German Naval Yards Kiel presented a corvette of a new design at the SMM 2022 exhibition that recently ended in Hamburg. According to the company's press release, the new Seaguard 96 is "an innovative high-end corvette suitable for the full range of naval operations."
window.yaContextCb.push(()=>{ Ya.Context.AdvManager.render({ renderTo: 'yandex_rtb_R-A-493040-4', blockId: 'R-A-493040-4'}) }) The ship is 13.5 m wide and 96 m long and has a displacement of about 2000 tons. The design of the power plant (two mainline diesel engines, four diesel generators and an adjustable pitch screw) provides a maximum speed of 28 knots and a range of 3,800 nautical miles at 15 knots. The expected maximum duration of the voyage is 18 days. The capacity of the interior allows you to accommodate 60 people. The design provides a flight deck and a hangar for an NH 90 class helicopter (11 tons).

The model of the corvette Seaguard 96, exhibited at SMM 2022. You can see the location of the vertical launch launcher between the tower and the deck superstructure.According to publications, the complement of weapons may consist of a 76-mm or 57-mm artillery mount on the forecastle.
It is complemented by two remotely controlled 30-mm guns on the sides of the hangar. In the aft part of the ship, PU can be placed for launching anti-ship missiles. The project also provides for 16 vertical launch shafts for anti-aircraft missiles. Optionally, at the request of the customer, it is possible to install sensors and weapons to combat submarines. The developer provides for a sonar mounted on the hull and two three-tube torpedo tubes. The weapons complex is complemented by systems of false targets, electronic countermeasures and small-caliber combat modules.
According to the Kiel shipbuilders, the potential sensor equipment is based on the mission profile set by the customer. The composition of radio equipment may include: 3D or 4D radar, electronic-optical means, as well as fire control systems.
The design of the Seaguard 96 corvette implies high modularity. The final configuration should be based on the customer's requirements. In addition, the Kiel naval shipyards deliberately promote extensive construction in the recipient countries. Only the construction of the bridge and engine room modules is reserved for Germany.

Corvette Seaguard 96 – view of the middle deckAccording to experts, the overall design of the Seaguard 96 corvette, especially the hull, is similar to the solution proposed earlier by the French company Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie (CMN).
In 2014, the shipyard from Cherbourg presented the model "C Sword 90", the design of which differed from the traditional type of invisible ship with an "inverted bow" and a round hull of traditional design.

Model "C Sword 90"The design of the Seaguard 96 corvette does not follow the CMN plan in all details.
The stealth elements of the surface elements are not implemented as vividly as in the prototype. The island in the aft part of the deck, which stands out on the "C Sword 90", in the model of the German ship gives way to a more traditional hangar. The "reversible bow" has become an "axe bow", the narrow shape of which reduces the pitching typical of rough seas and gives the ship a different behavior in open water. In particular, it is possible to achieve higher travel speeds.

Model of the Seaguard 96 corvette, presented at SMM 2022 – view from the sternIt should be noted that the German naval shipyards in Kiel have been part of the Privinvest holding since 2011, headed by the Lebanese-French entrepreneur and investor Iskandar Safa.
This holding also includes both the French CMN and the British company ISHERWOODS, specializing in integrated logistics solutions. Thanks to the German-French cooperation, the Kiel shipbuilders are in a stable financial position that allows them to pursue a fairly active marketing policy.
The latter circumstance is of particular importance against the background of the EU's weapons policy towards Ukraine and support for the Armed Forces, which was called for by Federal Chancellor Olaf SCHOLZ on August 29, 2022 in Prague. In this context, the naval shipyards in Kiel consider the Seaguard 96 corvette project as a possible and significant contribution to the restoration of the Ukrainian Navy. According to German engineers, modularity and free architecture of sensors and weapons systems provide special advantages. Moreover, the relatively small draft of the ship of 3.5 meters is quite satisfied with the area of operations, which should also take into account the Sea of Azov.
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