
The Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia visited the Kazan aircraft Factory

Image source: president.tatarstan.ru / "БИЗНЕС Online"

TSAMTO, September 13. On September 12, the Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Lieutenant General Alexander Kurenkov, paid a working visit to the S.P. Gorbunov KAZ - a branch of PJSC Tupolev (part of PJSC UAC of Rostec State Corporation).

The working meeting was attended by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC "Tupolev" Rustam Minnikhanov, Managing Director of PJSC "Tupolev" Vadim Korolev, Director of KAZ named after S.P.Gorbunov – a branch of PJSC "Tupolev" Nikolay Savitsky.

The participants of the meeting inspected the flight test station, the assembly shops of the enterprise, got acquainted with the progress of work on the production of the Tu-214 aircraft, discussed issues of further cooperation. Alexander Kurenkov studied the possibilities of modifying the Tu-214 aircraft for the purposes of the rescue department. It is planned that the board will be adapted, among other things, for medical evacuation with the installation of up to five specially equipped medical modules.

The Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P.Gorbunov, a branch of PJSC Tupolev, produces Tu–214 passenger aircraft, as well as Tu-214 aircraft in a special design.

In the spring of this year, a decision was made at the state level to increase the serial production of Tu-214 aircraft to 10 units per year.

The Tu-214 is a modern, efficient mainline narrow–body twin-engine aircraft with high fuel efficiency and comfort level.

The message is publicly available on the website of PJSC UAC.

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Comments [2]
14.09.2022 08:57
Цитата, q
изучил возможности модификации самолета Ту-214 для целей спасательного ведомства. Планируется, что борт будет приспособлен, в том числе, для медицинской эвакуации с установкой до пяти специально оборудованных медицинских модулей.
Ту-214 великоват для пяти медицинских модулей, в качестве кареты скорой помощи достаточно SSJ. А для доставки оборудования в спец. автомобилях нужен рамповый самолет.
Ту-214 для МЧС подойдет разве что для перевозки самого министра с группой сопровождающих журналистов, другими словами - бесполезен.
И здесь идеальным вариантом был бы Ту-330:

24.09.2022 19:13
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