
For those who do their duty in Ukraine: the artistic director of the Spasskaya Tower — about the anniversary festival - TASS interview

Image source: Дирекция фестиваля "Спасская башня"

This year the festival will be held from August 26 to September 4. Only a few days are left until the moment when the Red Square in Moscow will light up with fireworks, will be filled with costumes of military musicians from around the world and will shine with brass and brass wind instruments.

The air will be filled with music and a festive atmosphere that always accompanies the Spasskaya Tower festival. The artistic director of the festival Sergey Khlebnikov, on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the musical festival, told in an interview with TASS under what motto the organizing team works, which of the foreign guests will visit the festival this year, and also admitted that the success of the "Spasskaya Tower" was predicted by the royal person.[/b]— How did the idea of holding the festival in the very center of the country, on Red Square in Moscow, come to mind?

— Almost at the same time, Valery Khalilov took the post of head of the Military Orchestra Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and I took the post of commandant of the Moscow Kremlin.

We met during the preparation of the anniversary military parade in 2005. In the process of communication, I heard that Valery Mikhailovich performed with orchestral ensembles in different cities and countries, but we did not have international festivals in Russia at that time.

At that time, I was concerned about the idea of raising the artistic level and performing skills of the Presidential Orchestra and the Special Guard Company of the Presidential Regiment, which provides state ceremonial and protocol events in the Moscow Kremlin and events with the participation of the President of our country.

Naturally, I've heard about the famous military music festival that takes place in Edinburgh. I was lucky enough to go there in 2006 and see everything with my own eyes: where the participants are housed, how they eat, what the logistics of moving, what the action itself looks like.

I was shocked by what I saw, we were fully assisted by our colleagues, with whom we then began cooperation. I remember this episode: during the reception after the end of the Edinburgh Festival, Princess Anne, a member of the royal family who patronizes the festival, approached me. A strict woman, but somehow endeared me to her. She asked me for what purpose I had come, and I replied that I had come to study the experience of holding an international music festival. And she told me then that we would succeed, because we have a beautiful stage and entourage — Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral. The visit to Moscow and the Kremlin had a strong impact on her.

Her prophecy came true. I returned from a business trip with the understanding that we, with our military orchestra groups, with honor guard units, with our wonderful centuries-old music, military and not only, with our traditions and history, can hold an international festival no worse. And so it turned out.

Valery Mikhailovich and I did not think at the time that the festival would last for so many years. We just wanted to show and prove to ourselves and to those who doubted that we were able to hold such a well-organized event that the audience would go to.

It may seem surprising to you, but the festival was in the nature of a popular initiative. And this atmosphere is still alive: we determine who will come and what the program will be. I think thanks to this, the festival has been alive for 15 years.

— What is the uniqueness of the 15th festival and what topic will it be dedicated to? — When we held the first festivals, to be honest, we did not expect such a scale.

After some time, we had an equestrian playground. This is an innovation that was not in other countries, but it has taken root in our country. Horsemen perform at the festival, military-applied types of equestrian art are demonstrated, in particular, horse riding, mounted police, Cavalry escort of the Presidential Regiment perform, equestrian clubs are invited.

In addition, the scale, including the audience's attention, exceeded our expectations. It is no coincidence that our festival is on a par with the most grandiose world events.

If for the first two or three years we tried to distribute tickets ourselves, then later we no longer knew where to hide from applications. The last festivals on Red Square were sold out.

At the same time, we give 1 thousand tickets for charity for each performance of the festival. And targeted — at the request of the Moscow Department of Health and the Ministry of Health of Russia. And the servicemen of the Presidential Regiment help people with disabilities to move around.

As for the music program, as you understand, the festival is held in the current political realities. We feel it the same way as all the people in our country. And the events that began in February of this year, I mean a special military operation, have left their mark.

We have received a number of letters from countries that have applied to participate, saying that they cannot come this year. I want to emphasize that we have not received a single letter — neither from the UK, nor from Ireland, nor from Germany, nor from Italy, nor from Switzerland — with offensive content. There was not a single letter in which respect was not emphasized. I am grateful to the people who found the opportunity to so ethically refuse to participate in the festival. We were also sympathetic to these refusals.

But despite this, we will have international teams from Armenia and Belarus close to us, and not only the military. There will also be a military symphony orchestra from Egypt, a marching band from Thailand and an Indian art collective, very bright. A special highlight this year will be the Large Military Orchestra of the Venezuelan Armed Forces named after Commander-in-Chief Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias.

I am glad that Africa and Asia will perform on Red Square this year, because in previous years, European countries and the countries of the American continent still prevailed. And this year the focus has shifted to other continents. Especially for our festival, by order of the Minister of Defense of Venezuela, Mr. Vladimir Padrino Lopez, a large orchestra of the Venezuelan Armed Forces, numbering more than 90 people, was assembled, for this they selected the best military musicians among all types of troops, as well as among graduates of the country's leading musical institutions.

