
A thousand new tanks in Poland is a problem for Russia

Image source: министерство национальной обороны Южной Кореи

Against the background of thousands of Korean K2s in Poland, most of the Russian armored units will be hopelessly outdated

Poland signs a deal with South Korea for the supply of the latest K2 tanks, writes MWM. This will cause Russia a lot of problems, the author of the article notes. Its armored units are ill-equipped to counter a large number of K2s in the event of a war with NATO or a limited Polish intervention in Ukraine.

It is reported that South Korea and Poland are about to conclude a deal for the supply of weapons worth $ 14.5 billion. Along with 48 F-50 light fighters, it will include about 850 tanks and artillery pieces (including approximately 670 K9 Thunder self-propelled artillery units and 180 upgraded versions of the K2 Black Panther tank). The K2 is the only NATO—compatible tank in the world with an automatic loader, thanks to which its crew has been reduced from four people to three. Many consider it the most combat-ready tank in the world, which only the Russian T-14 can compete with.

Although the T-14 has a number of undeniable advantages in technical characteristics (including an uninhabited turret, large armor penetration, and excellent armor), Russia has neglected large-scale purchases, as a result of which its armored units are poorly adapted to counter a large number of K2 in the event of a war with NATO or a limited Polish intervention in Ukraine. Delays in domestic orders for the T-14 have been repeatedly explained by Russian sources by the absence of threats from Western tanks: NATO countries have not adopted new classes of tanks since 1998, and the vast majority of them date back to the 1980s. However, the deployment of the K2 in Europe and the development of new tanks like the German Panther can accelerate Russian investment in the T-14 and other, even more ambitious programs.

It is reported that Poland plans to purchase about 1,000 K2 tanks (before the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, estimates of 800 units were called). Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said on July 22 that the purchase "will significantly increase the security of the country and strengthen the power of the Polish army." "The key point here is fast delivery and the development of the industry. We have reconciled the interests of the army and the military industry, which often diverge. The situation is a win-win for both. The contracts will be signed next week." Blaszczak said that as a result of the purchases, Poland will have "the strongest ground forces among all European NATO countries."

The range of the K2 is about twice as long as that of modern Western tanks, although it is only two-thirds of the range of the T-14 main gun. After the initial purchase of 180 K2 tanks, it is expected that from 2026, 820 improved K2PL tanks will be delivered under subsequent contracts — while part of the production will be set up directly in Poland. Tanks will receive reinforced armor, a new omnidirectional surveillance system and an active protection system capable of completely disabling opponents.

It was also reported about an unconfirmed modification with the designation K3PL, — with their help, the total number of Korean tanks in service with Poland can exceed a thousand. It is expected that the new tanks will provide it with an overwhelming advantage in performance compared to the T-72B3/B3M, which make up the vast majority of advanced tank units in Russia.

Even the best of Russia's advanced tanks, the much more combat-ready T-90M, may have difficulties in combat with K2. Due to the huge number of K2 units, the T-90M will be significantly inferior to them in numbers: based on Russia's current procurement plans, no more than 600 T-90M will enter service. Since the K2 is far superior to any Russian tanks previously deployed at its borders, the transfer of these vehicles can be considered one of the greatest threats to Russian security since the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

The future of Russian armored units with the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict seems very uncertain, so the Polish deal on K2 and Ankara's planned acquisition of the same number of Atlay tanks based on K2 pose new questions to the Russian Defense Ministry.

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Comments [9]
30.07.2022 07:59
Может хоть ситуация в Польше заставит Минобороны начать массовые закупки как минимум тысячи новых танков Армата, а не "биатлонных тренажёров"...
По САУ такая же ситуация, и от штучных закупок нужно переходить к серийному производству САУ Коалиция.
Украинская компания подтвердила решающую роль артиллерии.
30.07.2022 11:21
А у поляков грошей на эти танки хватит.? Ведь даже та же Южная Корея, несмотря на  данные этих танков к их  массовому  производству и закупкам так и не приступила. Дорогая выходит игрушка. Да куда пропал их "танк будущего" с которым пару лет назад носились СМИ. Сдулись.
31.07.2022 21:12
Цитата, q
Дорогая выходит игрушка. Да куда пропал их "танк будущего" с которым пару лет назад носились СМИ. Сдулись.
Цитата, aleks55 сообщ. №2

Армата с которой 10 лет носились тоже не дешёвая выходит, о серийных закупках тоже не слышно. Сдулись.....
01.08.2022 06:36
Придется Иран привлечь в производство Ми-28, пока корпус, пусть отрабатывают технологии, все равно они попросят отдать(или Китай влезет со своими в оплату нефти), согласятся в обмен на зерно.
Запад так и хотел против наших тысяч танков в Европе.
01.08.2022 15:59
Решению проблемы с поляками  могла бы способствовать помощь Сев. Корее в размере десятка Искандеров.
01.08.2022 17:09
Цитата, Baltas сообщ. №5
Решению проблемы с поляками  могла бы способствовать помощь Сев. Корее в размере десятка Искандеров.
КНДР уже делает копия Искандеров,более того у них уже есть БРМД со способностью маневра.
01.08.2022 17:37
Цитата, Сергей-82 сообщ. №6
КНДР уже делает копия Искандеров,более того у них уже есть БРМД со способностью маневра.
KN-23 и есть БРМД. У неё дальность порядка 700 км, как и у 9М723-1. А испытывали они БРСД "Хвасон-8" с маневрирующей планирующей головной частью. Её пока только на 1000 км пускали, но там явно больше максимальная дальность.
01.08.2022 19:26
Цитата, Геннадий Гущин сообщ. №7
KN-23 и есть БРМД. У неё дальность порядка 700 км, как и у 9М723-1. А испытывали они БРСД "Хвасон-8" с маневрирующей планирующей головной частью. Её пока только на 1000 км пускали, но там явно больше максимальная дальность.
Не важно, успехи  КНДР в ракетостроение отвергать сложно.
02.08.2022 12:17
Цитата, Сергей-82 сообщ. №6
КНДР уже делает копии Искандеров ...
И что,- так уж совсем нечем Ю. Корее намекнуть?
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