
ForgeStar space factory will produce materials that cannot be obtained on Earth



Over decades of space exploration, scientists have found out that only in zero gravity it is possible to create some "unearthly" materials. This is what the ForgeStar platform produced by the Welsh startup Space Forge will do.

In fact, this is a "metallurgical" satellite, a miniature melting furnace where you can create unique alloys. For example, in the conditions of Earth's gravity, an alloy of lead and aluminum during melting and subsequent cooling will take the form of a sandwich, where, due to different specific weights, heavier lead will be at the bottom and aluminum at the top. However, in space they will mix evenly.


Space metallurgy has a lot of advantages — in particular, it does not pollute the air. Once in Earth orbit, ForgeStar will produce unique light alloys and semiconductors using robotic systems for six months. At the end of the work, he will deliver them to Earth, then, after a small repair, return to orbit again to perform a new task. According to ForgeStar co-owner Josh Bacon, the creation and operation of such systems is becoming increasingly profitable due to the 20-fold reduction in the cost of cargo launch services in recent years. The launch of ForgeStar in "company" with other satellites is scheduled for September with the help of a small rocket Cosmic Girl company Virgin Atlantic by air launch from an altitude of about 11 km from a specially converted Boeing 747.

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