
Poland plans to dramatically increase military spending in 2023


According to the Polish web resource "Defence24", the Council of Ministers of Poland approved the draft state budget for 2023, which provides for the largest defense expenditures in Polish history. Only directly under the national defense section, the Polish government plans to allocate 97.445 billion zlotys (20.73 billion US dollars) in 2023, which means an increase of about 68% compared to the expected actual level of Polish defense spending in 2022 in the amount of about 58 billion zlotys (12.34 billion US dollars). In addition, it is planned that in addition in 2023, about 30-40 billion zlotys will be allocated for Polish military expenditures from the Armed Forces Support Fund organized by the Polish state bank Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. Thus, Poland's total military spending for 2023 is planned to be approximately 127-137 billion zlotys ($27-29 billion)..

Upgraded Leopard 2PL tank of the Polish Army on demonstration shooting (with) Anna WoslkaThus, the planned volume of direct military expenditures of Poland in 2023 should be estimated at about 3.3% of GDP, and taking into account additional funds - from 4.3 to 4.6% of GDP.

In general, the Polish government forecasts the country's GDP growth in 2023 at the level of 1.7% and inflation at the level of 9.8% (with projected GDP growth for 2022 at 4.6% and inflation at the level of 13.5%). The revenues of the Polish state budget in 2923 are planned at the level of 604.4 billion zlotys, expenditures - 669 billion zlotys, and the budget deficit will thus amount to about 65 billion zlotys.

According to the main article 29 of the National Defense budget, 96.920509 billion zlotys are planned to be allocated in 2023, while the following amounts are planned for the intended purpose:

- 40,123 billion zloty - procurement and R&D expenses;

- 18,075065 billion zloty - expenses for the monetary maintenance of military personnel and employees;

- 19.475.465 billion zloty - expenses for the maintenance of the armed forces, including repairs, services, etc.;

- 9.5008 billion zlotys - for pension provision;

- 1.682765 billion zlotys for various current expenses;

- 4,022929 billion zlotys - for various benefits for individuals;

- 4,030,576 billion zlotys for subsidies for defense-related tasks;

- 9.506 million zlotys for co-financing projects with the participation of EU funds.

In addition, another 524.491 million zloty is allocated for various defense-related needs in other articles of the Polish budget.

Thus, the main item of expenditure of the planned Polish military budget for 2023 is new purchases, for which 40 billion zlotys, or 42%, are allocated. In addition, it is also planned to allocate an additional 30-40 billion zlotys from the Armed Forces Support Fund entirely for new purchases. As a result, it is expected that Poland in 2023 may allocate a total of 70-80 billion zlotys (14.9-17 billion dollars) for the purchase of weapons and military equipment, which should provide financing for ambitious rearmament programs initiated by Poland and the corresponding large contracts signed . In addition, it is planned to increase the number of Polish armed forces by more than 20 thousand people in 2023, not counting the servicemen of the Territorial Defense Forces.

The draft defense budget of Poland for 2023 and the data of the defense budgets of Poland for 2021 and 2022 (c) defence24.pl

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