
Invisible shield and Sword of Aviation


The victory in the modern war will largely be ensured by the superiority in the electromagnetic spectrum of the development and use of communications and radar in military affairs, as well as radar guidance systems of high-precision weapons, accompanied by the massive arrival of all these systems in the air Force (Air Force) and air defense forces (air defense), led to the emergence of special weapons and technical means designed to counteract them.

Over time, such new systems, united under the general term "electronic warfare" (EW), took one of the leading places in the armed struggle. Including in the air operating environment (or, as they say in the West, the operational domain).

ACTION AND COUNTERACTION Today, the effectiveness of combat operations by aviation groups is no longer possible only through the use of the flight characteristics of the aircraft themselves and the tactical and technical characteristics of aviation weapons.

In the conditions of modern war, one of the most important places in ensuring the effective and successful conduct of armed struggle has been firmly occupied by various airborne electronic means (RES): communication and data exchange systems, weapon control systems, precision weapons guidance systems, etc.

This has led to the fact that the armed struggle, including in the air domain, has become characterized by an extremely high saturation of the surrounding space with electromagnetic signals that are emitted by RES for various purposes. These are signals of radio communication and radar equipment of aircraft (aircraft), air defense and missile defense systems, air traffic control systems and combat operations in airspace. Signals from guidance systems and homing heads of guided missiles of the air–to–air, air–to–surface and surface-to-air classes (although surface-to-surface missiles using radio signals in their work also contribute to the saturation of space with electromagnetic "garbage"). Signals of space communication and control systems of space complexes, as well as signals of a number of other systems that are used for combat operations in various operating environments.

Success in combat and even in battle directly depends on the efficient and uninterrupted operation of all these systems. And not only in the air domain, but also in a multi-domain or, as we say, a multi-sphere battle. But if the success of one of the parties depends on the operation of such systems in battle or battle, then it is quite natural that the other side will strive in every possible way to complicate or completely disrupt the operation of such systems.

As a result, electronic warfare means play no less important role than electronic means, which are designed, on the one hand, to limit or completely stop the operation of the enemy's RES, and on the other hand, to counter the enemy's use of electronic warfare against their electronic means. It would be fair to say that radio communication and radar caused electronic warfare by their appearance – without the first two, the third would not have appeared.

At the same time, it should be noted that, for example, military experts of the US Department of Defense believe that the most significant, effective and, most importantly, the most promising are air–based electronic warfare, and in the longer term - aerospace-based. After all, it is precisely such systems, according to foreign experts, that are capable of acting with high efficiency both in the interests of the air force or aerospace forces themselves, and in the interests of other types and branches of the armed forces fighting in the land and sea domains.

The high degree of influence of electronic warfare means on the course of armed confrontation (primarily in the aerospace domain) and the achievement of victory in it is also confirmed by the huge amount of funds that various countries of the world allocate for their purchases. According to experts, the global electronic warfare market in 2014 in financial terms amounted to about $ 12.15 billion, and its average annual growth rate in the period up to 2020 reached about 4.5%. As a result, the total volume of the global electronic warfare market by 2020 has reached, according to rough estimates, $ 15.6 billion. And this growth continues today.

A SPECIAL TYPE OF ARMED STRUGGLE In the military doctrinal documents of the leading states of the world, electronic warfare, or, as it is often translated, electronic warfare (EW) is defined as one of the types of armed struggle.

And more precisely, as one of the most important types of information warfare. Which, in turn, is an integral part of the armed struggle in a broader sense.

American military experts are increasingly considering electronic warfare as electronic warfare conducted in electromagnetic space in order to prevent its use by the enemy for their own purposes – and, on the contrary, to ensure that it can be used in the interests of their forces. At the same time, the fight should be conducted using all types of electromagnetic energy emissions and solve a wide range of tasks that often go beyond the boundaries of classical electronic warfare.

