
Provocative background: what the growing activity of the Ukrainian special services says

Image source: Фото: Соцсети

Russian security forces thwarted an attempt to hijack a combat aircraft and warned of the explosion of containers with dangerous substances

On Monday, July 25, the Russian military destroyed a base with high-precision weapons with American missiles to HIMARS systems and shells to M777 howitzers in the Khmelnytsky region. On the same day, it became known about the preparation by Ukrainian armed formations of a large-scale provocation in Slavyansk. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, militants loyal to Kiev are planning to blow up storage facilities with toxic substances and claim that this was the result of shelling by the Russian military. And the FSB of the Russian Federation reported on the disruption of the military intelligence operation of Ukraine to hijack Russian combat aircraft. The Kiev special services tried to bribe the pilots of the Russian Federation, offering up to $ 2 million for a combat vehicle.

The FSB thwarted the hijacking of the plane

On July 25, the FSB announced the disruption of the Ukrainian military intelligence operation to hijack Russian combat aircraft. The counterintelligence officers said in a statement that employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, acting on behalf of the political leadership of their country, tried to recruit Russian military pilots. The pilots were offered to hijack combat aircraft and land at one of the airfields of the VFU. For this, they were promised a monetary reward and guarantees of obtaining citizenship of one of the EU countries.

Also, Ukrainian intelligence promised to transfer the wives of officers to one of the EU countries and grant them citizenship or a residence permit.

The FSB reported that Western intelligence services, primarily British ones, were involved in the operation.

Photo: RIA Novosti/FSB of the Russian Federation

Image source: iz.ru

Ukrainian intelligence officers searched the Internet for information about military pilots.

— They act in a sophisticated way, they present themselves as foreign journalists, analysts, and recently they have not even been shy about speaking on behalf of the Russian media and government agencies. Ukrainian intelligence officers offer to transfer communication to messengers, as they assume, to safer ways of communication. We see this activity and take appropriate measures," said one of the FSB officers.

In correspondence provided by the Federal Security Service, Ukrainian intelligence agents informed the pilots that they "need combat aircraft or helicopters (the list of models is very wide)." It is known that they were interested in Su-24, Su-34 or Tu-22MZ combat aircraft.

The FSB also presented an operational video where an employee of the State Security Service of Ukraine promises $ 1 million for the plane. At the same time, the Ukrainian intelligence officer raised the stakes during the negotiations.

— We can negotiate with you — separately from the top another million, I guarantee you, — he says on the video.

Photo: RIA Novosti/FSB of the Russian Federation

Image source: iz.ru

Employees of the GUR promised to pay an advance of $ 4 thousand. They tried to transfer them by courier. The FSB's operational video shows the moment of the transfer of this amount, the detained courier and the seized money. Now they will be sent to restore Donetsk and Lugansk.

Ukrainian military intelligence, preparing to receive the Russian aircraft, provided the pilots with the layout of the air defense systems and airfields of Ukraine. They also revealed that the flight route should be built over a deserted area, "because there is the largest concentration of MANPADS in populated areas."

Russian counterintelligence during the operational game against the GUR received data, thanks to which the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed a number of Ukrainian military facilities, the FSB reported.

Specific objects have not been named, but it is clear from the documents that one of the employees of the GUR of Ukraine calls the Kanatovo airfield in the Kirovograd region as a desirable landing place for the Russian pilot. On the eve of July 24, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that the aviation equipment of the air forces of Ukraine was hit at this airfield.

Provocation in Slavyansk

On July 25, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian authorities had completed the preparation of a provocation using highly toxic substances. According to the Russian military department, in the coming days, SBU officers plan to blow up containers with a chemically dangerous substance — hexane — with a total volume of more than 120 tons at an oil and fat plant in Slavyansk (LNR).

— As a result of the explosion of containers with hexane, a toxic cloud is formed, which will spread more than 10 km. All residential areas of Slavyansk and nearby settlements will be in the zone of chemical destruction," said Colonel—General Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation.

According to him, hexane is a powerful neurotoxin and carcinogen. It has an irritating effect on the skin, affects the lungs, acts as a strong narcotic substance, causes damage to the peripheral and depression of the central nervous systems.

name/file/img/letchik-vo-vremya-boevyh-vyletov-ekipazhei-istrebitelei-su-35s-i-su-30sm-vostochnogo-vo-tohk7mw3-1658787121.t.jpg "title="Pilot during combat sorties of Su-35S and Su-30SM fighter crews of the Eastern Military District to destroy military infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during a special military operation">

A pilot during combat sorties of the crews of Su-35S and Su-30SM fighters of the Eastern Military District to destroy the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during a special military operation

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Mikhail Mizintsev reminded that it is best to hide indoors to protect against hexane vapors, tightly close windows and doors. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to provide victims with an influx of fresh air, protect the respiratory organs and skin.

