
Invulnerable uniqueness


Flight tests of the Sarmat rocket showed the coherence of the work of a huge cooperation of enterprises

April 20, 2022 is a historical point for JSC "GRC Makeev" (part of the state corporation "Roscosmos"). The company that created almost all the naval ballistic missiles of our fleet. For the first time in many years, the Makeyevites have tested and in fact have already put into service a new heavy ballistic missile capable of delivering megatons of explosives to anywhere in the world. The head of the state corporation Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin at the educational marathon "New Horizons" of the society "Knowledge" said that one "Sarmat" is enough to destroy half of the coast of the continent. Dmitry LITOVKIN, executive editor of the Independent Military Review, was told about how missile power was created by the General Director, General Designer of JSC "GRC Makeeva", Academician of the Russian Academy of SciencesVladimir DEGTYAR.

– Vladimir Grigoryevich, the significance of the accomplished event is compared with the launch of the first Soviet ballistic missile and even with the invention of a nuclear bomb – it is so breakthrough and significant. What feelings and emotions did you experience while at the Plesetsk cosmodrome during the preparation and launch of the Sarmat rocket?

– The emotional and psychological burden was enormous! With the launch of the rocket in an instant, the whole difficult path that we went through, creating "Sarmat", swept by. And when they were convinced of success, a sense of pride, a feeling of immense happiness covered their heads. It's nice to realize and see the birth of your child. The significance of this event cannot be overestimated. This can be understood primarily by the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin watched the test launch on April 20 via video link. Congratulating the Ministry of Defense, all the specialists who participated in the creation of the Sarmat, he called it "a truly unique weapon, which has no analogues in the world and will not be for a long time."

To date, Sarmat is the crown of rocket technology, created by the cooperation of enterprises headed by the State Rocket Center. In the next 40-50 years, our newest missile system will strengthen the combat potential of the Armed Forces and reliably ensure Russia's security from external threats. And in today's difficult geopolitical conditions, this is our reliable shield, the main factor of nuclear deterrence and a guarantee of preserving peace.

In general, all the activities of the State Missile Center are connected with strengthening the country's defense capability, creating the best samples of combat missile technology. And we have once again proved that we are capable, able and will defend all our positions!

– You constantly emphasize that the merit in the birth of "Sarmat" is the cooperation of like-minded people. What is this group?

the combat unit of a strategic intercontinental missile. Photo of JSC "GRC named after V.P. Makeev"

– The creation of a promising rocket is a grandiose project in terms of its tasks and scale. Many production processes need to be launched and conducted simultaneously, therefore, perhaps the most important thing is the organization of cooperation between development companies, manufacturers and testers. And this is more than a hundred enterprises across the country, which should work as a single well-coordinated mechanism. This huge cooperation of co-executors under the leadership of JSC "GRC Makeev" ensured the work, starting from the formation of technical specifications and ending with the manufacture of the rocket and the missile complex as a whole.

– "Sarmat" is replacing "Voivode". What are the main advantages of the new complex?

– Indeed, "Sarmat" will replace the "Voivode" complex, created back in the Soviet Union. But I would like to emphasize that the Sarmat is not an analogue of the Voevoda, but an intercontinental ballistic missile of a new generation with colossal tactical and technical characteristics: first of all, unsurpassed speed, record range, the highest shooting accuracy and complete invulnerability when overcoming the missile defense system, equipped with the most modern maneuvering warheads.

– Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that only domestic components, components, parts were used in the creation of the complex...

–That's right. The creation of our rocket does not depend on foreign supplies, everything is done by Russian enterprises. "Sarmat" is a completely Russian rocket. Its development and production involves the cooperation of exclusively Russian industrial enterprises using the latest domestic technologies and materials. The sanctions imposed do not affect the progress of the work in any way.

– "Voivode" was created in Ukraine. What difficulties did Russian developers face?

– Due to the novelty of the development, a large-scale reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the production facilities of the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant was required. The dimensions of the submarine–launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) previously produced at Krasmash were significantly smaller than the newest Sarmat missile: the diameter was about 2 m, the length was from 11 to 14 m. The dimensions of the Sarmat are much more impressive: the diameter is one and a half times larger than that of the SLBM, and the length is comparable to the height of a 14-storey building.