Already in this century, the term electromagnetic combat (battles) was introduced by American experts into the conceptual apparatus of electronic warfare, which in itself speaks of the increased role of electronic warfare. In fact, we are no longer talking about fighting in electromagnetic space, but about controlling it. Moreover, electronic warfare is now being integrated in electromagnetic space with operations conducted in cyberspace.

From an organizational point of view, EW today includes a number of types of operations (actions).The implementation of electronic protection of their forces and means and conducting counter–radioprotection (CRPD; in the US Armed Forces - Electronic Counter-Countermeasures – ECCM). Electronic and information support of the actions of their forces and means (Electronic Support Measures – ESM), first of all – conducting radio and radio-technical intelligence (RRTR; Electronic Intelligence). As well as electronic counteraction (RPD; in the US Armed Forces – Electronic Countermeasures) to various communication and control systems, information systems and control systems of enemy weapons complexes. As well as their physical destruction with the help of specially designed weapons.

Moreover, the latter is also divided into a number of areas, including the classical suppression of enemy air Defenses (SEAD) and the fight against its combat control and communication systems (Command, Control and Communication Countermeasures – C2CM).

CLASSIFICATION of air–based electronic warfare equipment by its purpose and nature of use is usually divided into a number of groups: – by direct purpose - for those means and systems of electronic warfare that are used in the interests of the Air Force itself (Air Force), and those that are intended for use in the interests of other branches and types of troops;– by the nature of protection – means and systems of individual protection and complex systems and means of group or collective protection.

All aircraft of combat and auxiliary aviation have recently been equipped with the first. They are designed to protect aircraft from guided missiles of the air-to-air and surface-to-air classes (and in the future, protection against the use of directed energy weapons, primarily laser, should also be provided). The latter are installed on specialized manned, and more recently – on unmanned aerial vehicles (EW UAVs).

According to publicly available information, the use of air–based electronic warfare forces and means in the medium term (5-10 years) is envisaged by the US military so far only within the framework of two components - manned and unmanned.

As part of the manned component, special electronic warfare aircraft and a wider range of combat aircraft equipped with suspended electronic warfare containers are used both within the boundaries of the enemy–defended section of airspace where its fighter aircraft (guidance) and anti-aircraft missile systems are active, and outside this zone - from the area of barrage or combat duty. Also, these aircraft are used in a combined way – electronic warfare aircraft follow along with the strike group vehicles, but they do not enter the enemy's air defense zone.

If necessary, as part of the involvement of this component, multi-purpose fighters equipped with airborne radars with active phased antenna arrays and electronic warfare means of individual protection can also be involved.

The components of the manned component conduct radio-technical reconnaissance, carry out electronic suppression of the enemy's RES with the use of passive and active interference stations and radio-electronic defeat of the enemy's RES with the use of weapons homing on its sources of electromagnetic radiation. And also solve the task of combat control of air-based electronic warfare forces and means.

The composition of the unmanned component, as the name implies, includes specialized UAV carriers of various electronic warfare means, which are designed to operate mainly within the boundaries of the airspace, which is defended (controlled) by the enemy. They should simulate means of air attack, thereby revealing the radio-electronic situation in a given area, and if necessary, causing enemy air defense systems to fire on themselves.

The use of electronic warfare UAVs is also possible from the combat formations of the strike air group, from the barrage zone (combat duty) or in the combined way mentioned earlier in relation to the manned component. The main advantage of such drones is the absence of a threat to the lives of personnel during combat missions involving high risk.

Often, by the way, foreign experts also include such highly intelligent false targets as the ADM-160 MALD / ADM-160C MALD-J to the unmanned component, which can be used from almost all types of combat aircraft of the US Air Force and Navy aviation (for example, a B-52N bomber can carry up to 16 traps on an external suspension, and a fighter F-16 – up to four).