He also said that hexane is capable of self-ignition at a temperature of plus 23-38 ° C, which in the conditions of abnormal heat, which is in Slavyansk, can lead to an explosion.

— The purpose of this provocation is, according to an already worked—out scenario, to accuse the Armed Forces of Russia and the formations of the Donetsk People's Republic of allegedly indiscriminate strikes on potentially dangerous objects, followed by extensive coverage in the Ukrainian and Western media, — the Colonel-General said.

Warehouse for HIMARS

On July 25, the Russian armed forces continued to strike at the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

"A transshipment base with ammunition supplied by the United States to HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and shells for American M777 large—caliber howitzers was destroyed by high—precision long-range sea-based weapons near the settlement of Bogdanovtsy, Khmelnytsky region," said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

The department also told about the destruction of two amphibious ships of the Ukrainian Navy with saboteurs on board in the waters of the Dnieper estuary. And as a result of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the temporary deployment point of the 95th airborne assault Brigade of the VFU, more than 100 nationalists and foreign mercenaries were destroyed.

During the day, six command and observation posts, including units of the 60th Infantry Brigade, the 113th Defense Brigade, four warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons and ammunition, as well as the illumination and guidance radar of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, were eliminated by strikes of operational-tactical, army aviation, missile troops and artillery, they said in the Ministry of Defense.

A serviceman at the Mi-8MTV helicopter at a field airfield in the zone of a special military operation

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Valentin Kapustin

During the counter-battery struggle, four platoons of Grad multiple launch rocket systems, two artillery platoons of D-20 howitzers, three artillery platoons of self-propelled artillery installations "Gvozdika" and eight Ukrainian platoons of D-30 guns in firing positions were suppressed.

Russian air defense shot down six unmanned aerial vehicles and six shells of the multiple rocket launcher "Hurricane".

— Since the beginning of the special military operation, 260 aircraft, 144 helicopters, 1,611 unmanned aerial vehicles, 357 anti—aircraft missile systems, 4161 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 763 multiple rocket launchers, 3198 field artillery and mortars, as well as 4459 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed, - Igor Konashenkov listed.

The Russian armed forces are actively destroying Ukrainian ammunition depots, military expert Vladislav Shurygin noted. Large-scale losses of shells and missiles not only reduce the combat potential of the VFU, but also prevent Kiev militants from shelling peaceful cities.

– In recent weeks, information has been appearing daily about another destroyed Ukrainian ammunition depot. The Russian military has learned to find such objects and quickly destroy them. This indicates the competent work of all types of intelligence, as well as an established system for monitoring the situation," the expert believes. – It is clear that the Ukrainian military is also trying to protect these important assets. They disperse, hide ammunition among civilian buildings and peaceful houses. But Russian high-precision weapons of destruction make it possible to eliminate objects in such difficult conditions.

Air defense against "Dots-U"

On July 25, the Ministry of Defense told about the soldiers and officers who showed courage and dedication during the special operation.

The anti-aircraft missile crew of Senior Lieutenant Maxim Tomilov was covering a group of Russian troops from air raids when five enemy air objects were in his area of responsibility. Maxim competently set tasks for subordinates and personally proceeded to defeat air targets.

"Thanks to the skillful and competent actions of Senior Lieutenant Tomilov, three operational—tactical Tochka-U missiles and two Ukrainian drones carrying out aerial reconnaissance and fire correction were shot down," the military department said.

The squad of Junior Sergeant Sergei Zaitsev was advancing to support the tactical airborne assault when Ukrainian saboteurs attacked their column. In the ensuing battle, Sergei destroyed an enemy car and three militants, the enemy retreated.

Servicemen of the special forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during a combat operation in the Kharkiv direction

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Viktor Antonyuk

After the clash, Sergei took the damaged car with ammunition in tow and delivered it to its destination.

— Sergey Zaitsev's bold and decisive actions allowed the column to arrive in a given area in a timely manner and without losses, — the Defense Ministry said.

From the first days of the special military operation, Sergeant Ivan Alimasov has been carrying out engineering work to ensure the advance of Russian troops. As a result of his professional actions, more than 20 tripwires, up to 15 anti-tank and more than 30 anti-personnel mines, more than 20 anti-personnel fragmentation mines of directed destruction, including American-made, as well as 15 artillery shells of various calibers and other explosive objects were discovered, cleared and destroyed.

Repeatedly after clashes, the sergeant found unexploded shells and destroyed them.

The courage, bravery and professional actions of Sergeant Ivan Alimasov ensured the rapid offensive of Russian troops, as a result of which a strategically important object was taken under control, the Defense Ministry said.

Bogdan Stepovoy

Andrey Fedorov

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