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The Russian military will receive a new individual first aid kit, a decision is made on the basis of the experience of a special military operation in Ukraine. The development of new kits will TSNIITOCHMASH.
The Board of the military-industrial Commission, after examining the application of first aid kits individual (APPI), the included equipment "Warrior" came to the conclusion that it does not meet modern requirements. As stated, the new kit will be developed on the basis of commercial options.
As established experts in Russian medicine Cabinet adopted on the supply in 2011, a total of four positions: hemostatic Esmarch tourniquet, dressing pack, sterile hemostatic dressing agent, disinfecting agent for (tablets). While individual kits Ukrainian military positions 13, where in addition to dressing materials have a thermal blanket, special scissors, medical gloves, card injured fighter and a waterproof marker for application information.
Currently, the Russian military involved in special operations in Ukraine, used mainly purchased for their own personal medical kit, manufactured by commercial companies. These are the kits you plan to base the new appy for the military.
- quotes gazetasi words informed source.