Currently, the manned component is considered as the main one when conducting electronic warfare using air-based means. But in the future, according to foreign analysts, it should give way to an unmanned component. Moreover, winged drones of medium and heavy classes are already equipped not only with onboard electronic warfare, but also with false targets ADM-160 MALD / ADM-160C MALD-J. Back in November 2012, Raytheon, the manufacturer of these targets, completed the ground stage of integration of the MALD/MALD-J on the MQ-9 "Reaper" reconnaissance and strike drone. However, it is not yet clear whether this false target is included in the onboard weapons complex of these drones.

The US Air Force managed to reduce losses in Vietnam thanks to the installation of enemy radar suppression equipment on B-52 strategic bombers. Photo The US Air Force In the long term should "enter into the role" and the third – the space component.

It is also, in fact, unmanned, but has a larger scale of application. In recent years, the US military, as part of the implementation of the concept of network-centric warfare, has been solving the problem of interaction of EW systems and means of group protection no longer between individual platforms, but between the systems themselves, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of their use. The creation of space-based electronic warfare will expand the concept of systems and means of electronic warfare group protection.

All onboard means and electronic warfare systems of manned and unmanned aircraft designed to provide individual or group protection, according to their functional purpose, can be attributed to three main types:

– means and systems of electronic protection – they ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of their own RECs under the influence of their own or others' RECS or, more importantly, electronic warfare of various types; – means and systems of electronic support – they solve the tasks of opening and analyzing the electronic situation in the current area (conduct radio intelligence), and also warn pilots about the irradiation of aircraft by enemy radar means and the launch of guided missiles at them; – means and systems of electronic destruction (attacks) – they are designed to disrupt the operation of the enemy's RES (passive and active interference stations, false targets, imitation traps) or their physical destruction with the help of specialized anti-radar missiles (type American AGM-45 "Shrike") or barrage ammunition (such as Israeli "Harpy" and "Harop").

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT COMPONENTS Should be emphasized once again: electronic warfare is considered by military experts of the leading countries of the world, primarily by US specialists, as one of the most important components of a broader information confrontation, which has already become an integral part of the armed struggle.

At the same time, it should be noted: in the opinion of the Americans, air and space-based RES in the foreseeable future will be the most significant from an operational point of view, the most effective in solving the tasks and the most promising in terms of increasing their capabilities. Therefore, the military-political leadership of the United States and NATO pays increased attention to the development of aerospace-based electronic warfare. According to the plan of American and Western European military experts, they should be used in accordance with the principle (concept) of layered use.

Recently, there has been an expansion of the circle of participants in the "air electronic war", who previously were only "consumers of services" provided by the forces and means of electronic warfare of the American Air Force.

In mid-August 2021, it became known that the command of the US Army (CB) is studying the possibility of creating a high-altitude reconnaissance, electronic warfare and cyber warfare complex for its needs, which is supposed to be placed on a balloon or airship or on the basis of a glider with an electric propulsion system powered by solar panels. Such an aircraft will be located at a high altitude above the territory occupied by the enemy, solve reconnaissance tasks and, if necessary, conduct electronic or cyber warfare.

The complex received the designation HELEIOS (from High-Altitude Extended-Range Long Endurance Intelligence Observation System – "High-altitude reconnaissance surveillance system of long range and duration of flight"). The altitude of its flight, according to the head of electronic warfare programs in the US Army, Colonel Daniel Holland, will be at least 60 thousand feet (about 18.3 km).

A distinctive feature of the new electronic weapons complex being developed within the framework of the Multidomain Sensing System concept ("Multi-domain sensor system" or "Multi-domain Sensor Complex") should be a large coverage area, high resolution of intelligence systems and high power of various types of jamming equipment. All the equipment that will be placed on board such an aircraft, as well as the device itself, should be fairly inexpensive, which will allow the US military to lose them without much regret during hostilities.

Thus, we are talking about a kind of "almost expendable material" that will ensure superiority over the enemy. It is planned to start testing such a system already in the 2022 fiscal year.