All types of production and technologies were significantly modernized: a complete reconstruction of a number of workshops was carried out, including mechanical processing, welding and assembly, where the final welding of rocket stages and assembly work is carried out; unique equipment was purchased, including for electron beam welding, technological equipment, high-precision machines with numerical control, ensuring timely and high-quality manufacturing of products. At present, the fully updated production is ready for the release of new weapons.

The Academician V.P. Makeev State Missile Center is the lead developer of strategic missile systems with ballistic missiles. Photo of JSC "GRC named after V.P. Makeev"

A huge amount of complex work has been done, the result of which is a unique combat missile system with unsurpassed tactical and technical characteristics.

– So this is really a breakthrough?

– When we started to fulfill this important state task, we understood that a technological breakthrough was expected from us. When developing the Sarmat missile system, the maximum achievable requirements for promising missile systems are implemented, based on the novelty of design and technical solutions. This applies both to the tactical and technical characteristics of the missile itself, as well as to all components and materials, the element base and technologies, and the organization of production. The whole process of creating a new missile system is their continuous improvement, build–up and development.

– What is the most difficult and responsible technological procedure?

– There can be no trifles in the manufacture of such a product: every element of the drawing, every detail, every action, every decision taken is important. The result of a common cause depends on the professionalism, integrity, and responsibility of each specialist. As for the level of complexity of technological operations, this question cannot be answered unequivocally. Which is more difficult: the development of new design solutions or welding of the closing seam? Conducting ground tests or loading a rocket into a transport and launch container? All operations and stages are very responsible and complex, requiring the highest professionalism and skill from the performers.

– Many people are interested in why the missile system has such a name?

– Experimental design developments receive names at the stage of approval of the tactical and technical task. This is the prerogative of the state customer – the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

– Will the new missile system take over the existing silo launchers?

– Yes, with the necessary refinement of the infrastructure of the RVSN positional areas, including a unified command post, and technological re-equipment. The mine for Sarmat is a complex engineering structure that not only ensures the launch of a missile, but also guarantees its safety both when hit by conventional precision weapons and nuclear. According to its unique characteristics, Sarmat will come out of the mine under any conditions and is guaranteed to fulfill its task, no matter what.

– Vladimir Grigoryevich, the first flight, completely successful tests are over. And what's ahead?

– The launch on April 20 was the first in the program of state tests, so if we talk about the near future, there is a whole series of flight design tests ahead, preparation for which is proceeding as planned.

Dmitry Litovkin

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Comments [2]
24.06.2022 16:01
Вообще прикольно получилось, что новую ракету для подлодок поручили создавать разработчику сухопутных ракет, а новую сухопутную ракету - разработчику ракет для подлодок. Но если с "Булавой" было много косяков и долго не могли принять на вооружение, то тут как-то всё быстро прошло, хотя не понятно почему так быстро решили, ведь всего один раз летал "Сармат" пусть и успешно. Уж хотя бы раза 3-4 успешных подряд и в том числе через Южный полюс с тремя "Авангардами". Сейчас попугать бывших партнёров пусками через Южный полюс с "Авангардами" было бы особо актуально.
24.06.2022 20:06
Цитата, q
В связи с новизной разработки потребовалась масштабная реконструкция и техническое перевооружение производственных мощностей Красноярского машиностроительного завода.

главное чтобы теперь Сармат не по две ракеты в год выпускали как хваленый Авангарды, полк из 6 ед три года комплектовали.
До 27 г, когда Воеводу полностью снимут с боевого дежурства, РВСН должны получить не меньше (48 ед.) двух дивизий МБР Сармат (состав дивизии 4 полка по 6 ПУ в каждом) чтобы обеспечить равноценную замену 1:1 с Воеводой , а главное  сохранить ракетно-ядерный паритет с США.

По хорошему сначала на боевое дежурство нужно было бы поставить 48 Сарматов (две дивизии) с ядерными боеголовками (убийцы мегаполисов) как их называют в США.
Параллельно до 27г поставить на боевое дежурство новую дивизию РВСН в составе 24-30 ед. (4-5 полков) МБР УР-100 с боевым блоком Авангард. (30 ед. УР-100 находились на хранении РВСН, ранее они были переданы Украиной в счёт оплаты долгов за газ.)

После  27г. возможно следует сформировать 1-2 дивизии на МБР Сармат с гиперзвуковыми блоками Авангард, если будет налажено их серийное производство , нынешние темпы  поставки блоков Авангард  (2 шт. в год) большого оптимизма не вызывают, потому "морозить" под них Сарматы нет никакого смысла.
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