What is the uniqueness of this year's festival? I will probably try to answer this question with poems, these poems can be seen on the outdoor advertising of this year's festival. In this geopolitical situation, we want it to turn out like this:

To you, beloved, native army, our Motherland sends a song-hello!

We are on the side of those people who are doing their duty in these terribly difficult circumstances.

We want to emphasize with the content of the festival that we support them. This is not a rally or a declaration. We just want this idea to penetrate into the hearts and minds of people with the help of artistic means.

In addition, it is a kind of greeting to those who, due to circumstances, could not come, but felt it necessary to demonstrate their kind attitude — to the leaders and orchestra members who hope for the revival of our festival in a broad international format. By displaying the flag, we want to convey the message that we are here, we continue and appreciate our history and traditions.

And, unlike some "hotheads" in the West who are trying to "cancel" Dostoevsky or Tchaikovsky, we, on the contrary, want Mozart, Beethoven, Debussy and so on to sound. And I don't think I will reveal any military secret, Ukrainian songs will also be performed at the festival.

In this way we want to show that we are a united people. That's probably all I can answer to this question.

— One of the regular participants is the Presidential Regiment of the SCMC of the FSO of Russia. And I know that an important part of your life is connected with this team. Can you tell us a little bit about it? Is he taking part in the Spasskaya Tower this time?— The Presidential Regiment and the Presidential Orchestra will take part in the festival.

I am personally very happy about this circumstance, because the Special Guard Company of the Presidential Regiment, the Presidential Orchestra is the decoration of the festival. It's as if everything falls into place at once: the Kremlin, Red Square, the Presidential Regiment and the orchestra. We also regard their participation as the personification of the attitude of the authorities to the event, to the people who gathered in the stands and watch the broadcast of performances on TV.

As for the Presidential Regiment, I really served there for quite a few years, I began my service, like all officers, as a platoon commander, a lieutenant.

In recent years, when I was the commandant of the Kremlin, my fellow soldiers and I revived a number of historical traditions, in particular, the divorce of foot and horse guards on Cathedral Square on Saturdays. At that time, the structure changed, the armament changed. Many of those who started in the regiment now serve in the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Federal Security Service and Rosgvardiya. At the same time, the hardening of the shelf affects. We have a joke saying: "If you get into a regiment, be proud, if you don't get into a regiment, rejoice!"

There are very strict requirements for the order of service, communication in the military team. In general, this is a useful thing. Often before my eyes there was a transformation of a young man who came to serve in the regiment into a real man with a clear understanding of the tasks and prospects after the end of the service. A very good school for hardening.

I remember that time with pleasure, and, probably, the service in the regiment, what I was doing as the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, make up for me the main essence of recent years.

— Is it true that the drill techniques with weapons that the guys demonstrate at the festival, they come up with themselves?— Good question, thank you.

It really is. For a military man who served, worked with weapons, it is clear that there is a military guard, rules and techniques that are prescribed in the charter. As for the rest of the techniques, the servicemen really come up with them themselves, test them and achieve synchronicity by training. And this exists not only in our regiment, but also in all similar units of the world.

We have seen this in Norway, Italy and other countries. At one time, our task with the command of the regiment was not to cross any boundaries when security measures are violated. Unfortunately, there were tragic cases in other units. Therefore, up to a certain point, we allowed these liberties when some technique is performed beautifully, effectively, synchronously, but we refrained from throwing a carbine at 15 m, and then catching it. And in general, this is such an international soldier's and officer's beautiful fiction.

— The Spasskaya Tower Festival is particularly friendly, although all musicians are military and can change instruments for weapons at any time. Why do you think, even though the teams speak different languages of the world, mutual understanding reigns on the site? — When foreign bands come for the first time, it was especially noticeable during the first festivals, the military behave a little wary, because they don't know anything about Russia and about the people who live here.

But in the process of communication, and we eat together, rehearse, go on excursions and just talk, this barrier melts. And we hear such revelations that goosebumps run.

I will not refer to specific representatives, but one day the head of the naval team from a NATO country told me: "I was brought up from childhood in dislike of the Soviet Union and Russia, I leave here with tears in my eyes, I see that there are many friendly, reasonable, interesting, creative people here." These words have sunk into my soul. And I've heard this more than once.

Moreover, the same opinion is evident in the letters about the refusal to participate in this year's festival, which, in theory, should have disappointed me.

One of the last letters said the following: Russian Russians are forbidden to communicate with us here, and the word "Russians" should not be pronounced, but I know you as a person, I know the guys, the team, I really like you. I hope that the situation will be resolved soon and communication will be possible again." And after all, no one asked him to speak out in this way, the man did it at the behest of his soul.

This atmosphere of friendliness, which does not depend on age, nationality and religion, is the core of our festival and has helped us all these years. And if we keep it, then the festival will live. If it is not, then the festival will become an ordinary event. We will try to prevent this. Over the years, we have formed a very close-knit team that works under the Musketeer motto: "One for all and all for one", and everyone helps each other. People feel it when they come to us.