To sum up, the following conclusion can be drawn: electronic warfare has firmly taken the place of one of the most important types of combat support when conducting combat operations (combat operations) by troops.

Successful implementation of them is already unthinkable without the active use of passive and active electronic warfare.

Even high-precision weapons, which, based on its definition, should have a high degree of autonomy and effectiveness of combat use, as the experience of recent armed conflicts shows, are ineffective without the use of electronic warfare or electronic support.

During the wars of the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the XXI century, the need for the use of various means of destruction in interaction with electronic warfare was confirmed. Moreover, the highest efficiency of electronic warfare is ensured only through the simultaneous implementation of a set of actions coordinated by time, place of their implementation and tasks.

As a classic example, we can cite the Vietnam War of 1964-1975, during which, perhaps, the apogee was reached in the use of air-based electronic warfare forces and means for the period after the end of World War II (although the "Gulf War" was also characterized by the large-scale use of electronic warfare forces and means).

In particular, during two large–scale operations codenamed "Linebacker I" (May 9 - October 23, 1972) and "Linebacker II" (December 18-29, 1972), an attempt was made to break the resistance of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and inflict maximum possible damage to the military, state and economic infrastructure of the country. During the raids, F-111A Advak front-line bombers were actively used in the role of electronic warfare aircraft, and the latest EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft made their combat debut in Linebacker II.

As part of these operations, the Americans used all forms of electronic warfare: individual, collective and group protection with the use of onboard and container stations of active and passive interference; fire damage to enemy air defense radars and its anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMs), primarily with the help of anti–radar missiles; the creation of entire corridors of passive interference, in which, according to the testimony of the Americans, sometimes even non-contact fuzes of anti-aircraft guided missiles were falsely triggered; the detection of enemy interceptor fighters using long-range radar and the provision of timely counteraction to them, etc.

Moreover, interference often began to be put a few hours before the execution of the attack itself.

The scale of the use of electronic warfare forces and means by the Americans during these operations can be understood at least by this fact: when airstrikes were carried out on objects, the ratio of strike aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft was 1:1.5–1:2. In particular, the actions of standard strike groups of 12-18 combat aircraft provided up to 40 electronic warfare aircraft (including aircraft of the Wild Wheezle family, armed with anti-radar missiles), which were directly in combat formations and outside the enemy's air defense system defeat zone. In addition, the attack vehicles themselves, in addition to the bombs, additionally carried electronic warfare equipment with radio reconnaissance and radio interference equipment.

The raids of strategic aviation were provided by an even greater number of aircraft: fighters, reconnaissance aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft of various types. And this is not to mention the fact that the B-52 Stratofortress bombers themselves had a lot of electronic warfare equipment on board. There were 8-10 to 15-17 AN/ALT-6B, AN/ALT-13, AN/ALT-15, AN/ALT-16, AN/ALT-22, AN/ALT-28, AN/ALT-31 and AN/ALT-32H/L active jamming stations on each machine, up to six AN/ALE-20 submachine guns for shooting IR interference and two to eight AN/ALE-25 blocks for shooting dipole reflectors (the block was structurally similar to the block of unguided aircraft missiles, in which 20 ADR-8A 70 mm caliber missiles equipped with interference were installed, F-111A aircraft used AN/ALE-26 blocks). Plus up to 1000 packs of dipole reflectors, three or four radio intelligence stations, etc.

In subsequent wars and armed conflicts, the role of electronic warfare increased even more: success in combat, battle or war as a whole became unthinkable without conducting a large-scale and effective confrontation in the electromagnetic domain.

That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to the creation, application and long-term development of air-based electronic warfare systems of the leading countries of the world. First of all, the United States, which is one of the leaders in this field today.

Vladimir Shcherbakov Deputy Editor–in-charge of HBO</span> Vladimir Leonidovich Shcherbakov is a military expert, historian, writer.</span>

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