet T-72M previously for reasons of secrecy removing them from Western equipment. Besides, then they put Kiev tanks PT-91 Twardy own production, based on the same T-72. We can assume that our tankers got one of them. And since it was about the low quality made in the West of the metal, the second option is more likely.

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