— Mounted cavalry is the highlight of the festival. What will be shown this year? — Every year we have riders of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment, the Kremlin Riding School, the Equestrian Club of the police, other clubs that exist in Moscow and the Moscow region, and even horsemen from other regions come.

Sometimes we invite equestrians from other countries. From France came Lorenzo, the famous trainer with 12 horses, Spanish riders from the Royal Andalusian Riding School and the Equestrian Association of Cordoba, the Chilean Equestrian team of Palmas de Peñaflor. All of them noted that in terms of conditions for the performance of riders and, most importantly, for horses, everything was done in good faith. We are pleased to hear this.

Following the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on holding the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia in 2022 in Russia, as well as in order to increase the scale and attract more spectators and participants, it was decided to transfer the daytime cultural, entertainment and interactive events of the equestrian arena to the territory of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNH). The organizer of the day's official site of the festival was the Center of National Equestrian Traditions, created by the Government of Moscow in partnership with the Kremlin Riding School.

This year's program is very rich, a trainer of horses of the Vladimir breed of heavy trucks from Germany comes to us. She really wants to perform in Russia and thereby show respect for the Russians, although she was strongly discouraged from doing so.

— Which performances would you mark as the brightest and most significant for all the years of the festival? What struck you personally?— To be honest, there were a lot of such performances.

I really liked the performance of the Norwegian Royal Guard. We were in Norway and saw their performance, we can say that's why we invited them to us. The Norwegian Royal Guard and the orchestra, which is part of it, showed an absolutely synchronous performance to the music of Sergei Prokofiev and Edvard Grieg. It was a stunning sight!

Another memory is connected with them. When we invited them, we did not immediately realize that their conscription service ends in July, and the festival takes place in September. And the personnel of the Royal Guard appealed to their supreme commander-in-chief, the King, with a request to allow them to continue their service until the end of the festival on Red Square.

And when these guys came out under the stands, the stands roared with delight, and the boys cried from the emotions they experienced. Of course, I remember it very much.

Everyone has heard about how the Taoist monks master the body brilliantly, but to see a Chinese band performing live on Red Square to the drums absolutely synchronously is, of course, a very strong impression.

If we talk about my preferences, of course, I really liked the performance of a non-military team from the Netherlands on bicycles. They played out some human subjects on bicycles on Red Square, for example, love, help - all this was evident in every movement of the collective. I really remember their performance. It is no coincidence that the Deputy mayor of Moscow, a member of the public council of our festival, Alexander Gorbenko, presented the audience award to this particular team. To be honest, you can remember endlessly.

— A small nuance: military bands play not only marches, they are subject to all genres. The question is: what talents should the artists of military orchestras have?— In my opinion, first of all, it is, of course, the possession of your instrument and the ability to play synchronously on the square, outdoors with numerous rearrangements and configurations.

Most musicians are fine with this.

Once I met a famous musician Sergey Mazaev, and he proudly told me that he served as a military artist and played the clarinet, as did Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov. Mazayev is a well—known performer, millions of people like his music, but he stressed that his career began in a military orchestra, so he respects the musicians who perform in military orchestras. This year Sergey will take part in the festival and perform as part of the evening performances on Red Square on August 26 and September 1.

— Why do you think the Spasskaya Tower festival has become such a popular military viewing in the world, despite the fact that other festivals have existed for many decades? — I have thought about it myself and have come to a certain opinion.

I think it's because the audience and musicians who come to us see that the festival is not for show, but the goodwill is absolutely sincere.

It seems to me that the question of the popularity of our festival is in his soul, in his sincerity. This applies to the whole process, starting with correspondence with orchestras and discussing conditions. We never impose anything. We don't get into the soul, but we treat people with a soul ourselves.

We have an atmosphere of celebration, creativity, positivity, optimism and camaraderie, and you can literally recharge it from each other. And the most important thing is that this atmosphere exists not only at the festival site, it is felt in the city itself throughout all the days of the festival. After all, the festival is not only ten evening performances on Red Square, it is also concerts at VDNKH and in parks, and the joy of meetings for musicians. It is impossible to artificially create such an atmosphere.

— And the final question, which can be asked only to those who stood at the origins. If you dream and imagine how you see the future of this festival or how you would like to see it?— You asked me why the festival is considered one of the largest and most spectacular.

Do not think that I am immodest, but the festival has really become like this, and when they call us one of the best festivals, it is true.

As for the prospects, they depend on the situation in the world. I hope that we will be able to see those teams that could not come this year. In my personal opinion, it is important to preserve the format of the festival. Sometimes there are suggestions to change something in the format of the festival itself, but it seems to me that the prologue, the medley in the finale and as the final chord "Farewell of the Slavs" is a kind of alphabet that we should follow. I think we have found what people like.

Of course, this does not relieve me as an organizer of the responsibilities and the need to find some new creative techniques, but it concerns more entourage, light, musical and technical effects, unexpected directorial moves, and this is just an addition to the format that has been crystallized over the years. It has justified itself and fully meets the standards of the world classics of military music festivals.

Prepared by the Joint Military Editorial Board

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